Hola Deportista En este episodio de Inteligencia Deportiva, abordamos un desafío común para muchos deportistas: la comparación constante con los demás. Es fácil mirar lo que otros logran y sentir que no estamos a la altura, pero este hábito puede desviar nuestra atención y energía de lo que realmente importa: nuestro propio progreso. 💡 Hablamos sobre: Por qué nos comparamos y cómo afecta a nuestro rendimiento. Cómo cambiar la comparación por inspiración y enfocarnos en nuestras metas personales. Estrategias prácticas para medir y valorar nuestro propio avance sin compararnos con los demás. 🎯 Propuestas prácticas: Crea metas específicas que se alineen con tu propio progreso. Lleva un registro de tus avances en lugar de enfocarte en lo que hacen los demás. Practica el agradecimiento por tus logros diarios y las habilidades que tienes. Recursos gratuitos:Descarga nuestra Guía de Inteligencia Emocional para Deportistas en inteligenciadeportiva.es y …
Vivere senza paura: come le fobie influenzano la nostra vita e come superarle #167
Psicologia e benessere | Il podcast di GuidaPsicologi
Benvenuti a questa intervista con il Dott. Alessio Morgan, psicologo e psicoterapeuta specializzato nei disturbi fobici. Oggi ci addentreremo in un tema molto diffuso ma spesso poco compreso: le fobie, quelle paure intense e paralizzanti che vanno oltre la semplice preoccupazione quotidiana. In particolare, ci concentreremo su due tra le più comuni, la paura di volare e la paura di guidare, che possono limitare significativamente la vita di chi ne soffre. Non perderti il podcast di GuidaPsicologi! ❣️ Hai bisogno di supporto? Ecco il nostro elenco di professionisti specializzati 👉 http://bit.ly/guidapsico Più info su FB 👉 https://www.facebook.com/guidapsicologi/ E su IG 👉 https://www.instagram.com/guidapsicologi/
Cómo detectar comportamientos tóxicos en la pareja #183
Psicología y Bienestar | El Podcast de MundoPsicologos.com
En este episodio número 183, hablamos sobre cómo detectar comportamientos tóxicos en la pareja y de qué manera nos afecta a nivel emocional y psicológico. Para ello contamos con Manuel Pérez, psicólogo especialista en el campo de la sexología clínica e inteligencia emocional. En el Podcast de MundoPsicologos.com dedicamos unos minutos a resolver aquellas cosas que quizá te habías preguntado, planteado o necesitabas resolver y no habías hecho. Más info en: 👍 Instagram en @mundopsicologos Y en 👍 Facebook en @mundopsicologos.com Puedes leer más artículos en: https://www.mundopsicologos.com/articulos y realizar tus consultas en: https://www.mundopsicologos.com/consultas
La tanatóloga Gaby Pérez Islas nos recuerda que las lecciones al perder nos dan las bases para crecer. ¡No nos define lo que hemos perdido, nos determina cómo lo hemos manejado!Escucha ‘Por el placer de entender la vida’ con Gaby Pérez Islas, un contenido de Uforia Podcasts y Por el Placer de Vivir.Disponible en la App de Uforia, nuestro canal de YouTube: Uforia Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde prefieras escucharnos.¿Cómo te sentiste al escuchar este Episodio? Déjanos tus comentarios, suscríbete y cuéntanos ¿Cuáles otros temas te gustaría oír en #PorElPlacerdeVivir?
Today Sabrina is talking about the 3-6 month mark in dating. This is an important time, and often the transition out of the honeymoon phase. This period reveals reality as dopamine-induced excitement fades, making it crucial to evaluate compatibility and address emerging dynamics. Sabrina encourages slowing down to regulate your nervous system and build trust gradually. This is the time to assess how your partner responds to your needs, communicate triggers, and explore values versus surface-level traits. Power struggles, doubts, and fears are normal as you recognize both strengths and flaws in each other. Sabrina highlights the importance of healthy confrontation, using curiosity instead of defensiveness, and understanding red flags like disrespect or avoidance. She advises setting boundaries, meeting families, and imagining a future together if the relationship feels aligned. Above all, Sabrina urges self-compassion, self-awareness, and a commitment to authenticity, reminding you that a …
Somos seres infinitamente potenciales; al conectarnos con nuestra esencia, dejamos de ser limitados por nuestras circunstancias externas. Cuando nos alineamos con la paz interior, liberamos la creatividad que ya está dentro de nosotros, capaz de manifestar todo lo que necesitamos.
