
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships

This week, we're talking about restorative justice with Senior Legal Director Andy Izenson from the Chosen Family Law Center, Inc. We're covering what restorative justice is, what many people think it is (spoiler: it's wrong), and how to give more support to your communities and make them better and healthier. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community. Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know I Did by Josh and Anand.Follow us on Instagram @Multiamory_Podcast and visit our website Multiamory.com. We are a proud member of the Pleasure Podcasts network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

1 hr 12 min 03 Mar, 2020
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Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast
Episode 16: Two Parts of Autonomy to Help Reduce Burnout Risk
Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast

March 2, 2020 Episode Highlights: Happy March! Join me over a glass of water as I chat with you about two aspects of autonomy (flexibility and front-line decision making/influence) that I believe, if able to attain, could help minimize risk of burnout. If you liked this podcast, please subscribe, share and leave an honest review. Disclaimer: All views are my own and for informational purposes only. They are not to be viewed as medical advice or training. Resources: www.jennifergeorge.co Host Social: IG: @jgbestobsessed Twitter: @jenngeorge08 Facebook: Jennifer George - Best Obsessed LinkedIN: Jennifer George

8 min 03 Mar, 2020
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Medita Podcast
MDT110: 3 errores que el 99% de los meditadores principiantes cometen (y cómo evitarlos para conectar y encontrar paz en tu día). Con Mar del Cerro
Medita Podcast

En esta sesión te comparte el audio de un webinar muy especial que he estado dando en vivo.Si quieres inscribirte, todavía tienes tiempo, hay dos sesiones en vivo más:Martes 3 de marzo a las 14 hrs México.Jueves 5 de marzo a las 9 hrs México.Inscríbete aquí: https://my.demio.com/ref/7IYeUhPH80CTKWysRecuerda, el cupo es limitado.Si quieres ser parte del Reto 21 días de meditación, inscríbete al Reto aquí: https://bit.ly/R21DGracias por escuchar Medita Podcast.Namaste, Mar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

39 min 03 Mar, 2020
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kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago
#49 Tentando a la suerte: Marco Aurelio, ruletas rusas y cazadores de tesoros
kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago

(NOTAS COMPLETAS DEL CAPÍTULO AQUÍ: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/49-tentando-a-la-suerte-marco-aurelio-ruletas-rusas-y-cazadores-de-tesoros/)Hace unos meses un hilo de twitter generó algo de polémica en el ecosistema emprendedor español y a mí me hizo reflexionar mucho porque se conectó en mi cabeza con ideas que había escuchado antes. Su creador fue Eduardo Manchón, comenzaba con una serie de preguntas:¿Cuál es el significado real de la suerte aplicado a nuestra experiencia personal?¿Éxito y capacidad van juntos?¿Es la meritocracia real o un espejismo?Venía a decir que la correlación entre capacidad y éxito es baja. Que el éxito es muchas veces el resultado de una concatenación de sucesos positivos que se acaban realimentando entre sí. Que la capacidad tiene menos importancia de la que solemos atribuirle. Cómo trabajando igual de bien o de mal en lo que hicieron, siendo las mismas personas y con la misma capacidad, igual que acabó vendiendo su empresa a Google, podría …

18 min 03 Mar, 2020
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En terapia con Roberto Rocha
Ep 15 Infidelidad ¿Continuar o no?
En terapia con Roberto Rocha

¿Tu relación pasó por una infidelidad pero no sabes si terminar o continuar? Te comparto 5 aspectos que debes considerar para tomar una decisión Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/en-terapia-con-roberto-rocha. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

27 min 03 Mar, 2020
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Eat This Salad Every Day for a Younger and Healthier Brain, with Max Lugavere
Change Your Brain Every Day

More and more research is coming out about the health benefits of a Mediterranean-style diet. Dark, leafy greens and colorful veggies are like medicine for your brain and body, so incorporating them into your diet can be a game changer. In the second episode of a series with “Genius Foods” author Max Lugavere, he reveals the salad you can eat every day for a brain that looks 11 years younger.

13 min 03 Mar, 2020
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The School of Greatness
922 In Order to Be Successful You Must Do This: James Altucher
The School of Greatness

Want to be successful? You gotta fail first. If you want to accomplish anything great in life, it's most likely not going to be an easy path to get there.Sometimes, things fall into place for us. But more often than not, things fall out of place, and we find ourselves sitting in failure. Sometimes it's our fault, sometimes it's not, but whatever the case, failures are hard to handle.I myself understand failure. I used to live on my sister's coach. My injury immobilized me, and for months, I wallowed in self-pity. Finally, I realized that my failures and hardships didn't hinder me from greatness. My sister kicked me out, and I learned to fight for myself again.My guest today knows all about failure and how it can set you up for success.In addition to having incredible hair, James Altucher is an American hedge fund manager, …

1 hr 8 min 02 Mar, 2020
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Mi lucha por respirar

Mi lucha por respirar

37 min 02 Mar, 2020
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Dieta cetogénica

