
Psicología y Bienestar | El Podcast de MundoPsicologos.com

¿Por qué muchas personas tienen vergüenza a preguntar sobre temas de sexualidad? En este podcast, la sexóloga Laura Morán nos resuelve dudas sobre el orgasmo, la masturbación y nos cuenta algunas curiosidades sobre el aparato reproductor. En el Podcast de MundoPsicologos.com dedicamos unos minutos a resolver aquellas cosas que quizá te habías preguntado, planteado o necesitabas resolver y no habías hecho. Más info en: 👍 Instagram en @mundopsicologos y en 👍 Facebook en @mundopsicologos.com Puedes leer más artículos en: https://www.mundopsicologos.com/articulos, realizar tus consultas en: https://www.mundopsicologos.com/consultas y compartir tus experiencias en nuestro Foro: https://www.mundopsicologos.com/comunidad

32 min 05 Jun, 2020
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Psicologia e benessere | Il podcast di GuidaPsicologi

Il dottor Matteo Radavelli ci spiega perché il tradimento irrompe nella vita di coppia, come superarlo e quali tipi di infedeltà esistono.

35 min 05 Jun, 2020
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Daily Motivations
Daily Motivations

''GOING THROUGH TOUGH TIMES'' Be strong now, because things will get better, it might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever. You can also support this show by clicking the link below (SUPPORT DAILY MOTIVATIONS) Follow Daily Motivations Instagram - @daily_motivationsorg Facebook- @daily_motivationsorg Thinking of starting your own podcast? click this link- (START A PODCAST) Interested in sponsoring this show? Reach out to us at [email protected] Kindly Support Us Below to sustain future episodes. Support the Show.

3 min 05 Jun, 2020
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Psicologia e benessere | Il podcast di GuidaPsicologi

La dottoressa Sabina Moro ci aiuta a fare chiarezza sulle relazioni tossiche: cosa sono, le tipologie, i segnali, come gestirle.

35 min 05 Jun, 2020
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On Purpose with Jay Shetty
9 Biases That Trick Us Into Making Bad Decisions & How To Overcome Them
On Purpose with Jay Shetty

So far, the year 2020 has been earmarked with uncertainty. Despite the rocky start, Jay Shetty is convinced that transformation still awaits those who are committed to looking within, acknowledging their weaknesses, and embracing change. Today Jay gives an honest look at bias and the role it plays in life and decisions. You'll learn practical, actionable steps for breaking biases and moving forward with love and intentionality. No more making decisions you regret. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

38 min 05 Jun, 2020
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Radio Headspace
What’s Real and What’s Not?
Radio Headspace

A lot of us walk around waiting for something to happen. We can carry that tension in our bodies and minds, constantly on alert, imagining an unpleasant experience. It’s an uncomfortable way to live. And if we walk through life waiting, or intentionally looking for those things, we will keep that story alive. This weekend, try to let go of what’s not real and focus on what is. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

5 min 05 Jun, 2020
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10% Happier with Dan Harris
Waking Up to the Distortion of Racism | Bonus Talk with Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
10% Happier with Dan Harris

If we were to walk past the fires of oppression, we would be walking past one of the widest gateways to liberation. About Zenju Earthlyn Manuel Zenju Earthlyn Manuel is an author, poet, Zen Buddhist priest, teacher, artist, and drum medicine woman. She holds a Ph.D. and worked for decades for arts organizations and those serving women and girls, cultural arts, and mental health. Her books include The Way of Tenderness: Awakening Through Race, Sexuality, and Gender. You can find Zenju's Talk in the Ten Percent Happier app at this link: https://10percenthappier.app.link/AttendingToTheFiresOfRacism. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

9 min 05 Jun, 2020
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The School of Greatness
963 Uncomfortable Conversations and the Value of Truly Listening
The School of Greatness

