Jordan Belfort: ON Being The Wolf Of Wall Street - How To Spot Limiting Beliefs & Changing How You Define Success
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
On this episode of On Purpose, I sat down with Jordan Belfort. Jordan is an American author, motivational speaker, and former stockbroker. Jordan’s best-selling book The Wolf of Wall Street was made into an Oscar-nominated film directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Jordan shares what stops intelligent people from making money, creating entrepreneurial opportunities for himself at 12-years-old, why we acquire limiting beliefs and not buying into the hype of money & fame. Text Jay Shetty 310-997-4177 See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Welcome to Part II of our 7th annual Best of the RRP Anthology — our way of taking a moment to reflect on the past twelve months by revisiting the year's most compelling podcast guests. It's been an honor to engage with so many extraordinary people over the course of 2019. Reviewing the year in conversation brought powerful new insights -- a reminder that these evergreen exchanges continue to inspire and inform. For long-time listeners, my intention is to launch you into 2020 with renewed vigor. If you're new to the show, my hope is that this anthology will stir you to peruse the back catalog and check out episodes you may have missed. Links to the full episodes excerpted in this anthology are listed in the below show notes. Thank you for taking this journey with me. I appreciate you. I love you. You …
THERE ARE FEW PEOPLE I TRUST WHO HAVEN’T BEEN THROUGH SOME SORT OF ADVERSITY. Many people feel that holding their shame hostage will make them a stronger person. This just isn’t true. It has become very clear to me: If you’re going to heal, you have to find a way to be open about your issues. In order to live in today, you have to be open about your past. This is the key to being comfortable in your vulnerability. This is the key to unlocking the next level of your mental health. So how do we begin to share our shame? On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about breaking free of perfectionism with someone who has been through her own deep journey of embracing her shame: Dr. Margaret Rutehrford. “Narcissism is the diagnosis of the decade ” - @doctor_margaret Dr. …
Little Happier: A Mystery: In Order to Find Something Precious, We Must Possess It Already.
Happier with Gretchen Rubin
In different ways, many people have expressed the very powerful and mysterious idea: In order to find something, we must possess it.Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; [email protected] in touch on Instagram: @GretchenRubinGet the podcast show notes by email every week here: http://gretchenrubin.com/#newsletterOrder a copy of Gretchen’s new book OUTER ORDER, INNER CALM here: http://outerorderinnercalmbook.comLeave a voicemail message on: 774-277-9336For information about advertisers and promo codes, go to happiercast.com/sponsors.Happier with Gretchen Rubin is part of ‘The Onward Project,’ a family of podcasts brought together by Gretchen Rubin—all about how to make your life better. Check out the other Onward Project podcasts—Do The Thing, Side Hustle School, and Happier in Hollywood. If you liked this episode, please subscribe, leave a review, and tell your friends! To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy …
Episode Bonus au Centre Pompidou: qu'est-ce qu'on ressent quand on crée ?
Émotions : le podcast pour mettre des mots sur vos émotions
“L'art est une garantie de santé mentale”, disait la sculptrice et plasticienne franco-américaine Louise Bourgeois, morte en 2010, à l’âge de 98 ans. De son vivant, Louise Bourgeois n’a jamais caché ses traumatismes d’enfance, ni le fait qu’ils étaient les principales sources d’inspirations de ses œuvres. Elle a toujours dit que l’Art lui avait permis, tout au long de sa vie, d’exorciser ses maux.Mais que se passe-t-il dans la tête des artistes quand ils créent? Est-ce qu’ils ressentent de l’apaisement? De l’excitation? Du bonheur? De l’angoisse? Les émotions qui se dégagent de leur oeuvre restent-elles encore en eux, une fois celle-ci terminée? Qu’est-ce qui explique que le fait de créer des œuvres d’art peut parfois apaiser, calmer, voire soigner?L’épisode bonus d’Émotions que vous allez entendre a été enregistré au Centre Pompidou. C’était le 21 novembre dernier, et nous y étions dans le cadre de la …
308- Ecco 5 libri che possono cambiare il tuo modo di vedere il mondo. Per un super 2020!
Il Podcast di PsiNel
Eccoci all’ultima puntata del 2019, episodio particolare perché per la prima volta ho provato a farlo completamente a braccio, non è stato facile anche se il tema è super affascinante.Se mi hai seguito in questo anno di certo avrai sentito parlare di questi 5 libri e dei rispettivi 3 autori… Harari, Rosling e Pinker.Clicca qui per approfondire: https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2019/12/5-libri-e-3-autori-che-possono-cambiare-il-nostro-modo-di-vedere-il-mondo-e-il-2020.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica": https://jo.my/clarity-appDai un'occhiata a Clarity:https://clarityapp.it/Iscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlSeguimi su Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/gennaro_romagnoli/
Como criar mais bem-estar em nossa vida? Nesta mesa-redonda com a participação de Regina Giannetti, podcasters dão sua visão sobre o assunto nas perspectivas da medicina, da ciência e das tradições da Índia. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
ATENTA ????sube el volumen. Te traigo un episodio nuevo del podcast, diferente y muy especial. La primera entrevista, y no podía ser a otra persona que a esta matrona tan especial, ya la conocéis de algunos post anteriores, ¡Mi hermana Cristina! (muy conocida por la foto con 38 semanas con la pierna en la oreja jeje). Aprovechamos el día previo a su fecha prevista de parto para grabar dos episodios y aquí os traigo el primero. En el os habla como matrona, que suele ver en su día a día, recomendaciones que os hace, y muchas cosas más. Me encantan vuestros comentarios y opiniones. Gracias por estar ahí haciendo posible este podcast!!
