
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships
494 - Can We Be Compassionate Towards One Penis Policies? Listener Q&A
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships

Today, we're back with another Q&A episode in which we discuss one penis policies, labels and identities, and intimate friendships. If you want one of your questions answered on an upcoming episode, consider joining our Patreon community at www.patreon.com/multiamory! Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community.This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/multi and get 10% off your first month. Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know I Did by Josh and Anand.Follow us on Instagram @Multiamory_Podcast and visit our website Multiamory.com. We are a proud member of the Pleasure Podcasts network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

52 min 27 Ago, 2024
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The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Develop the Monomaniacal Focus of Super-Successful Humans
The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

At a time when the majority are suffering from Broken Focus Syndrome, the moguls of industry have developed the magnificent ability to concentrate almost completely on the near-flawless execution of the few projects that will make their ethical ambitions real. When they work, they do real work versus fake work and understand the violence of being busy being busy. And wasting hours of their finest days mindlessly browsing online.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

2 min 27 Ago, 2024
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I problemi sono altri
tutti facciamo 'passi indietro' ogni tanto
I problemi sono altri

Il tema di oggi è stato ispirato da un evento accaduto di recente: ho annullato una vacanza all'estero perchè sono rimasta completamente bloccata dalla mia fobia per gli aerei. Se una cosa del genere fosse accaduta qualche mese fa mi sarei sentita un vero fallimento: in passato è capitato di avere delle ricadute e ritornare a sentirmi imprigionata dagli attacchi di panico e dall'ansia nonostante fossero mesi che ci stavo lavorando in terapia. Questo provocava dubbi, pessimismo, timore che forse non sarei mai più stata bene. Ora però mi sento bene e so che si tratta di un semplice momento di stallo che non ha nulla a che fare con il futuro.Come è stato possibile questo cambiamento? Nel mio caso tutta questione di prospettiva e tanta terapia! Parliamone insieme. [Se notate un peggioramento nel vostro stato di salute mentale non esitate a parlarne con un …

19 min 27 Ago, 2024
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The Jefferson Fisher Podcast
How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
The Jefferson Fisher Podcast

We all have moments where our emotions get the best of us. Maybe it’s a tough conversation at work or a heated discussion at home. If you want to have more effective communication, you must increase your emotional intelligence. In this episode, I’ll show you 3 simple steps to help you control your emotions and communicate how you’re feeling and what you need. Plus, I’ll answer a listener’s question about dealing with that one person who always gets under your skin. I’ll also point out common mistakes to avoid when emotions are high, so you can keep your talks on track and effective. Like what you hear? Subscribe to this podcast and leave a 5-star review! ____________ Pre-Order my book The Next Conversation Want a FREE communication tip each week? Click here to join my newsletter. Want to book Jefferson to speak? Click here to …

15 min 27 Ago, 2024
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Tu Desarrollo Personal
Tu Desarrollo Personal

En los momentos difíciles es donde realmente podemos encontrar las mayores oportunidades de crecimiento.

10 min 27 Ago, 2024
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Radio Headspace
Transform Your Perspective with Gratitude Now
Radio Headspace

Learn how shifting your focus to gratitude can change your outlook on life and improve your well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

6 min 27 Ago, 2024
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Medita Podcast
MDT375: Soy auténtica no perfecta, meditación para desmantelar la autocrítica y la sobre exigencia. Guiada por Mar del Cerro
Medita Podcast

En este episodio a través de un cuento te invito a cambiar el enfoque y reconocer como tu sello de autenticidad eso que alguna vez criticaste.¿Te gustó la sesión? Déjanos un comentarioSíguenosRegálanos 5 estrellitasNos ayudará a llegar a más personas y expandir este hermoso mensaje.Y si quieres seguir profundizando:SÚMATE A NUESTRO GRUPO DE WHASTAPP: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kf4mcNRJREY7vAm9w56MOrY síguenos en:IG: www.instagram.com/mardelcerroTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@mardelcerroIG: www.instagram.com/meditaconmigocastTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@meditaconmigocastRecuerda que cualquier duda, idea o propuesta estoy para ti.MEDITA PODCAST es un podcast de Medita Conmigo Cast Producción, guión y voz: Marimar del Cerro Coordinación general: Fernanda VargasEdición, diseño de sonido y música original: Silver Media StudioImágen y redes sociales: Zayuri Vargas, Valery Martinez, Mariana Torres y Daniela Calderón.¡Gracias equipo por hacer esto posible! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

15 min 27 Ago, 2024
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Dear Headspace
Back-to-School Survival Guide, with Sam
Dear Headspace

Sam and Robin answer questions about setting boundaries with your kid’s friends, dealing with neurotic parents, and never feeling like you’re enough. Follow Robin here or at Well…Adjusting To send us your question go to sayhi.chat/dearheadpace Try the Headspace app free for 30 days here. Mental health coaching is now available in the Headspace app. Connect with a trained expert for live, one-on-one care and support for everyday anxiety, stress, and big life challenges — on your time, from anywhere. Whatever you’re going through, your coach is here every step of the way. Click here to learn more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

