Hacks y Herramientas Digitales para Aprender GRATIS que no teníamos en los 90´s
Israel Valdez Podcast | Seguridad Industrial | EHS | Safety | ISO 45001
Te comparto lo que necesitas saber para mejorar por un puesto, coordinación o Gerencia en Seguridad Industrial, neta no te pierdas este episodio y compártelo a un Compa. Link https://www.safetyisab.com/
A Powerful Insight to Grow Your Possibility, Mastery and Serenity
The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
When I enter the homes of the best producers on the planet for a day of advisory, my eyes always note that though they might have big TVs in their abodes they inevitably have massive libraries. Books upon books upon books. Buffett keeps his calendar clear each day so he can read most of the day. Thomas Edison said: “When I want to discover something I begin by reading.” Poet Emily Dickinson stated: “There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away.” For all of my adult life, I have been blessed by books. As I walk the streets of Rome and London and Paris and New York, I search for bookstores. Old and new. Rugged and pristine. Seeking that one book that will open up my mind, heart and soul to new oceans of possibility, mastery and serenity.My new book “The …
Understanding Genetic Counseling - Essential Insights for Parents – Navigating Appointments, Referrals, Testing, and Insurance with Expert Abby Turnwald MS CGC
Once Upon A Gene
ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 232 Understanding Genetic Counseling - Essential Insights for Parents – Navigating Appointments, Referrals, Testing, and Insurance with Expert Abby Turnwald MS CGC Abby Turnwald is a genetic counselor here to talk about genetic testing and the crucial role genetic counselors play in guiding families through the complexity of genetic testing and understanding the results. We'll discuss what parents can expect for their first appointment, the importance of seeking a referral, tips for navigating insurance coverage and the significance of re-analyzing genetic reports. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS What is genetic testing and what does the first appointment involve? Genetic counseling appointments are for a specific reason, condition, or symptom and can be with just a genetic counselor or with a genetic counselor and a geneticist, which is a physician. A genetic counselor will gather intake information about your child's medical history, family …
Discover how to embrace your true self amidst societal pressures and social media influence. Learn practical mindfulness techniques to boost confidence and celebrate your unique individuality. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Flying solo today for this special episode, Sabrina is talking about texting while dating. Sabrina's personal experience highlights that the anxiety around texting persists even when trying to disconnect, but it's how you handle these feelings that matter. Texting can trigger black-and-white thinking, where unmet expectations validate negative core beliefs, leading to anxiety. Understanding that people have different texting habits and showing up authentically in relationships is crucial. Focusing on overall relationship dynamics is important rather than just texting patterns. Building security and confidence helps alleviate anxiety. Compromise is key, especially when texting habits differ between partners. Effective communication, setting realistic expectations, and addressing concerns with evidence can help manage texting-related anxieties. Ultimately, texting should not be the foundation of a relationship, and flexibility, understanding, and personal growth are essential for healthy interactions. Want to work with Sabrina? HERE! Join the Make It Make Sense: …
#201 Descentralización (III): Las guerras Cripto — antes de Bitcoin
kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago
(NOTAS Y ENLACES DEL CAPÍTULO AQUÍ: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/201-descentralizacion-iii-la-guerras-cripto-antes-de-bitcoin/)«Gobiernos del Mundo Industrial, cansados gigantes de carne y acero, vengo del Ciberespacio, el nuevo hogar de la Mente. En nombre del futuro, os pido a vosotros del pasado que nos dejéis en paz. No sois bienvenidos entre nosotros. No tenéis soberanía alguna sobre el lugar donde nos reunimosNo hemos elegido ningún gobierno, ni es probable que lo hagamos, así que me dirijo a vosotros sin más autoridad que aquella con la que la libertad siempre habla. Declaro el espacio social global que estamos construyendo independiente por naturaleza de las tiranías que estáis buscando imponernos. No tenéis ningún derecho moral a gobernarnos, ni disponéis de métodos para forzarnos a cumplir vuestra ley que tengamos razón para temer.Los gobiernos derivan sus lícitos poderes del consentimiento de los que son gobernados. No habéis pedido ni recibido el nuestro. No os hemos …
