
Mañana Empiezo
T06E05 - Instagram y la cultura de la dieta
Mañana Empiezo

Que Instagram nos vende una realidad idealizada no es nada nuevo: los psicólogos advierten del riesgo de exponernos a esa visión de los otros llena de filtros y basada en una falsa idea de la felicidad. En relación a la alimentación esta visión tiene un riesgo aún mayor porque, sin pretenderlo, muchas de esas publicaciones pueden generar en quien las lee desde baja autoestima hasta trastornos de la alimentación (TCA). Con ayuda de la nutricionista especializada en TCA Victoria Lozada, analizamos cómo algunas cuentas favorecen lo que ella denomina la 'cultura de la dieta', las consecuencias de asociar delgadez y salud y la importancia de saber seleccionar a profesionales cualificados también en las redes sociales.

19 min 01 Jun, 2020
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Become An Idea Machine With James Altucher: Create, Experiment & Adapt
The Rich Roll Podcast

The dystopia is here. Chaos, confusion, fear and anger. Horrific racism. Generations of pain fueling rioting and violence. Death and illness. Faltering systems and leadership failures. Market crashes and jobs lost. Communities are divided. Home lives are disrupted. Meanwhile, cities all across America are literally on fire. How we can right the ship? Deal with these cataclysmic shifts? And move forward productively? We can crash and burn. Or we can adapt -- a remaking of society that begins with personal reinvention. James Altucher is a virtuoso of this process. A prodigious intellect and abundantly talented polymath, James is a comic, chess master, entrepreneur, investor and prolific writer with over twenty books to his name, including the Wall Street Journal bestseller Choose Yourself. He's also a fellow podcaster and an unconventional thinker with an idiosyncratic lens on pretty much everything from creativity to finances. James and …

2 hr 3 min 01 Jun, 2020
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Little Happier: Have You Ever Been So Impatient to Get to the End That You Couldn’t Start?
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Sometimes, we’re so eager for to reach the end that we can’t bear to start. It’s an irrational but real response.Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; [email protected] in touch on Instagram: @GretchenRubin & @LizCraftGet the podcast show notes by email every week here: http://gretchenrubin.com/#newsletterOrder a copy of Gretchen’s new book OUTER ORDER, INNER CALM here: http://outerorderinnercalmbook.comLeave a voicemail message on: 774-277-9336For information about advertisers and promo codes, go to happiercast.com/sponsors.Happier with Gretchen Rubin is part of ‘The Onward Project,’ a family of podcasts brought together by Gretchen Rubin—all about how to make your life better. Check out the other Onward Project podcasts—Do The Thing, Side Hustle School, Happier in Hollywood and Everything Happens with Kate Bowler. If you liked this episode, please subscribe, leave a review, and tell your friends! To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your …

3 min 01 Jun, 2020
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The School of Greatness
961 The 5 Keys to Long-Term Happiness and Prosperity with Dr. Laurie Santos
The School of Greatness

“Focusing on others will make you happier than focusing on yourself.”Lewis is joined by Dr. Laurie Santos, a Professor of Psychology at Yale University and the host of The Happiness Lab podcast, to discuss the science of well-being. They discuss five actionable steps to become happier today, the benefits you receive by helping others, how to maximize your mental health in this challenging moment, and so much more.For more tips on happiness, visit lewishowes.com/961. And text Lewis at 614-350-3960. Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

1 hr 2 min 01 Jun, 2020
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El podcast de Jana Fernández
HealthTech: tecnología al servicio de la salud, con Carlos Iglesias
El podcast de Jana Fernández

El avance tecnológico disruptivo en el sector salud está redefiniendo la relación médico-paciente. Dispositivos de mHealth, tecnología 5G e impresión 4D de tejidos biológicos, realidad virtual, asistentes o HealthBots, ¿cómo están cambiando la forma en que los profesionales médicos se relacionan con sus pacientes? ¿qué nos van a permitir hacer estas nuevas tecnologías en lo que a prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades se refiere? ¿qué retos va a suponer la implementación de estos avances en las profesiones sanitarias? ¿Qué nuevas cuestiones éticas plantea este nuevo abordaje de la salud desde el big data? ¿Seremos capaces de que la legislación avance al mismo ritmo para garantizar la privacidad y que no haya que sacrificar libertades en favor de la seguridad? Esta semana charlo sobre estas retadoras y a la vez apasionantes cuestiones con Carlos Iglesias, ingeniero, patrón de yate, podcaster, CEO de Runroom, Consultora de …

