How PS244 Became the 1st U.S. Public School to Institute a Vegetarian School Lunch Program
The Rich Roll Podcast
Today on the show I visit New York's PS244 – The Active Learning Elementary School — in Flushing, Queens to chat with science teacher and Director of the school's Wellness and Nutrition Program Christian Ledesma, as well as PS244's Principal Bob Groff to find out how PS244 became the first public school in the United States to institute a vegetarian school lunch. But what I pleasantly discovered went well beyond a simple cafeteria upgrade. PS244's revolutionary school lunch program is just the latest manifestation of a school founded on principals of wellness. It's fair to say that the very fibre of PS244's DNA is the promotion of holistic health for kids premised on the advancement of not just the mind, but that of the childrens' bodies & character. And it shows. I saw food being grown in hanging gardens along the playground fences. Kindergartners making …
Karina nos invita a ver nuestra propia sexualidad de una forma sagrada y como parte de una vida saludable y nos habla de los alimentos que debemos evitar e incluir para tener una vida sana y plena que va de la mano de disfrutar de nuestra sexualidad al máximo. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Not only is Roni Selig one of my favorite people, she is one busy woman, so I am honored that she carved out some quality time to sit down with me and do the podcast in the midst of her immersive (to put it mildly) work schedule at CNN, where she has the heady title of Director of the CNN Medical, Health & Wellness Unit in CNN's New York City headquarters high above Columbus Circle. In certain respects, I suppose this makes her Sanjay Gupta's boss — heavy, right? To provide some perspective, we were meant to conduct this interview about a month ago. But as we sat in her office catching up prior to potting the mics, the Boston Marathon bombing occurred, and I had the rare opportunity to watch her — and her team at the world's leading 24-hour international news network — …
The Cost of Clutter and Managing Your Passwords with 1Password Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and leave a review in the iTunes store! It helps others find the show! Thanks! Google Drive Tutorial Yay! The Google Drive Tutorial is now available for purchase! This tutorial is just over an hour long and focuses on all the fundamentals of how to use Google Drive for creating, sharing, and storing documents using Google's free, full-fledged office suite. This tutorial will be available at the discounted price of just $7.99 until 30 June 2013, when it will increase to $9.99. Either way, it's a bargain! In this introduction, you'll learn how to create text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and even forms and surveys! So, don't wait to pay full price! You can have immediate access to Dan's 1 hour+ windshield tour of Google Drive right now! Simply …
Today on the podcast I sit down with Jason Wachob, co-founder and CEO of MindBodyGreen.com- the internet's primary destination for all things wellness. I first crossed Jason's path back in 2009 and we have been fast friends with him and his wife Colleen ever since. I love his vision and am so excited to share his story — and that of MindBodyGreen — with you. Not only has Jason placed an indelible mark on the new media scene with his Dumbo, Brooklyn based startup, eclipsing expectations of what a web-based health-oriented content provider can and should be, his personal journey from overstressed Wall Street Trader — his face forever memorialized on the wall at The Palm – one of NYC's most famous steak houses! — to Wellness Warrior / yoga & meditation evangelist is noteworthy in it's own right and eminently relatable. Enjoy the show! …
Nuestra mente es quizás el instrumento más poderoso que tenemos y cuando nos dejamos llevar por las costumbres heredadas de nuestros padres, la necesidad de pertenecer a un grupo, el miedo de perder algo, o cuando sentimos amenazada nuestra seguridad, nuestra mente actúa en piloto automático creando o cediendo a mecanismos de control tratando de “protegernos”, permitiendo que nos estanquemos emocionalmente, aceptando situaciones que a la larga suelen perjudicarnos más o crear un mayor sufrimiento. Para hablarnos de todo esto invité a Jorge Lozano, joven conferencista internacional experto en relaciones humanas quien de una forma muy amena nos explica cómo encontrar la llave para escapar de cualquier prisión emocional. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
004: Los 9 errores más comunes al hacerte vegano, con Carla Zaplana
El Podcast de Marco Antonio Regil
Cuando decidí hacerme vegano lo hice para no contribuir al sufrimiento de los animales y después reforcé mi decisión por cuestiones de salud. Claro que cometí algunos errores que no me permitían alcanzar un estado óptimo de salud. Con el tiempo aprendí a elegir mejor mis alimentos y a combinarlos para obtener los nutrientes necesarios. Carla Zaplana regresa al podcast para hablarnos sobre los 9 errores más comunes que cometen las personas cuando deciden hacerse veganas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Organizing Important Family Documents and an Intro to Google Drive Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and leave a review in the iTunes store! It helps others find the show! Thanks! Vanessa Topic: Organizing Important Family Documents I read somewhere, that “family and home office filing systems are a lot like snowflakes...each one is unique and different.” And it’s so true! With that in mind...I’m going to share some basic concepts and things to think about when it comes to preparing your documents so that you are prepared and less stressed if and when an emergency or major life event occurs. So, why organize and be prepared? If there were a major life event or emergency...let’s say a fire, flood or tornado...would you be able to grab your important files and paper within a moment’s notice? Well, there’s one good reason to get organized. 70% …
Una persona que persigue sus sueños y conoce su propósito de vida, suele tener una motivación muy distinta a alguien que simplemente trabaja para pagar las cuentas. Por lo general, la mayoría busca en el trabajo una sensación de seguridad, mientras que quien se atreve a emprender, por lo regular busca libertad. Yahairie Tapia, reconocida experta en finanzas, negocios y todo lo que tiene que ver con el dinero llega como invitada al podcast para hablarnos sobre lo que deberíamos saber acerca del dinero, empoderarnos y así tomar las riendas de nuestro futuro financiero. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Felipe Viel, exitoso presentador de televisión chileno, comparte con Marco Antonio Regil temas relacionados con la libertad financiera y el crecimiento personal. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
THE BEAST RETURNS! Once again, I'm switching gears. The interviewer becomes the interviewee. Part II. Mishka was a super popular guest on the podcast about a month ago. If you listened to the interview, you know we went deep — exhaustingly deep perhaps. Despite the fact that I had never previously met Mishka face-to-face, I had a knowing sense that we would hit it off given our many points in common – writing, running, alcoholism & sobriety. There was an immediate short hand, and we just went straight to the core until we both felt like we were drowning in molten lava when the interview was over. So when my publisher raised the issue of having someone interview me to coincide with the release of the paperback version of Finding Ultra* — hitting bookshelves and online retailers 5/21! — I knew Mishka more than fit …
Today we switch gears a bit. How? This time the interviewer becomes the interviewee. Why? In just a few days (May 21st to be exact), the paperback version of Finding Ultra* hits bookstores — front table placement at Barnes & Noble! — or so I've been told….I'll believe it when I see it — and online retailers. It's quite an honor that I am even getting a paperback release at all, and I want to make the most of the rare opportunity. On that note, my publisher thought it might be fun to have someone interview me for a change. Not to ask the same old questions I'm always asked, but to kind of go beyond the typical “Where do you get your protein?” line of inquiry and delve deeper. I must admit I wasn't to keen on the idea initially. This podcast isn't really …