
Three Rules
Sara Dietschy on Becoming a Creator
Three Rules

Sara Dietschy is a filmmaker & podcaster that shares her passion for creating films & exploring the latest in tech. We talk about finding happiness in a $13 salad, how to create engaging content for YouTube & that time Casey Neistat gave her props in a video and she got 40k subscribers in a day. New episodes every Wednesday! groundupshow.com

1 hr 28 min 07 Mar, 2018
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Entiende Tu Mente
Personalidad Obsesiva | 41
Entiende Tu Mente

Hace unos días recibimos este e-mail: "Hola!!! Soy una seguidora del podcast muy fan de vosotros 3, lo hacéis genial y formáis un equilibrio muy interesante con vuestras opiniones y consejos :-) Quisiera proponeros un tema: Las personas con personalidad obsesiva (sin llegar a ser una patología ni impedirnos llevar una vida normal)." Y aquí tienes el resultado. En este podcast charlamos sobre las personas que tienen como rasgo, el "engancharse" a aquellas cosas que les producen refuerzo positivo, placer. Además, te presentamos algo nuevo. El CLUB ETM (el club de Entiende Tu Mente). Una sección que encontrarás en nuestra web (entiendetumente.info), en la que vas a poder acceder a contenidos extras sobre terapia de parejas, habilidades sociales, coaching para la empresa y para la vida, escuelas de padres, retos,… Dale al PLAY y compártelo si crees que a alguien le puede venir bien escucharlo. …

21 min 07 Mar, 2018
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 159: Do Something Badly
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Decide to do something badly, an interview with Adam Grant about his WorkLife podcast, and tips for dealing with the upheaval of a renovation.Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; podcast@gretchenrubin; happiercast.com/159; 774-277-9336. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

39 min 07 Mar, 2018
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10% Happier with Dan Harris
Lt. Col. Jannell MacAulay, Teaching 'Mental Push-ups' in US Air Force
10% Happier with Dan Harris

Dr. Jannell MacAulay, a lieutenant colonel and flight instructor in the United States Air Force with over 3,000 flying hours as a combat veteran, sees mindfulness meditation as national security asset. A former commander of the 400-member joint 305th Operations Support Squadron, MacAulay teaches mindfulness to her fellow commanders and other Airmen in order to improve their leadership and mission-focused performance, as well as change the culture within a high-stress military organization. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

50 min 07 Mar, 2018
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Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships
161 - Love is Not Colorblind with Kevin Patterson
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships

This week we're talking with Kevin Patterson, creator of the Poly Role Models blog and author of the upcoming book Love Is Not Colorblind: Race and Representation in Polyamorous and Other Alternative Communities. If you're interested in creating a polyamory discussion group, meet-up, or other inclusive event, this is required reading! You can find more of Kevin's work on Twitter and Instagram at @polyrolemodels or by visiting polyrolemodels.tumblr.com. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community. Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know I Did by Josh and Anand.Follow us on Instagram @Multiamory_Podcast and visit our website Multiamory.com. We are a proud member of the Pleasure Podcasts network. Learn more about your ad …

54 min 06 Mar, 2018
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The Science of Happiness
Krista Tippett on Being Grounded in Your Body
The Science of Happiness

Are you so stressed that it wears you down physically as well as mentally? Discover how award-winning radio host Krista Tippett brought relief to her mind and body. Link to Episode Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/29wdtvkj

17 min 05 Mar, 2018
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Little: It’s Fun to Have Fun, But You Have to Know How
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Throughout the ages, wise observers from Samuel Butler to Dr. Seuss have noted that it’s not as easy to have fun as you might expect. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

1 min 05 Mar, 2018
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The School of Greatness
610 Competition, Leadership, and Playing to Win with Coach Urban Meyer
The School of Greatness

We don't talk about the end all. We talk about how to get there. Having grown up in Ohio, I have always been a fan of Ohio State University. If you weren't aware, they have the best coach out there: Coach Urban Meyer. What I love about Coach Meyer is that he doesn't just set up a team for winning in football, he sets them up to win in life. Even though football is just a game, there is a lot you can learn from it. The power of teamwork, what it means to be a great leader, and what truly defines a loser (hint: it's not losing). Coach Meyer really sets all of his players up to have a solid career and foundation when they leave university because he doesn't just run a football program. He runs a leadership program. Coach Meyer has also …

36 min 05 Mar, 2018
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Autoconsciente Podcast
7. Pegue leve com você
Autoconsciente Podcast

