
The School of Greatness
970 Mel Robbins: The “Secret” Mindset Habit to Building Confidence and Overcoming Scarcity
The School of Greatness

“When the world feels upside down, you always have the power to make it right.”Lewis sits down with motivational speaker, author, and old friend Mel Robbins to discuss how to make the most of challenging situations, break negative patterns, overcome childhood trauma, and think about confidence in a whole new way. Mel also talks about the opportunity we all have during COVID-19's "great pause," and why she's committed to using her platform to fight racial injustice.-Listen to Mel's first interview on School of Greatness: https://lewishowes.com/podcast/the-5-second-rule-to-change-your-life-with-mel-robbins/-Dan Harris can help you become 10% happier: https://lewishowes.com/958-Text "podcast" to 614-350-9360 to start a conversation with Lewis Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

1 hr 24 min 22 Jun, 2020
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El podcast de Jana Fernández
Escucha la cuarta temporada en PODIMO
El podcast de Jana Fernández

Comienzo la cuarta temporada del podcast con una novedad: a partir de ahora podréis escuchar los nuevos episodios en exclusiva en PODIMO, plataforma de podcast y audio de formato corto que llega a España con el objetivo de crear un ecosistema de podcast nacional e internacional y contribuir al desarrollo y profesionalización de la industria. Podrás escuchar todos los episodios como hasta ahora, pero solo en PODIMO. Solo tienes que descargarte la app, registrarte y buscar el podcast de Jana Fernández. ¡Te espero en PODIMO! Puedes descargar la app de PODIMO y acceder directamente a mi contenido en https://podimo.app.link/janafernandez Más contenido en mi web www.janafernadez.es y en Instagram @janafr y @bienestarydescanso. Si quieres saber más puedes leer mi libro Aprende a descansar, y suscribirte a mi newsletter semanal https://janafernandez.substack.com/

2 min 22 Jun, 2020
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Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast
Episode 50: Proactive Ways to Manage Stress and Burnout in the Workplace
Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast

June 22, 2020 Join me over a glass of water as I reflect on the heaviness of healthcare lately and what I feel could greatly improve the state of burnout among healthcare professionals. First and foremost, it's necessary to take preventative action (not reactive). There is a sense of urgency here - how long we do go on feeling this way? Strategies discussed include: regular check-ins with staff, personal spaces, fitness/gym area, and positive social connections. If you liked this podcast, please subscribe, share and leave an honest review. Disclaimer: All views are my own and for informational purposes only. They are not to be viewed as medical advice or training. Please see a licensed professional in this regard. All information is provided in good faith and does not represent the views or opinions of any entity or organization. Resources: www.jennifergeorge.co Host Social: IG: https://www.instagram.com/bestobsessed_with_jenn/ …

15 min 22 Jun, 2020
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Sí, Las Marcas Tienen Que Ser Valientes | Salma Cuilty

#9 En este episodio hablamos con Salma Cuilty, fundadora de la agencia de marketing Anatomía, acerca de por qué es importante que las marcas sean valientes para destacar en esta nueva era. Suscríbete gratis a nuestras cartas semanales en https://www.atodosioficial.com/cartas Puedes seguir a Salma en IG como @anatomiamx y @salmacuilty y seguirnos a nosotros en @atodo_si

43 min 22 Jun, 2020
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La vida es increíble
S1E1: El debut. De cine slasher, cocacolas vencidas y olfatos poderosos con Seba de Caro
La vida es increíble

¿Era necesario otro podcast? Quizás no, pero es divertido. En nuestro primer episodio conversamos con el director de cine, guionista, actor y escritor Seba de Caro.Apoya este proyecto y accede a material extra y contenidos exclusivos en www.patreon.com/LiniersyMontt

54 min 22 Jun, 2020
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Change Your Brain Every Day
How to Break the Cycle of Sleep Deprivation, with Dr. Shane Creado
Change Your Brain Every Day

It’s clear that the pandemic has been devastating to many peoples’ sleep health, because we had a huge response to the recent series on sleep issues with Dr. Shane Creado. So we invited Dr. Creado back to address some more sleep topics that we didn’t get to last time. This episode discusses the cycle of sleep deprivation, and why it’s so important to break it. For more on Dr. Creado's new book, "Peak Sleep Performance for Athletes" visit: https://www.amazon.com/Peak-Sleep-Performance-Athletes-Cutting-edge-ebook/dp/B085YFP9YW For more on Dr. Creado's online course, "Overcoming Insomnia", visit: https://brainmd.com/overcoming-insomnia-course

16 min 22 Jun, 2020
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En terapia con Roberto Rocha
Ep 24 Autosabotajes amorosos
En terapia con Roberto Rocha

Si, ya no deberías de estar ahí, pero estás. Si, ya no deberías contestar, pero contestas. Entonces te estás saboteando. ¡Deja de hacerlo! Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/en-terapia-con-roberto-rocha. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

20 min 22 Jun, 2020
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Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia
🦉 Estudiar mejor - Sesión 5
Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia

