
The Rich Roll Podcast
How Des Linden Won Boston: Lessons on Big Goals, Showing Up & Loving The Work
The Rich Roll Podcast

On April 16, 2018, Des Linden captured the hearts of millions the world over by becoming the first American female in 33 years to win the prestigious Boston Marathon. It wasn't just that she won. It's how she won. You see, this wasn't supposed to be Des' year. It wasn't supposed to be Des' race. Her preparation wasn't ideal. She didn't feel great. And doubt crept in. On top of everything, the weather conditions were unprecedented. So Des Linden decided to do what nobody does — sacrifice herself and her personal performance for the benefit of her friends. She famously pulled up when Shalane Flanagan detoured to the porta potty to pace her back to the group. Then selflessly repeated the gesture to help Molly Huddle bridge a separation gap. These are not things you do when you are in it to win it. But …

1 hr 38 min 25 Jun, 2018
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
229- Meditazione e rilassamento: somiglianze e differenze di "2 metodi" spesso confusi...
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Quante volte hai sentito dire frasi del tipo: “sono in un periodo stressante, dovrei rilassarmi, mi consigli un corso di meditazione?”.Meditazione e yoga vengono spesso confusi con il rilassamento, questo per diversi motivi che troverai nella puntata di oggi. Clicca qui per approfondire: https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2018/06/meditazione-e-rilassamento-similitudini-e-differenze.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica": http://sviluppopersonalescientifico.com/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=2&url=21Iscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlCredits (traccia audio) https://www.bensound.com/

17 min 24 Jun, 2018
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El podcast de Cristina Mitre
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el suelo pélvico: qué es, cómo fortalecerlo y por qué.
El podcast de Cristina Mitre

Junto a Gynea, hemos organizado el primer taller de suelo pélvico en Valencia y aprovechamos la ocasión para grabar un episodio en directo con Laia Blanco, fisioterapeuta y codirectora de RAPbarcelona, uno de los centros de referencia en el tratamiento de las disfunciones abdominales y perineales. En este capítulo tan especial aprenderás a saber qué es el suelo pélvico, cómo localizarlo y por qué es importante que empieces a trabajarlo. Recuerda que en mi blog thebeautymail.es tendrás contendio extra. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

53 min 24 Jun, 2018
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The School of Greatness
657 You Are Enough with Carrie-Anne Moss
The School of Greatness

“I AM ENOUGH. I DESERVE SUCCESS.” You have to fight for what you want if you want to accomplish anything. Otherwise it wouldn’t be an achievement, it would just be the way life is. Unfortunately, the struggle we have to go through to achieve our dreams can be overwhelming. It can be discouraging, and often times people give up just before they hit that pivotal point in life. One thing you can do to push through is remind yourself that you are enough. You can succeed. It’s going to take time, dedication, and a lot of failures. As long as you keep learning, and stay strong, you can achieve anything. To go further into this, I wanted to bring back a clip from a previous episode with Carrie-Anne Moss. You may remember her as Trinity from The Matrix. What you may not know is how …

5 min 22 Jun, 2018
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El milagro mexicano

El Dr. Rafael López, con motivo de la histórica victoria de la Selección Mexicana de fútbol, nos habla en este Episodio sobre la victoria y el sentimiento -en el cerebro, por supuesto- de satisfacción que nos provoca conseguir nuestras metas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

48 min 22 Jun, 2018
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The Rich Roll Podcast
The Power of Owning Your Story
The Rich Roll Podcast

Today's podcast is a conversation and interactive audience Q&A with me and Julie Piatt, excerpted from the first group session conducted during our recent retreat in Italy. For those brand new to the show, Julie is an accomplished yogi, healer, musician, mom of four, and host of the Divine Throughline podcast — musings on all things spiritual and living a life divine. She also happens to be my wife. This is a very raw and open freewheeling exchange oriented around the theme of storytelling. It’s about the courage of vulnerability — how owning and sharing your story can serve as a vehicle to connect with yourself and others, cultivate community, and ultimately bring all of us closer. It's about how to better meet life’s challenges and obstacles. And it’s an open conversation about the transformative power of holding the highest vision for ourselves and others. …

1 hr 41 min 22 Jun, 2018
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070 podcasts
[SHOTS DE CIENCIA] E4 ¿Por qué nos cuesta creer en el cambio climático?
070 podcasts

Es normal preguntarse por qué la gente sigue fumando a sabiendas de lo dañino que puede ser un cigarrillo. La ciencia, las cifras y las mismas personas son la evidencia de los efectos que tiene fumar. Una situación similar ocurre con el cambio climático en el planeta. Por más que la ciencia afirme que la tierra se calienta y que hoy el ser humano tiene que ver con esto, la gente no cree o sus acciones parecen demostrar que no es una realidad. Este es un viaje al pasado para cuestionar el clima y las mentes en el presente. Un viaje a la psiquis humana para encontrar algunas respuestas sobre por qué pensamos como pensamos y su relación con el cambio climático. Shots de ciencia es un podcast producido por Efraín Rincón y Esteban Pardo. Hace parte de la red de 070 podcasts. La música …