Todos nós temos um implacável juiz interno que aponta os nossos insucessos, dificuldades, erros, limitações, que nos cobra e nos pune. Vamos neste episódio aprender a lidar com o autojulgamento! Porque você é livre para escolher como quer tratar a si próprio em qualquer situação. Você pode pegar leve consigo mesmo. Por Regina Giannetti Eu sou a voz e o coração que falam através do Autoconsciente, um podcast sobre vida interior. Desde 2016, tenho ajudado pessoas a viverem mais em paz com elas mesmas. Meu trabalho se baseia na compreensão de como a mente funciona, práticas meditativas e o uso de atitudes mentais que derivam da meditação. Esses são os pilares do método que uso em minha vida e ensino para estarmos em contato com o nosso “eu” mais profundo. ENCONTRANDO O SEU CENTRO – Meu curso on line com aulas ao vivo e gravadas …

16 min 05 Mar, 2018
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Alex Honnold: The Free Soul of Free Solo Climbing On Fear, Risk, Mindset & What It Means To Be Truly Alive
The Rich Roll Podcast

Last week I asked you to imagine being attacked by a 9-foot bull shark. This week I invite you to envision climbing the storied 3,600-foot sheer vertical rock face known as El Capitan. The trick? You have to do it without any ropes, harnesses or any protective gear whatsoever. An astonishing prospect, even the tiniest mistake or unexpected intervening variable could cost you your life — a life that hinges moment to moment upon punctilious preparation, meticulous focus, and a preternatural relationship with fear. This is one small aspect of the life of Alex Honnold, a renown professional adventure rock climber whose audacious free-solo ascents of America’s biggest cliffs have made him one of the most masterful and compelling athletes of our generation. An global icon of athletic mastery, the lore of Alex Honnold transcends sport. I imagine many of you have viewed — with …

2 hr 2 min 05 Mar, 2018
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
213- Comunicazione “costruttiva e distruttiva”... 4 modi per comunicare
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Comunichi in modo costruttivo o distruttivo? Secondo gli studi di Shelly Gable esistono ben 4 modalità di comunicazione che possono portare verso la costruzione o la distruzione di un rapporto.Clicca qui per approfondire (link valido dalle 5:00 am del 05/03/18) https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2018/03/comunicazione-costruttiva-distruttiva.htmlIscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica": http://sviluppopersonalescientifico.com/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=2&url=21

21 min 04 Mar, 2018
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El podcast de Cristina Mitre
Por qué las mujeres sufren más estrés que los hombres y cómo gestionarlo. Entrevista con la psicóloga Marta Redondo.
El podcast de Cristina Mitre

Según apuntan los estudios el estrés se está cronificando. De hecho, es ya el segundo motivo de baja laboral en nuestro país. Más de 12 millones de españoles afirman sufrirlo de manera habitual y, en el caso de las mujeres, tiene una mayor prevalencia: una de cada dos declara sentirse estresada frente a uno de cada tres hombres. ¿Por qué en las mujeres es más frecuente? La psicóloga Marta Redondo nos explica el porqué y nos da las claves para aprender a gestionarlo. Hoy, hablamos de autoexigencia, de pensamiento recurrente, de ansiedad, de la importancia del descanso y de cómo poner freno a esa inexplicable sensación de desasoiego que muchas mujeres sufren a diario. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

58 min 04 Mar, 2018
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The School of Greatness
609 Train Your Brain with John Assaraf
The School of Greatness

I'M COMMITTED TO FEELING A CERTAIN WAY EVERY DAY. One of the most important things you can do to get your mindset ready for success is to have a strong morning routine. That's honestly why I wrote my latest book, The Millionaire Morning. We only have so much attention we can give out. To people, to goals, to anything. As a result it's important to have that strong foundation. For this episode of 5 Minute Friday I wanted to bring you this insightful clip from an episode with John Assaf. John is one of the leading behavioral and mindset experts in the world. He has written two NY Times Best Sellers, was in The Secret and has built 5 multi-million dollar companies. He shares why you should be concerned with your limited number of attention units and how you can start everyday ready to win. …

6 min 02 Mar, 2018
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Change Your Brain Every Day
How Can WE Prevent More School Shootings?
Change Your Brain Every Day

We live in an era where seemingly random acts of violence occur at an ever-increasing pace. But why? What is it that pushes these disturbed individuals to commit such atrocities? In this episode, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen discuss which mental health factors may influence this type of behavior, as well as ways we can reduce the likelihood of incidence in our own children, or perhaps be better prepared should the worst occur.

15 min 02 Mar, 2018
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El Dr. Rafael López nos habla en esta ocasión sobre la aceptación; solo cuando logramos aceptar que las cosas son como son, logramos encausar nuestra vida y nuestros esfuerzos. Evadir los problemas podrá funcionar a corto plazo, sin embargo, es cuando se entiende cómo ocurren las cosas que se logra vivir mejor. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

37 min 02 Mar, 2018
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