Aprendé la técnica de atención focalizada para crear un entorno tranquilo que te ayude a estudiar mejor. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

9 min 21 Jun, 2020
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
333- Le storie sono importanti perché TU sei la più importante delle storie!
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Noi esseri umani: ci siamo aggregati in società attraverso narrazioni (storie), abbiamo comunicato cultura attraverso le storie, ci raccontiamo piccoli e grandi fatti della vita con le storie e la nostra identità è in fondo una… storia!Clicca qui per approfondire:https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2020/06/psicologia-delle-storie-narrativa-psico-narrativa.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica" oggi in una APP bellissima e gratuita: https://jo.my/clarity-appDai un'occhiata a Clarity il mio percorso ad abbonamento mensile:https://clarityapp.it/Iscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlSeguimi su Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/gennaro_romagnoli/Credits (traccia audio) https://www.bensound.com/

20 min 21 Jun, 2020
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The Time Expert Anna Jelen

WATCH THE VIDEO https://youtu.be/RbBzgd0HE4M Find the AUDIO podcast everywhere : OWN YOUR TIME This time I will, again, take you to a special place. But I can’t tell you too much about it… Just this:- it’s about owning your own time.- It’s about walking the path of life.- It’s about saying no if your heart does not scream YES! A little outtake: "You know, in life you will make many encounters. You will have a bunch of loved ones - including family and friends, and it's good to take good care of them. The day will come, where you will be happy to have them on your side. And there is nothing more beautiful than giving them your love.But there are also, I call them the short encounters. Suddenly they are there. Maybe they stay, maybe not. Let them decide.And then, there are others: the …

16 min 21 Jun, 2020
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Daily Motivations
100 Effort, Every! Single! Day
Daily Motivations

You can also support this show by clicking the link below (SUPPORT DAILY MOTIVATIONS) Follow Daily Motivations Instagram - @daily_motivationsorg Facebook- @daily_motivationsorg Thinking of starting your own podcast? click this link- (START A PODCAST) Interested in sponsoring this show? Reach out to us at [email protected] Kindly Support Us Below to sustain future episodes. Support the Show.

3 min 21 Jun, 2020
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Somos Estupendas
Ansiedad anticipatoria | Ep. 6
Somos Estupendas

El miedo o angustia por cosas que pueden ocurrir se denomina ansiedad anticipatoria. Surge por una situación futura potencial, ante la incertidumbre, el miedo genera pensamientos negativos que inundan nuestra mente con situaciones catastrófica. La incertidumbre en la ansiedad anticipatoria La incertidumbre es uno los factores que más influyentes de la ansiedad anticipatoria. Surge debido Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

50 min 21 Jun, 2020
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The Grief Gang
Father's Day.
The Grief Gang

Welcome back to the Grief Gang podcast. It's Father's Day and it goes without saying, it is a tough day for all of you spending today without dad. I decided to dedicate this Father's day episode exactly how I did Mother's day. By passing the mic over to you. Giving you all the opportunity to talk about your wicked Dad's.I thank each and everyone of you who wrote in about your dad. I hope when you listen, it will give you somewhat peace. And know that you are not alone.Sending all my love to you today and always.Big love,Amber xxxSupport this show http://supporter.acast.com/thegriefgang. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

45 min 21 Jun, 2020
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El podcast de Cristina Mitre
Hasta dónde llegan las cremas, con Arturo Álvarez-Bautista y la Dra. María José Rubira. Episodio 110
El podcast de Cristina Mitre

Para saber hasta dónde llegan las cremas y qué pueden hacer y qué no, hoy, me acompañan en el podcast Arturo Álvarez-Bautista químico, doctor en nanomedicina, cosmetólogo y formulador y la Dra. María José Rubira, especialista en reumatología, medicina estética y en los cuidados medicoestéticos del paciente oncológico. Con ellos veremos si existen las cremas efecto botox y si sirven los contornos de ojos para las arrugas. Sabremos, también, qué puede hacer la medicina estética, cuál es la diferencia entre un relleno y el bótox y en qué casos están desaconsejados. Zalando es de nuevo mecenas del podcast de Cristina Mitre. Ahora, que por fin podemos volver a salir y disfrutar del placer de arreglarnos, empiezan las rebajas en Zalando con descuentos de hasta el 50 % y, además, los escuchantes del podcast de Cristina Mitre tendrán un 15 % de descuento extra en una …

1 hr 8 min 21 Jun, 2020
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070 podcasts
T1 E1 Pere Ortín
070 podcasts

El mundo cambia pero el periodismo parece seguir siendo el mismo de siempre: estricto, convencido de las w y las pirámides invertidas, y aterrorizado de pensarse por fuera de sí mismo. La pandemia nos puso a ver que todo está mal, pero también que todo puede estar mejor, sobre todo el periodismo. Y para eso hicimos El mejor periodismo está por venir, un programa realizado entre FES Comunicación y 070 podcasts. Bienvenides a este primer episodio con Pere Ortín, director de Altaïr Magazine.

12 min 20 Jun, 2020
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