
The School of Greatness
921 Take Time to Reflect
The School of Greatness

“I would like to live in a world where it’s not the loudest voice that wins, but instead it’s the best idea that wins.” If you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at http://www.lewishowes.com/921 and follow at instagram.com/lewishowes Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

6 min 28 Feb, 2020
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12 - Honouring female sexuality

Episode 5 explores the clitoral orgasm, female masturbation, sex education and polarity! Follow on instagram @twelve4pleasure. 12 - The Experience is my 8 week online course for women; where you will learn about, celebrate, share, discover and connect to the magnificence of your sexuality. Launching two options; starting 27th or 28th October 2021. Visit twelve4pleasure to find out more. Quote PODCAST21 to get a 10% discount. ReferencesThe film ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’The film ‘Gigi’The Story of O by Anne DesclosOMGYes.com‘Come As You Are’ by Emily Nagoski ‘What We’re Told Not to Talk About’ by Nimko AliTony Robbin’s theory of polarity

18 min 28 Feb, 2020
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Dos psicólogos analizando la película PARÁSITOS [Ep. 55]

En este episodio Paulina y Ricardo analizan desde una perspectiva psicológica la película de PARÁSITOS (Parasite) del director Bong Jooh Ho, ganadora del Oscar a mejor película 2020 entre otros tantos reconocimientos.

42 min 28 Feb, 2020
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SEXO (nuestras razones más secretas para practicarlo)

Conducido por Paulina Millán y Jon Altamirano.Apóyanos: https://www.paypal.me/PaulinaMillanAlvarezSupport the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

48 min 28 Feb, 2020
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Y, ¿qué te llevas?
T2 - E20 Y, ¿qué te llevas de las expectativas? Alberto Villarreal
Y, ¿qué te llevas?

¡Hola! Bienvenidos a otro episodio de "Y, ¿qué te llevas? En esta ocasión platicamos con Alberto Villarreal, escritor y booktuber sobre las expectativas. Fue un tema súper interesante porque nos cuestionamos t-o-d-o. Platicamos sobre cómo ponernos nuestras propias expectativas y aprender a soltar poco a poco las de los demás. ¡Esperamos que se lleven tanto como nosotros!

53 min 28 Feb, 2020
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Implante Coclear

Implante Coclear

44 min 27 Feb, 2020
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Once Upon A Gene
Neena Nizar and the Jansen's Foundation
Once Upon A Gene

ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 019 Neena Nizar and the Jansen's Foundation My guest today was misdiagnosed for decades and now she shares a diagnosis with her two young boys. They were all born with an extremely rare disease called Jansen's Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia. With this disease, the body loses its ability to form bone properly and numerous surgeries are often required to correct the bones. Neena Nizar moved her family from Dubai to America to get the help they needed for this disease. She is a huge advocate, creating the Jansen's Foundation and working with doctors and researchers to find a cure for this disease. She's working tirelessly to give hope to so many in the rare disease community. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS Tell me about your story of diagnosis with Jansen's. I didn't know I had Jansen's for 32 years. Before I got married or …

37 min 27 Feb, 2020
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Love Life with Matthew Hussey
4: Why Do Happy People Cheat?
Love Life with Matthew Hussey

There's no easy way to talk about infidelity. It's a painful, difficult topic that evokes a strong emotional reaction. But it's also one that so many people face that I wanted to bring you one of the wisest voices out there on this topic: relationship expert, psychotherapist, and bestselling author Esther Perel! (@estherperelofficial) Listen as we talk about why even happy people can be driven to cheat, what to do about it, and whether there is ever a path to recovering a relationship after infidelity. Email your thoughts at [email protected]!

13 min 27 Feb, 2020
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The Science of Happiness
Step Away from Anxiety
The Science of Happiness

Do you have a hard time calming your nerves? Author Raina Telgemeier tries a practice to get out of her head, one step at a time. Link to Episode Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/d42v3ywd

20 min 27 Feb, 2020
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
Live 43: Improvvisare richiede preparazione!
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Improvvisiamo...per bene :-)

52 min 27 Feb, 2020
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Cómo organizar reuniones más productivas