Dieta cetogénica

46 min 02 Mar, 2020
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El podcast de Jana Fernández
El cerebro humano: hípersocial y saturado, con Manuel Martín-Loeches
El podcast de Jana Fernández

Hola a todos y bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio del Podcast de Jana Fernández. Es innegable que vivimos en la era de los datos y la información. Cada Segundo se difunde en la red el equivalente a dos veces el contenido de la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia, es decir 28 millones de volúmenes por segundo. ¿Está nuestro cerebro preparado para procesar toda la información que recibimos al ritmo que la recibimos? ¿Cuáles son los efectos de no dormir en nuestro cerebro? ¿Cuáles son las claves de un cerebro sano? ¿Cómo afecta la soledad a nuestro cerebro? El cerebro es todavía una gran incógnita, el desafío pendiente de la ciencia, junto con el espacio y los fondos abisales marinos. La neurociencia ha cumplido ya los 100 años como disciplina científica, pero aún no existe una teoría común de cómo funciona el lugar más complejo del universo, …

1 hr 12 min 02 Mar, 2020
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On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Sophia Bush ON: Learning To Accept Yourself In The Present While Becoming A Masterpiece
On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty and Sophia Bush are equally passionate about social justice and current issues. Today they sat down to talk about the path to Hollywood, the importance of grassroots involvement, and the current issues that challenge the world today. Jay Shetty and Sophia Bush cover topics that range from climate change to self confidence. You’ll also hear Bush’s advice for those who want to make a difference in their communities, but don’t know where to start. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

1 hr 43 min 02 Mar, 2020
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Love Life with Matthew Hussey
5: Why Men Don't Open Up (And What To Do)
Love Life with Matthew Hussey

Let's talk about masculinity. In 2020, there is still such a gap of understanding between men and women that deeply affects our romantic relationships and prevents us expressing our love fully and honestly. In this episode Matt explains: - How men struggle with vulnerability vs. expectations of "being a man" - Why men are afraid to be honest about their fears and inner feelings - What men AND women can do to make men feel safer expressing their honest emotions --- Follow Matthew @thematthewhussey, and Stephen @stephenhhussey on Instagram and Twitter. Email the show with your thoughts at [email protected] Download the 5 Techniques To Get Him To Open Up at GetHimToTalk.com

27 min 02 Mar, 2020
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PsicoGuías por Helena Echeverría
Pierde el Miedo a Tus Pensamientos Negativos y Sé Libre | Episodio 123
PsicoGuías por Helena Echeverría

Muchas veces no se trata de luchar contra los pensamientos negativos, sino perderles el miedo. Si no tienes miedo a lo que piensas podrás ser libre y cumplir las metas que te propongas. Dale al play y aprende cómo hacerlo. SESIONES ONLINE https://psicoguias.com/sesiones MANUAL VIVIR SIN ANSIEDAD https://psicoguias.com/manualansiedad ¿HABLAMOS? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/psicoguiasweb/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helenapsicoguias ivoox: https://psicoguias.com/ivoox Twitter: https://twitter.com/psicoguiasweb itunes: https://psicoguias.com/itunes Pinterest: https://es.pinterest.com/psicoguias/ Sitio web: https://psicoguias.com Si te ha gustado el audio, por favor, dale ME GUSTA, haz una reseña / comentario, suscríbete y compártelo. ¡Muchas Gracias! Escucha el episodio completo en la app de iVoox, o descubre todo el catálogo de iVoox Originals

20 min 02 Mar, 2020
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Mel Urie On Conquering The Impossible: How To Live A 'No Excuse' Life
The Rich Roll Podcast

Over the last few months, I've had the privilege of hosting conversations with an impressive litany of powerhouse women breaking paradigms across a wide swath of disciplines. Mel Urie has more than earned her spot amongst these powerful boundary crushers. And I for one am here to celebrate her. Devoted listeners will recall Mel’s first appearance on the show (along with fellow endurance fiend Danielle Grabol) a little over a year ago (RRP 421) wherein these two badass athletes discussed becoming the first two females to ever complete EPIC5 — a race I helped pioneer that involves completing 5 Ironmans on the 5 Hawaiian Islands in just 5 days. But then Mel had to go and just completely outdo herself (and embarrass the rest of us) by becoming the first female to not only attempt but to actually complete the fatally absurd ultra-endurance fever dream …

1 hr 47 min 02 Mar, 2020
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Satisfied & Content
EP 25: Parenting Life: Talking to Your Teen About Vaping
Satisfied & Content

As awkward and as difficult as these kinds of talks may be, e-cigarettes and the vaping industry have a stronghold on American teen culture. The onus is on parents to explore this topic with their tweens and teenagers so that nicotine addiction doesn't end up making itself at home in your child's body and mind. With flavors like Unicorn Puke and Cotton Candy, you better believe that you'll want to discuss with your teen their thoughts on vaping and whether they've done it. You'll hear some practical tips, reflections from teens who vape, as well as straight-no-chaser insight from a doctor.

35 min 02 Mar, 2020
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