1 hr 21 min 01 Jun, 2020
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Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast
Episode 44: How to Work in Integrity And Grow with Meaningful Impact with Dr. Nikita Parikh
Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast

June 1, 2020 Join me as I chat with Physician and Patient Advocate, Dr. Nikita Parikh, as she shares her journey of discovery, stress, and burnout to finding her own consulting space, In4med. You don't want to miss this episode! If you liked this podcast, please subscribe, share and leave an honest review. Disclaimer: All views are my own and for informational purposes only. They are not to be viewed as medical advice or training. Please see a licensed professional in this regard. All information is provided in good faith and does not represent the views or opinions of any entity or organization. Resources: www.jennifergeorge.co Host Social: IG: https://www.instagram.com/bestobsessed_with_jenn/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenngeorge08 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bestobsessed/ LinkedIN: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-george-25656517 Guest Social: Healthcare Advocacy - In4Med: https://www.in4med.ca/ Email Nikita @ [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/in4MED.ca/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/in4_med LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/in4med-ca/ Huddol PRO: https://www.huddol.com/@Nikita

35 min 01 Jun, 2020
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Change Your Brain Every Day
The Surprising Reasons You Can’t Get to Sleep, with Dr. Shane Creado
Change Your Brain Every Day

The amount of sleep we get every night plays a huge role in our overall health and mood. Just getting a couple hours less sleep than needed can cause major problems in the long run. What’s worse is many people have no idea why they have trouble sleeping in the first place. In this episode, sleep expert Dr. Shane Creado helps us identify the biggest sleep stealers that rob us of a good night’s sleep.

13 min 01 Jun, 2020
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Émotions : le podcast pour mettre des mots sur vos émotions

Vous souvenez-vous de la dernière fois où vous vous êtes senti fier.e ? D’un.e proche, d’un.e ami.e, de votre pays ? Et c’était quand la dernière fois où vous avez été fier.e de vous-même ? Si vous avez ces instants de fierté en tête, pourquoi à votre avis les avez-vous ressenti à ces moments-là ? Et qu’est-ce que le fait d’éprouver cette fierté dit de votre rapport à vous-même, de votre éducation ou de la société dans laquelle on vit ?Dans cet épisode d’Émotions, Sarah-Lou Lepers nous aide à comprendre ce qu’est la fierté en étudiant son origine, souvent liée à des valeurs de conformité et de traditions, et en analysant la fonction salvatrice qu’elle peut avoir aujourd’hui pour certaines communautés.Pour ce faire, elle a interrogé le professeur d’histoire médiévale Florian Mazel, le docteur en histoire contemporaine Cheikhna Wagué, la psychologue Valérie Saada, la sociologue …

46 min 01 Jun, 2020
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
330- Intelligenza emotiva: il “carburante sottile” di ogni azione umana...
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Ti è mai capitato di addormentarti durante una lezione, di essere talmente annoiato o stanco da continuare ad addormentarti?E ti è mai capitato che all'improvviso il professore di turno iniziasse a coinvolgere la classe o il pubblico con domande ed opinioni? Magari con una domanda rivolta proprio a te? Se ti è capitato di certo ti sarai reso conto che all’improvviso tutta la stanchezza ed il sonno con il quale stavi lottando svaniscono in un istante, perché?Perché ti sei emozionato, e oggi vedremo perché le emozioni sono la benzina per le nostre azioni e al contrario i pensieri sono spesso ciò che consuma tale benzia.Clicca quì per approfondire: https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2020/06/intelligenza-emotiva-carburante-sottile-di-ogni-azione-umana.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica" oggi in una APP bellissima e gratuita: https://jo.my/clarity-appDai un'occhiata a Clarity il mio percorso ad abbonamento mensile:https://clarityapp.it/Iscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la …

27 min 31 May, 2020
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Daily Motivations

LIFE requires sacrifices That is what it takes to be GREAT You need to be ready to go the extra mile to get to success and be one top of your class ( LISTEN AND LEARN THE SECRET TO LIFE ) You can also support this show by clicking the link below (SUPPORT DAILY MOTIVATIONS) Follow Daily Motivations Instagram - @daily_motivationsorg Facebook- @daily_motivationsorg Thinking of starting your own podcast? click this link- (START A PODCAST) Interested in sponsoring this show? Reach out to us at [email protected] Kindly Support Us Below to sustain future episodes. Support the Show.