Cerramos 2019 con una entrevista al chef Juan Llorca, con quien hablaremos sobre cómo cambiar la alimentación de los niños. Según apuntan los últimos datos, la obesidad infantil se ha convertido en uno de los mayores problemas sociales y de salud del siglo XXI. En 2016, más de 340 millones de niños/as (de entre 5 y 19 años) de todo el mundo sufría sobrepeso u obesidad y si la tendencia se mantiene, en 2025 el número de menores de 5 años con exceso de peso alcanzará los 70 millones. Curiosamente, los países del arco mediterráneo son los que lideran los rankings de obesidad infantil en Europa y, de hecho, España, ocupa ya la cuarta posición. Para poder poner freno a lo que ya se considera como una epidemia, el chef valenciano lidera, junto a la nutricionista Melissa Gómez, la iniciativa #porunaescuelabiennutrida que busca mejorar los …
SPENDING CHRISTMAS ALL ALONE THIS TIME THE PODCAST IS ONLY ON AUDIO I mean come on - who wants to be alone on Christmas? It’s THE time where we all come together. I always felt sad for the people who were all alone during this time. And if someone said: „I don’t mind - it’s okay to be alone on Christmas.“ I thought - NO WAY! You are trying to convince yourself that it is alright, or you just don’t dare to tell me, that nobody likes you. Well - I did it. And that is how it went... Episode notes Make a good offer to get some of my dearest husband Samuel 02:50 Reason number 1 "why I'm all alone on Christmas & New Year" 03:35 The silly reason number 2 "why I'm all alone" 04:50 Where I am right now (SWEDEN) 06:19 Christmas …
Vamos quitarle “de año nuevo” a “los propósitos de año nuevo”. Concentrémonos en propósitos de vida para comprometernos con metas que están a nuestro alcance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Con l’episodio di oggi voglio sensibilizzare tutte le donne in ascolto sull'importanza di acquisire un’educazione finanziaria, così da stimolare una gestione pro-attiva della propria vita e del proprio denaro che permetta loro di diventare autonome e di affrancarsi da situazioni di prevaricazione. Se l'episodio ti è piaciuto, ti chiedo di condividerlo sui tuoi canali social e lasciare una recensione a cinque stelle così che sempre più persone possano ascoltare PMConfindential. Per rimanere aggiornato sui nuovi episodi puoi iscriverti qui: https://paolamaugeri.it/podcast/ Se queste parole ti risuonano ti aspetto all’interno di humans, la mia piattaforma di meditazione ed evoluzione personale per diventare la rockstar della tua esistenza. Puoi provare humans gratuitamente per 7 giorni www.behumans.it
Our focus on and addiction to speed and instant gratification is creating so many issues in our lives, bodies, minds, and relationships right now.In our lives we see slowing down as a weakness. What if, however, slowing down allows for greater focus? Remember, you can be highly productive but less effective at the same time. Gandhi said, 'There is more to life than increasing its speed. Slowing down now will benefit you more in the long term. Text Jay Shetty 310-997-4177See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
DOMINATE YOUR COMPETITION. Most of us don’t have unlimited budgets to market ourselves. So how can we compete with people who do? The answer is simple: we have to fascinate. Utilize whatever you have that is unique to capture people’s attention. Stop trying to offer what your competition is offering- instead, do something they can’t. For this Five Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with Sally Hogshead she shared how to fascinate by utilizing the first nine seconds of your audience’s attention. Sally is a New York Times bestselling author, Hall of Fame speaker, “fascination scientist,” and mom of 8 kids. In two weeks, Sally was able to fill up her calendar with speaking engagements by changing one thing in her approach. Learn how to market yourself no matter what your budget in Episode 894. In This Episode You Will Learn: The two …
In this episode, queer guys talk about some of the ways they like to bring kink into sex, from BDSM to piss play.Audio Sex Party is a entertaining and informative podcast that explores a range of topics related to sex and sexuality for 2Spirit, gay, bi, queer and other transgender and cisgender guys into guys. The podcast involves the voices of dozens of people that attended a number of Audio Sex Parties where strangers and friends alike dove deep into topics such as where we find sex, sex and HIV, racial fetishization, sex and drug use. This refined audio experience captures raw conversations that expose the complexities and pleasures of sex as men talk about how they get the sex they want.Producer of The Audio Sex Party is Isaac Würmann (http://www.isaacwurmann.com/). Creative Producer is Teresa Goff. Executive Producer is Phillip Banks, on behalf of the …