10 min 21 Jun, 2018
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The Science of Happiness
How to Forgive Your Father
The Science of Happiness

Holding on to a grudge? Hear how our happiness guinea pig tried to let go of deep-seated anger and resentment. Link to Episode Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/pphybmay

17 min 21 Jun, 2018
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Les Couilles sur la table
Cours particulier avec Eric Fassin (1/2)
Les Couilles sur la table

Pour terminer cette première saison, on vous propose ce grand entretien avec Eric Fassin. Professeur de sociologie à l’Université Paris-8 Vincennes-Saint Denis dans le département de Science Politique et celui des Études de genre, chercheur au Laboratoire d'études de genre et de sexualité du CNRS, Eric Fassin est incontournable pour qui s’intéresse au genre. Et en plus, il s’exprime clairement sur ces sujets parfois difficiles à appréhender. On lui a donc demandé un cours particulier.Dans la première partie de cette conversation, on prend le temps de revenir sur les concepts dont il a été beaucoup question dans le podcast cette année. Que faire de l’expression “masculinité toxique” et “masculinité positive” ? Est-ce qu’on peut changer son désir ? Comment sont nées les études de masculinités ? Pourquoi on parle de masculinités au pluriel ? Pourquoi la chercheuse Raewyn Connell est tellement importante quand on veut …

42 min 21 Jun, 2018
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070 podcasts
[ADVNNC] T1 E5 Isla de perros [2018]
070 podcasts

Isla de perros (2018) es la más reciente película de Wes Anderson, una película animada por completo en stop motion y en la que los perros son aislados de la sociedad por una enfermedad “incurable”. En este quinto capítulo, Sebastián, Julie y Nicolás se sentaron a hablar sobre el stop motion, lo japonés convertido en cliché y la fascinación por un arte de animación que se resiste al tiempo. A donde vamos no necesitamos carreteras es un podcast de 070 podcasts en colaboración con Akorde FD. Cuenta con la participación de Sebastián Payán, Julie Fajardo y Nicolas Torres. La dirección de arte es de María Elvira Espinosa, la música de Gabriela Navas, y la dirección y edición general son de Sebastián Payán.

41 min 20 Jun, 2018
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Can an Underdeveloped Cerebellum Cause You To Struggle in School or Work? PT. 3 with Wynford Dore
Change Your Brain Every Day

Many struggles that children or adults face in school or work are the result of an underdeveloped cerebellum. The good news is that you can increase blood flow to the cerebellum through a process called vestibular stimulation. In the third and final episode of Cerebellum Week, Dr. Daniel Amen and Wynford Dore discuss which of these activities will help the most with vestibular stimulation.

16 min 20 Jun, 2018
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Entiende Tu Mente
Acompañar a una persona con depresión - Podcast 55
Entiende Tu Mente

Diez podcast atrás, en el capítulo 45, hicimos una pequeña introducción sobre la depresión. Si no lo has escuchado aún, te animamos a que lo hagas (aquí te dejamos el enlace: https://entiendetumente.info/depresion/). En esta ocasión abordamos el mismo tema, pero desde otra perspectiva que nos parece de vital importancia; ya que pese a que la depresión, según la OMS, es un trastorno que afecta ya a más de 350 millones de personas en todo el mundo, generalmente no sabemos cuál es la mejor manera para acompañar y ayudar a una persona que está pasando por un periodo depresivo.Toma tu cuaderno de notas, porque te dejamos algunas ideas que pueden venirte bien, si tienes en tu entorno cercano a una persona deprimida.Recuerda que seguimos, como cada semana, sumando nuevos contenidos a nuestra zona del CLUB ETM. Estos días estamos publicando nuevas sesiones del RETO “Cultivar la …

20 min 20 Jun, 2018
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Three Rules
Thinking on Your Feet
Three Rules

Blake Wexler is a comedian & writer. His latest album with Todd Glass called “12 Years of Voicemails from Todd Glass to Blake Wexler” peaked at #1 on iTunes. I'll let you guess what the album is about. On this episode we cover... Self-distribution vs working with producers & production companies. How he got started as a comedian & improved his craft. One of his earliest & most memorable experiences bombing on stage. How to face rejection & doubt. Go to groundupshow.com for more. Thanks for listening!

1 hr 19 min 20 Jun, 2018
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 174: Make Something by Hand
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Make something by hand that you’d ordinarily buy, have a “Take My Stuff” party, and are you more interested in the event or in the company?Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; podcast@gretchenrubin; happiercast.com/75; 774-277-9336. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

34 min 20 Jun, 2018
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10% Happier with Dan Harris
Scott Norton, The Condiments Guy Who Meditates
10% Happier with Dan Harris

Since invading the condiments market with Sir Kensington's, a line of ketchup, mustard and other spreads, company co-founder Scott Norton said meditation has helped him slow down and have better self-assessment under the stress of managing a start-up. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

52 min 20 Jun, 2018
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