On today's 5-Minute Friday, Lewis discusses what he's been meditating on during this challenging and eye-opening week in America: being a good listener. Having a compassionate ear and an open mind are essential attributes for growth, and truly listening has never been more important than right now.-For more: lewishowes.com/963-Check out: Lewis' impactful interview with Reverend Michael Beckwith-Text: 614-350-3960 to start a conversation with Lewis Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

3 min 05 Jun, 2020
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Somos Estupendas
Problemas de comunicación en pareja | Ep. 4
Somos Estupendas

La comunicación en una relación de pareja es fundamental para el bienestar y la estabilidad de la misma. Sin embargo, muchas veces nos encontramos con problemas de comunicación que pueden generar conflictos y malentendidos. A continuación, vamos a ver algunos consejos y herramientas para solucionar estos problemas y mejorar la comunicación en la pareja. Te Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

1 hr 6 min 04 Jun, 2020
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Love Life with Matthew Hussey
28: Is Love Still Possible in 2020?
Love Life with Matthew Hussey

Follow Matthew @thematthewhussey Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey ►► Want Support to Navigate This Strange Time? Ask Me Your Burning Love Life Question Now… → http://www.AskMH.com This episode is an honest look at what the near future of dating could look like for you if you’re single right now. Even as parts of the world open up again, a vaccine appears to be at least 8-12 months away. That means that for about another year, there will be some significant implications for our dating lives. Is it safe to go out on dates in the coming months? When should you meet up with someone you’ve been talking to? How do you deal with awkward moments like the first hello where you would normally hug each other? Is there an elegant way to communicate what level of contact you are comfortable with? These are all questions I answer …

15 min 04 Jun, 2020
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How Therapy Works
#15 Adjustments to make therapy fit with your cliient
How Therapy Works

This is the last of the "how to" chapters and covers issues like how much to talk, how to work with different attachment styles and how to decide about homework. The next chapter begins the final section on what different kinds of problems you will encounter as a therapist and how to work with them.

48 min 04 Jun, 2020
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Daily Motivations
I Am NOT Black, You are NOT White
Daily Motivations

"I Am NOT Black, You are NOT White My initial impression is that whoever said that is way too hung up on race politics. On further reflection, I would say that no one I know is truly black or white, so the statement as made is kind of meaningless. For what it’s worth. You can also support this show by clicking the link below (SUPPORT DAILY MOTIVATIONS) Follow Daily Motivations Instagram - @daily_motivationsorg Facebook- @daily_motivationsorg Thinking of starting your own podcast? click this link- (START A PODCAST) Interested in sponsoring this show? Reach out to us at [email protected] Kindly Support Us Below to sustain future episodes. Support the Show.

4 min 04 Jun, 2020
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The Science of Happiness
Taking Small Steps Toward Big Goals
The Science of Happiness

When our world is turned upside down, how do we keep moving forward? Our guest, award-winning author Christine Day, sets a new path for herself. Link to Episode Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/4rx9tv3p

15 min 04 Jun, 2020
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070 podcasts
[CONTRAPRONÓSTICO] E5 Nos toca a nosotras
070 podcasts

En este quinto episodio de Contra todo pronóstico exploramos las actitudes de los colombianos, hombres y mujeres, sobre el acuerdo de paz. Hay un dato del Barómetro de las Américas, la encuesta realizada por el Observatorio de la Democracia de la Universidad de los Andes, que inquieta a los expertos: las mujeres, a través del tiempo, han mostrado actitudes más pesimistas frente a la paz que los hombres. Y la pregunta es ¿por qué? Para tratar de resolver la pregunta, buscamos a una mujer que haya luchado por la paz contra todos los pronósticos. Esa mujer es Marina Gallego, actual directora de la Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres, uno de los movimientos de mujeres más grandes del país y que ganó el Premio Nacional de Paz en el 2014. Contra todo pronóstico es un podcast producido por el equipo de 070 podcasts, Natalia Arenas, Sebastián …

27 min 04 Jun, 2020
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
Live 57: Psicologia del razzismo
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Perché esiste il razzismo e cosa fare...

1 hr 6 min 04 Jun, 2020
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