¿Te gustaría liderar una reunión efectiva, dónde todos los asistentes participen de manera activa, dónde haya un buen ambiente y se empieza y termina a la hora prevista? Ese es el tema principal del programa de esta semana, donde compartimos nuestros mejores tips para organizar reuniones de trabajo.Notas de programa(Las notas del programa están disponibles en https://kenso.es/episodio/83-organizar-reuniones-efectivas)Índice del programa(0:00) Bienvenid@ a KENSO(3:07) Qué hacer para tener una reunión efectiva(11:51) Cómo facilitar eficazmente una reunión(25:58) Qué hacer después de la reunión(27:26) Tu plan de acción(27:54) ¡Hasta dentro de muy pronto!Recursos mencionadosEpisodio 24: Reuniones eficaces con Eva CantavellaEpisodio 81: Participa en reuniones efectivasHerramienta: Doodle para planificar reunionesHerramienta: Trello para colaborar en equipoHerramienta: Candor para generar ideas en grupoLa página web de KENSOSuscríbete al boletín electrónico de KENSOSigue a KENSO en Twitter: @beKENSOPara más aprendizajes productivos: suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTubeComparte tus sugerencias¿Qué te gustaría escuchar en …

29 min 27 Feb, 2020
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Les Couilles sur la table
Female gaze, ce que vivent les femmes (2/2)
Les Couilles sur la table

Dans la suite de cet entretien, Iris Brey expose le coeur de sa thèse sur le regard féminin à l’écran : à quoi peut-on le reconnaître ? Qu’est-ce que cela change à notre expérience de spectateurice ? Pourquoi est-ce qu’il ne s’agit pas d’une censure, mais au contraire d’une chance pour l’art cinématographique ? Le female gaze n’est pas l’inverse du male gaze, il peut être produit quel que soit le genre du réalisateur ou de la réalisatrice. Il ne s’agit pas d’objectifier les hommes comme on objectifie les femmes, mais bien de tout réinventer : la manière de filmer, de raconter des histoires, de les évaluer en terme critique… et d’enseigner le cinéma ! RÉFÉRENCES ET RECOMMANDATIONS CITÉES DANS L'ÉPISODERetrouvez toutes les références citées sur https://www.binge.audio/podcast/les-couilles-sur-la-table/female-gaze-ce-que-vivent-les-femmes CRÉDITSLes couilles sur la table est un podcast de Victoire Tuaillon produit par Binge Audio. Cet entretien a …

51 min 27 Feb, 2020
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Why You Need to Read Food Labels, with Dr. Mark Hyman
Change Your Brain Every Day

In this fourth and final episode of a series with “Food Fix” author Dr. Mark Hyman, he and the Amens discuss the ways that you can become more aware and educated about how what you eat affects you and the world at large. In order to be part of the solution and not the problem, you must avoid the ingredients that are causing harm (such as ingredients that are hard to pronounce) and take small or large steps towards a global shift of health and wellness.

11 min 27 Feb, 2020
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Les Couilles sur la table
Male gaze, ce que voient les hommes (1/2)
Les Couilles sur la table

Dans cet épisode, il est question de cinéma et de séries télévisées vues par le prisme du genre. Victoire Tuaillon s’entretient avec Iris Brey, spécialiste de la représentation du genre et des sexualités à l’écran, critique de séries et de cinéma, enseignante à l’université de Californie à Paris, et autrice de « Le regard féminin : une révolution à l’écran » (éditions de L’Olivier). Dans cette première partie, elles discutent de ce qu’est le male gaze, c’est à dire le regard masculin : à quoi est-ce qu’il correspond concrètement, en terme d’esthétique, de choix de mise en scène et de cadrage ? Où en est-on de la parité dans l’industrie cinématographique et pourquoi aujourd’hui encore, la majorité des films produits sont financés et réalisés par des hommes ? RÉFÉRENCES CITÉES DANS L’ÉPISODERetrouvez toutes les références sur https://www.binge.audio/podcast/les-couilles-sur-la-table/male-gaze-ce-que-voient-les-hommesCRÉDITSLes couilles sur la table est un podcast de …

35 min 27 Feb, 2020
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The School of Greatness
920 The Medical Medium: Know What’s Wrong So You Can Fix It with Anthony William
The School of Greatness

You can always be healed.So many people struggle with chronic illness or pain. Whether it's back trouble, ringing in the ears, or headaches, we've almost all been in a situation when we know that something is wrong but we don't know what to do and how to fix it.Thankfully, we have doctors and health professionals to diagnose us, and they're often right! But happens when the doctors aren't sure what's wrong or how to fix the problem?What if I were to tell you that there was someone who could "read" your medical condition, like a person reads a book. He could sit down with you right now and tell you what's wrong, without even looking at your charts or medical history. You'd say I'm crazy right?My guest today is committed to helping people around the world understand and improve their health. He doesn't go about …

1 hr 31 min 26 Feb, 2020
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