31 min 27 Ago, 2024
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🏳️‍🌈 Comment devenir (sexuellement) épanoui ? | sexe gay
Top domi et cyberharcelé sur Grindr - EnOr 1/2
🏳️‍🌈 Comment devenir (sexuellement) épanoui ? | sexe gay

Rediffusion - EnOr (un pseudo) aime être dominant sexuellement. Cage de chasteté et BDSM, il partage des photos 🔥 sur Twitter. Il est pointilleux sur le consentement avec ses soumis, qu'il respecte. Mais un jour, plusieurs profils Grindr le menacent. Un cyberharcèlement se met en place. Et dure depuis deux ans. Il raconte.Cet épisode est une rediffusion : pour ce mois d'août je te fais une sélection des anciens épisodes les plus écoutés et qui m'ont le plus touchés, des pépites au milieu des 200+ épisodes de ce podcast 🤗✍️ PS - je réfléchis à la suite du podcast et j'ai besoin de ton aide : si tu aimes ce podcast, dis-moi pourquoi, tes épisodes préférés et partage-moi tes retours. Ça m'aidera à orienter la suite et le choix des futurs épisodes : [email protected] - merci !😈 Le Twitter interdit aux moins de 18 ans …

34 min 27 Ago, 2024
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Daily Motivations
Daily Motivations

NO EXCUSES, GET IT DONE! In this powerful motivational speech by Jocko Willink, he talks about the importance of extreme ownership, and discipline and how going after your dreams isn't an easy task to be taken lightly. Are you ready to take on the work to achieve your goals?

9 min 26 Ago, 2024
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The Psychology of your 20s
225. Overcome your fear of being perceived
The Psychology of your 20s

Our fear of being perceived is more than just social anxiety, its a real phobia around being scrutinised, observed and primarily judged by others. It's also greatly limiting your potential and ability to be your true self. But there is a way through, there is a way to escape the constant fixation on what others are thinking about you. In today's episode, we discuss: The origins and effects of scopophobia How our fear of being perceived is both a social and specific phobia Why do we worry about what other people think? Perfectionism and our fear of being perceived The impact of early childhood experiences Three mental shifts to overcome your fear of being perceived Listen now for all that and more! Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business enquiries: [email protected] omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

43 min 26 Ago, 2024
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En terapia con Roberto Rocha
Ep 239 ¿Estoy saboteando mis relaciones?
En terapia con Roberto Rocha

¿Acaso soy yo quien sabotea mis relaciones? ¿Será que me meto el pie para no tener una o para destruir aquella en la que estoy? En este episodio te lo explico. Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/en-terapia-con-roberto-rocha. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

24 min 26 Ago, 2024
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Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano
5 estrategias para disminuir la ansiedad
Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano

En el episodio de hoy, nos acompaña la Dra. Samar Yorde para contarnos cómo deberías gestionar la ansiedad con 5 recomendaciones prioritarias. Aceptar y entender te ayudará a tener mejor calidad de vida. Es tiempo de agradecer y disfrutar Por el Placer de Vivir. Un contenido pensado para ti y tu bienestar. Comparte los episodios para escuchar los mejores expertos y consejos.Disponible en la App de Uforia, nuestro canal de YouTube: Uforia Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde prefieras escucharnos.¿Cómo te sentiste al escuchar este Episodio? Déjanos tus comentarios, suscríbete y cuéntanos ¿Cuáles otros temas te gustaría oír en #PorElPlacerdeVivir?

21 min 26 Ago, 2024
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Más Allá del Rosa
116 Cómo salir adelante: quedé ciego y subí el Everest con Rafa Jaime
Más Allá del Rosa

En este episodio platicamos con Rafa Jaime, quien es ciego, conferencista, atleta de alto rendimiento, alpinista. Rafa nos cuenta su conmovedora historia de cómo a los 18 años perdió la vista por completo, de todo lo que atravesó a partir de esto y cómo logró darle vuelta a su vida. Hoy Rafa es el primer triatleta ciego en México, vive y viaja solo a pesar de su condición, es alpinista y recientemente subió el Everest. Estoy segura de que esta historia te inspirará tanto como a mí. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

3 hr 14 min 26 Ago, 2024
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El camino de vuelta a ti mientras sigues tus sueños y eres mamá | Arely Téllez

#156 En el episodio de hoy invité a una persona tan especial para mí, que se ha convertido en una de mis mejores amigas: Arely Téllez, empresaria, creadora de contenido, madre de familia y persona muy extraordinaria. En este episodio nos platica cómo fue su camino de vuelta al amor propio, de reencontrarse y ponerse como prioridad, mientras sigue sus sueños de crecer su empresa y ser mamá. Sabemos que no existe el balance perfecto, pero qué importante es reflexionar en nunca descuidar las prioridades más importantes para nosotras. ¡Espero te encante tanto como a mí! Síguela en sus redes como @arelytellez Síguenos en instagram y tik tok como @atodo_si Los Planners de A TODO SI están disponibles en Amazon, Librerías Gandhi, Envíaflores.com, Gant y OUM. Los Mantras y Diario de gratitud y manifestación de Cartas al Universo están disponibles en Amazon, Amazon USA, Librerías …

58 min 26 Ago, 2024
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