Today I have a powerful masterclass on personal transformation, success, and creative entrepreneurship! We dive deep with mindset expert Rob Dial, legendary DJ/producer Steve Aoki, and comedian Bert Kreischer, exploring everything from overcoming self-doubt to building global success through authentic collaboration. Rob shares his journey of turning personal struggles into strength through The Mindset Mentor podcast. Steve reveals how he's built an empire by elevating others and maintaining peak health despite a grueling tour schedule. The episode wraps up with an incredible segment featuring Bert, who breaks down the art of creative promotion and authentic fan engagement. This conversation is packed with actionable wisdom for anyone looking to transform their life or build something meaningful in the world.In this episode you will learn:How to transform your life by understanding and reprogramming your patterns and identityWhy chasing passion before money leads to greater long-term success and …
3 Tools To Build Self Confidence in a World where People Make You Feel Insecure
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
What makes you feel confident about yourself? How do you build your confidence when it’s low? Today, Jay discusses a topic that's all too familiar - the constant barrage of unrealistic beauty standards. He challenges the notion of a singular "most beautiful woman in the world" and explores how societal expectations and media influence our perception of beauty. Jay breaks down the historical and cultural factors that shape beauty standards, from the ancient Greek ideals of symmetry and proportion to the modern-day obsession with youth and perfection. He highlights the role of social media in perpetuating unrealistic beauty ideals and encourages listeners to question these norms and embrace their individuality. In this episode, you'll learn: How to Embrace Individuality How to Build Self-Love How to Set Boundaries How to Appreciate Uniqueness How to Practice Mindfulness By understanding the forces that shape our perception of beauty …
How To Get The Physiological And Psychological Benefits Of Nature If You Don’t Live Near Nature | Dacher Keltner
10% Happier with Dan Harris
Practical tips for accessing the healthcare of nature no matter where you live.It’s very possible that you've heard the long list of physiological and psychological benefits that one can derive from getting out into nature. Those benefits include improved mood, boosted immune system, lowered blood pressure and more. That being said, 80 percent of Americans live in urban areas. So today, we're going to talk to an expert about how to derive the many benefits of nature, no matter where you are.Dr. Keltner is one of the world’s foremost emotion scientists. He is a professor of psychology at UC Berkeley and the director of the Greater Good Science Center. He has over 200 scientific publications and six books, including Born to Be Good, The Compassionate Instinct, The Power Paradox, and Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life. He …
Licensed therapist Kier Gaines explains how therapy can improve family dynamics by focusing on individual roles and fostering safer spaces for all family members. He emphasizes that a healthy family doesn’t mean perfection — it means creating understanding and connection. You can learn more about Kier’s incredible insights on his Youtube, TikTok, and Instagram. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
#101 Antoine : « Je me suis rendu compte qu’à un moment donné le problème c’était moi »
On The Verge
Antoine, 37 ans, tenait a partager son témoignage. En effet, il est à un moment de sa vie où pour la 1ère fois il reconnait que son rapport au sexe ne lui convient plus et que c'est d'abord de sa responsabilité et non de celle de ses partenaires. Avant cela, il raconte ses années un peu compliquées au collège et au lycée, puis sa très jolie et quasi idéale première fois arrivée en douceur avec son amoureuse de l’époque.Spécialiste des relations longues, Antoine ne connait pas le célibat, en effet Il reproduit le même schéma pendant des années et se met en couple avec des femmes plus jeune que lui, ayant pas ou peu d’expérience, avec qui il prend l’ascendant notamment dans l’intimité, se positionnant comme le « sachant ». (coucou le patriarcat). Quand il quitte une partenaire, il est déjà avec celle d’après. A …
Living with CPTSD often feels like being caught in a whirlwind of stress, anxiety, and emotional overwhelm. This week, Gregory introduces a tried-and-true grounding technique: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR). In this short yet powerful episode, you will:Discover the benefits of PMR for calming your nervous system and reducing stress.Learn step-by-step how to practice this simple, effective technique.Participate in a guided session designed to help you reset and reconnect with your body.Whether you're at home, at work, or in the middle of a rough day, this episode is here to give you a moment of peace. Gregory’s calming voice will guide you through the practice, making it easy for you to feel grounded and in control.Don’t forget to make this a regular part of your routine, and join us next week for our main episode: Self-Compassion in the Healing Journey. Let’s keep moving forward, one step …
There is a lot of terrible news out there, so much so that we could spend every hour of every day reading it and still not be done. What's worse is that we can now access that news at any time, any where, any place from our phones and this has lead to a phenomena known as doomscrolling. Doomscrolling may feel comforting, but it leads to more existential anxiety, stress and apathy. It's not great for our mental health. Today we break down: What are the different types of doomscrolling Why do anxiety and doomscrolling actually feed off eachother How social media and the infinite scroll keeps us addicted to negative news The consequences for our psychology How to maintain better news and social media hygiene The best practices for being informed but not overwhelmed For my fellow doomscrollers who can't look away from the …
Acompáñanos en el episodio de hoy donde Paulina Mercado y Juan Soler nos comparten con mucho cariño, su experiencia de cómo cuidar a un ser querido. Cuidar y dejarte cuidar, dos cosas donde se vale tener miedo, pero no ser un cobarde.
En este camino de estos días donde hablamos de amor, de compasión hacia nosotros, el GRAN tema: el miedo. Y cuando el propio miedo nos da miedo. Para poner lo que explicamos en práctica, ven al Grupo de Amigos de la Vida Minful. Apúntate a transformar tu vida en https://www.rinconmind.org/amigos-de-la-vida-mindful/ O si lo prefieres, ven gratis a la clase inaugural donde descubrirás cómo salir de estreses, ansiedad y depres gracias al mindfulness amoroso. Será el martes 2 de diciembre a las 19.30. Escríbeme a [email protected]