
Entiende Tu Mente
Inteligencia Emocional - Podcast 53
Entiende Tu Mente

A comienzos de la década de los 80 del siglo pasado, Howard Gardner lanzó su célebre teoría sobre las inteligencias múltiples en la que defendía que la inteligencia es mucho más que el número que marca el cociente intelectual de cada uno. Gardner hablaba ya de la existencia de varios tipos de inteligencia, como la “interpersonal” -la capacidad de entender las emociones del otro, o más concretamente sus intenciones, motivaciones y deseos- y la “intrapersonal” -la capacidad que uno mismo puede tener para entender sus emociones y motivaciones-. Unos años después fue Daniel Goleman quien popularizó la idea de la existencia de una “inteligencia emocional”. De hecho, así “bautizó” a su best-seller publicado en 1995.En este podcast charlamos durante más de 20 minutos sobre el término “Inteligencia Emocional”. Sobre la importancia de entender y comprender las emociones propias y las de los demás.Por último comentarte …

26 min 06 Jun, 2018
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 172: Toss Unnecessary Papers
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Toss unnecessary papers, invent your own holidays, remember that people don’t necessarily perceive the world the way that you do, and the fun of scratch-n-sniff.Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; podcast@gretchenrubin; happiercast.com/172; 774-277-9336. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

38 min 06 Jun, 2018
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Three Rules
Amber Rae on The Myth of Success
Three Rules

Amber Rae is an author, blogger & coach. On this episode of The Ground Up Show we discuss everything that's wrong with our view of success, what stops people from starting & how to finish your next project. New podcast every Wednesday! YouTube: https://goo.gl/nzS5ri Podcast: http://groundupshow.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/mattdavella/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/mattdavella/ Thanks for listening!

1 hr 23 min 06 Jun, 2018
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10% Happier with Dan Harris
Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, Meditating While Having ADHD
10% Happier with Dan Harris

Stephanie Sarkis, an author and expert in ADHD, anxiety disorders, autism spectrum disorder and chronic pain, brings a unique perspective to her work because she herself struggles with ADHD and anxiety. Working mostly with adults, from college-age on up, Sarkis said she began recommending mindfulness meditation to her clients and then began a practice herself when she read about the possible benefits and saw positive changes in those she treated. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

57 min 06 Jun, 2018
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The School of Greatness
650 Leadership Lessons from the Masters
The School of Greatness

“The leader who acts like they have all the answers leaves no opportunity for others to help.” - Simon Sinek My previous mashup episodes have been exploding. Because of this, I wanted to bring you an episode on leadership. No matter who you are, or what you do, you will be in a leadership position at some point. Whether you are the CEO of a company, or a stay at home parent: there are people who rely on you to stand up and take charge. This can be a very confusing situation, as sometimes you may find yourself feeling like you can’t ask for help. You also may feel like you’re losing progress and need to keep moving forward. To give you the tools you need to lead in success I wanted to bring you back segments from Alison Levine, Simon Sinek, Nancy Duarte, and …

25 min 06 Jun, 2018
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Mándarax: ciencia en tu vida diaria

En este Mándarax, Leos y Alita hablan sobre la bebida favorita de muchos: el café; por qué nos pone, qué lo hace saber tan rico y cómo hacer la taza de café perfecta sustentado por la ciencia. También, de dónde viene el té y la pregunta del millón ¿El té tiene cafeína? Puentes.mx Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/mandarax) Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/mandarax Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

1 hr 9 min 05 Jun, 2018
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070 podcasts
[ADVNNC] T1 E4 Películas de, sobre, para y en contra de presidentes
070 podcasts

En este cuarto capítulo Nicolás, Julie y Sebastián hablaron sobre las películas de presidentes. Discutieron acerca de esas tres grandes categorías en las que caben estas producciones: las películas biográficas o mi presidente es mejor que el suyo; esas un poco más críticas del tipo "quizás mi presidente no fue tan bueno"; y las que dicen "ojalá ese fuera mi presidente". Analizaron en paralelo la manera como los directores de Hollywood y los de la escena del cine latinoamericano se aproximan a esta temática preguntándose, ¿quién es más critico y objetivo a la hora de retratar a estos personajes? A donde vamos no necesitamos carreteras es un podcast de 070 podcasts en colaboración con Akorde FD. Cuenta con la participación de Sebastián Payán, Julie Fajardo y Nicolas Torres. La dirección de arte es de María Elvira Espinosa, la música de Gabriela Navas, y la dirección …

37 min 05 Jun, 2018
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Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships
174 - Numerous Non-Binary Identities (with therapist Dara Hoffman-Fox)
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships

Author and gender therapist Dara Hoffman-Fox joins us once again to talk about gender, identity, and the full spectrum that lies outside the traditional binary. We discuss terminology, misconceptions, and the important journey of discovering one's self identity. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community. Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know I Did by Josh and Anand.Follow us on Instagram @Multiamory_Podcast and visit our website Multiamory.com. We are a proud member of the Pleasure Podcasts network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

56 min 05 Jun, 2018
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Medita Podcast
MDT030: Meditación para liberar el miedo a volar, guiada por Mar del Cerro
Medita Podcast