11 min 31 May, 2020
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Somos Estupendas
Causas de la ansiedad | Ep. 3
Somos Estupendas

Conocida como la enfermedad del siglo XXI, la ansiedad nos demanda, a través de nuestro cuerpo, que frenemos. Hoy hablaremos del estrés, de las causas de la ansiedad. Identifica las causas de la ansiedad Es probable que en algún momento hayas sentido que no te da la vida, que el día a día te ahoga Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

55 min 31 May, 2020
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Autoconsciente Podcast
64. Um novo caminho para a nossa vida
Autoconsciente Podcast

Pandemias mudam o mundo, como mostra a história, e há um novo projeto de humanidade sendo gestado. Nós já temos os recursos materiais para começar esse projeto, mas precisamos de uma profunda mudança de mentalidade para que ele se espalhe. Mais do que isso, precisamos acreditar que uma mudança é possível e também desejá-la. Episódios relacionados: 44. Sendo a paz que desejamos no mundo 54. Hackeie a sua mente 56. Ansiedade pós-moderna | Parte 1 57. Ansiedade pós-moderna | Parte 2 Por Regina Giannetti Eu sou a voz e o coração que falam através do Autoconsciente, um podcast sobre vida interior. Desde 2016, tenho ajudado pessoas a viverem mais em paz com elas mesmas. Meu trabalho se baseia na compreensão de como a mente funciona, práticas meditativas e o uso de atitudes mentais que derivam da meditação. Esses são os pilares do método que uso …

37 min 31 May, 2020
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The Time Expert Anna Jelen

https://youtu.be/U9o48M9BC9s Find the podcast everywhere : WHAT'S COURAGE? Big question. But what I know is this: it’s a limitless topic and I loved to bath in it. A little outtake: "Courage has many faces.Some think it's courageous to climb the Mount Everest. But how about a woman breaking up with her husband, facing some hard and adverse consequences, THAT's courageous. To speak your mind. To say no. To make a coming out, to let a tarantula climb your hand, to hold on to your principles, to face misfortune. To accept to be judged and critizised. All this is courageous. For the protagonist to go to Africa as well. We are all on different levels. Courage exists on different levels. Accept also, if you don't dare to do something then maybe it's just not important enough. Don't compare yourself with others. Stay on your level of …

21 min 31 May, 2020
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Mejora tu embarazo y post parto con Laura Gallardo

En el episodio de hoy os develo ese gran proyecto en el que llevo mucho tiempo trabajando y que en alguna ocasión os he mencionado.Ya ha salido a la luz y quiero que tu también lo conozcas. Y Después te dejo un trocito de una entrevista que me hicieron con preguntas que seguramente te sean interesantes. Espero tus comentarios.

20 min 31 May, 2020
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El podcast de Cristina Mitre
Obesidad infantil, la otra pandemia, con Pau Gasol y el Dr. Santi F. Gómez. Episodio 106
El podcast de Cristina Mitre

La obesidad infantil afecta a 124 millones de niños y niñas de entre 5 y 19 años en todo el mundo y, concretamente, España se sitúa a la cabeza de la lista de países europeos con mayor índice de obesidad infantil. De hecho, ocupamos el cuarto puesto en cifras de obesidad y sobrepeso en niños de entre 5 y 10 años y el segundo lugar en niñas de la misma franja de edad.Por ello, en 2013, Pau Gasol puso en marcha, junto a su hermano Marc, la Gasol Foundation, una fundación, a caballo entre Estados Unidos y España, que tiene como objetivo la lucha contra la obesidad infantil. Hoy, charlamos con Pau y el Dr. Santi F. Gómez, responsable de programas de la misma fundación sobre esta otra pandemia y qué impacto va a tener la COVID-19 en la salud de los niños. Gasol nos …

1 hr 4 min 31 May, 2020
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