En esta sesión haremos una meditación guiada con el fin de relajarnos y liberar el miedo y la ansiedad que a mucho nos provoca volar.Vienen vacaciones y muchos me han está preguntando si existe alguna técnica que les pueda ayudar a relajarse en momentos de viaje, de estrés y de ansiedad. En lo personal, soy muy obsesiva con llegar al aeropuerta y a mí más que volar, me causa mucha ansiedad todo el proceso previo, no es hasta que estoy en el avión que me relajo. Se que a muchos les pasa, pero a otros es el avión el que los provoca y les causa angustia. Cual sea tu caso, te invito a escuchar esta sesión que estoy segura te ayudará a relajarte y hacer del proceso algo más sencillo y placentero.Puedes escuchar Medita Podcast en:Spotify: http://bit.ly/MDTSpotifyItunes: http://bit.ly/MDTItunesSoundCloud: http://bit.ly/MDTSoundStitcher: http://bit.ly/MDTStitcherYoutube: www.youtube.com/mardelcerroIvoox: http://bit.ly/MDTIvooxMardelcerro.com: www.mardelcerro.com/medita-podcast/ Si quieres …

10 min 05 Jun, 2018
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Change Your Brain Every Day
The Traumatic Brain Injury That Changed Gary Busey’s Life- Pt. 1 with Gary Busey
Change Your Brain Every Day

In a series focused on head trauma and brain injury, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are joined by Academy Award-nominated actor Gary Busey. Gary describes the brain injury he suffered in 1988 from a horrific motorcycle accident, as well as how his life’s challenges have given him a unique perspective and method of defining what means the most to him.

17 min 04 Jun, 2018
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Little: Yes, I Made a Dumb Mistake—But People Have Made Dumber Mistakes.
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Even rocket scientists can make a simple math error. Mistakes happen. Nobody’s perfect. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

1 min 04 Jun, 2018
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The Rich Roll Podcast
How to Be Well: Frank Lipman, MD On The Keys To A Happy & Healthy Life
The Rich Roll Podcast

Health isn't the absence of disease. It's a total state of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing. Frank Lipman, MD gets it. And today's conversation reflects this very ethos. A leading trailblazer in Functional and Integrative Medicine, Frank began his training in his native South Africa. Disillusioned with the limitations of conventional medicine, he then spent 18 months working at clinics in the bush. Introduced to local traditional healers (sangomas) kindled an interest in non-traditional healing modalities, catalyzing a passion for combining the best of Western medicine with age-old Eastern techniques of healing, including acupuncture, Chinese medicine, herbal medicine, meditation, and yoga. Today Frank treats patients holistically as the founder and director of Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City. In addition, he is a New York Times best-selling author of six books: Total Renewal*, Revive*, The New Health Rules*, 10 Reasons You …

2 hr 2 min 04 Jun, 2018
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
226- I "segreti" per una vera attenzione sostenuta...nella meditazione e non solo...
Il Podcast di PsiNel

La nostra attenzione è un fenomeno complesso che i miei colleghi studiano da anni, sono partiti dalla percezione visiva degli oggetti fino ad arrivare a dissezionare tutto il processo.In questa puntata ti mostro l’unico vero segreto per creare una buona “attenzione sostenuta” e lo facciamo partendo dalla tradizione più antica, quella della meditazione.Clicca qui per approfondire:https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2018/06/meditazione-attenzione-sostenuta.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica": http://sviluppopersonalescientifico.com/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=2&url=21Iscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.html------------------------------------------------------------NUOVI EVENTI:Ci vediamo in Sicilia a Catania?https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-i-3-acceleratori-della-crescita-personale-per-raggiungere-i-tuoi-obiettivi-catania-46006375307?aff=CataniaWeCan&afu=198615026702Oppure ci vediamo in Sardegna a Cagliari? https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-i-3-acceleratori-della-crescita-personale-per-raggiungere-i-tuoi-obiettivi-cagliari-46007312109?aff=CagliariWeCan&afu=198615026702Credits (traccia audio) https://www.bensound.com/

18 min 03 Jun, 2018
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The School of Greatness
649 Make a Comeback - Body and Mind Training with Brooke Ence
The School of Greatness

“YOU HAVEN'T LOST CHANCES TO BE A BETTER PERSON.” Are you aware you’re constantly being judged? I bet you are. Are you letting it affect the the way you live your life? I really hope not. Today, it’s so much easier to feel the burden of judgment. With social media, our lives are always in the spotlight. There are so many people who will hate on us, and the more successful we are the more haters there usually are. You can’t listen to them. You just need to follow your heart and brush off their comments. Focus in on listening to those that you really do care about, not some stranger that you’ve never heard of. I have a special guest who knows more about this than most people: Brooke Ence. Brooke is a fitness and Crossfit icon. She also appeared in Wonder Woman as …

1 hr 11 min 03 Jun, 2018
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El podcast de Cristina Mitre
Métodos anticonceptivos a examen: no hormales, combinados o con solo gestágenos. Dudas, miedos y mitos.
El podcast de Cristina Mitre

Cuarto episodio de la serie Asuntos Internos, en colaboración con Gynea, en el que repasaremos con el Dr Josep Perelló, ginecólogo adjunto en el Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona), especialista en endometriosis, ginecología endocrinológica reproductiva y vicepresidente de la Junta Directiva de la Sociedad Catalana de anticoncepción, las ventajas y los incovenientes de los métodos anticonceptivos (no hormales, combinados o con solo gestágenos). Hablaremos de los recelos y, también, los efectos secundarios asociados a los anticonceptivos hormonales y desmontaremos algunos mitos sobre los anticonceptivos que aún gozan de buena salud. No olvidéis pasaros por www.thebeautymail.es donde encontraréis contenido extra. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

1 hr 16 min 03 Jun, 2018
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