Struggling with our self worth can often impact how deserving we feel of love. This sense that we may be 'unloveable' causes us to miss out on healthy, fulfilling relationships, self sabotage and stay with people who don't deserve us. In today's episode, we discuss: The origins of why we feel unworthy of love Childhood wounds Early romantic scripts and teen romance Repeated rejection and shame The consequences of feeling unloveable Repetition of toxic relationships How to restore or rediscover your sense of self worth and self love And so much more. Listen now! Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast: @thatpsychologypodcast See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Ciao a tutti e benvenuti in questo nuovo episodio del mio Podcast Dear Alice! Oggi parliamo di un grande tabù: il denaro. Su Instagram mi è stato chiesto: "Alice, la tua vita è davvero migliorata da quando hai maggiori possibilità economiche?" La risposta breve potrebbe essere "certo", ma la verità è molto più complessa di così. Preparatevi, perché sarà una puntata ricca di contenuti. So che questo è un tema spinoso e so già che ci saranno delle critiche, ma va bene così. Non dobbiamo per forza essere d'accordo su tutto, ma proprio per questo motivo sentivo la necessità di parlarne. Il denaro è una risorsa neutra: non rende una persona migliore o peggiore. Quello che conta davvero è come pensiamo al denaro e come lo gestiamo. In questo episodio, condividerò con voi alcune riflessioni e lezioni che ho imparato nel mio percorso personale e …
Desenmascarando el Bruxismo: Causas, Síntomas y Soluciones con el Dr. Jairo Quintana
Mente Aprende - Salud Mental
En este episodio del Podcast de Mente Aprende, Jorge Augusto Franco y su equipo de salud mental entrevistan al Doctor Jairo Quintana, un destacado odontólogo y rehabilitador oral con experiencia en estética y bruxismo, que trabaja en Bogotá y Ciudad de México. Juntos, exploramos en profundidad el fenómeno del bruxismo, una condición que afecta a muchas personas y que está estrechamente relacionada con el estrés. Descubre qué es el bruxismo, sus causas, síntomas y cómo se puede tratar de manera efectiva. El Dr. Quintana comparte su vasta experiencia y conocimientos basados en evidencia científica para ayudarte a entender mejor esta condición y cómo manejarla. Este capítulo es esencial para pacientes que sufren de bruxismo y estrés, así como para sus familiares. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar información valiosa y práctica para mejorar tu bienestar y calidad de vida. ¡No te lo pierdas! Disponible ahora en YouTube …
MDT364: KUNDALINI YOGA, despierta y eleva la energía de tu consciencia. Entrevista con Mukhia Shanti
Medita Podcast
En este episodio hablamos de: ¿Qué es el Kundalini?¿Cómo transforma la mente y la consciencia?¿Cómo establecer una relación con tu propia mente?Y mucho más.Si te gustó está sesión te invito a escuchar:MDT182: Pranayama respiración yóguica, guiada por Mar del CerroMDT180: El Yoga más allá de las posturas, entrevista con Vanesa ValorGracias Yoga. Día #107Más acerca de nombre entrevistada:Su página: https://www.mukhiayoga.com/mukhia-shantiInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mukhiayoga/Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxKpUsi_Wg-M3NIOFfGZkRQY si quieres seguir profundizando y ser parte de la planeación de los episodios:SÚMATE A NUESTRO GRUPO DE WHASTAPP: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kf4mcNRJREY7vAm9w56MOrY síguenos en:IG: www.instagram.com/mardelcerroTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@mardelcerroIG: www.instagram.com/meditaconmigocastTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@meditaconmigocastRecuerda que cualquier duda, idea o propuesta estoy para ti.MEDITA PODCAST es un podcast de Medita Conmigo Cast Producción, guión y voz: Marimar del Cerro Coordinación general: Fernanda VargasEdición, diseño de sonido y música original: Silver Media StudioImágen y redes sociales: Zayuri Vargas, Valery Martinez, Mariana Torres y Daniela Calderón.¡Gracias equipo por hacer esto posible! Hosted on Acast. See …
Eve, Robin, and Headspace coach Corey answer questions about how to take care of yourself when you’re a freelancer, how to stop exaggerating, and how to be at peace as an artist who makes less money than your peers. Follow Robin here or at Well…Adjusting and follow Eve here. Try the Headspace app free for 30 days here. To send us your question go to sayhi.chat/dearheadpace Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Gay en Chine : le garçon du ping-pong - Yang 1/3
🏳️🌈 Comment devenir (sexuellement) épanoui ? | sexe gay
Partie 1 - Yang est né en Chine mais c’est en France qu’il explore sa sexualité. Il raconte son chemin d’intime : grandir gay en Chine, invisible et sans repère, sa découverte du fétichisme en France où il est automatiquement catalogué “passif soumis” parce qu’asiatique, ses blocages, sa peur du rejet et son chemin d’estime de soi.Pour contacter Yang, tu peux le trouver sur le Discord du podcast sous le pseudo "yangus_w" : https://discord.gg/YXYVuwxsqh*Sur le site du podcast bit.ly/commentdevenir tu peux :· venir au prochain live ou à une rencontre entre auditeurs dans ta ville· voir ma tête et suivre les coulisses du podcast sur WhatsApp, Instagram ou Tiktok· devenir un des 400 soutiens financiers du podcast· m'aider en mettant 5 étoiles ou un j'aime sur ta plateforme Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Replay: How We Can Begin to Put Our Well-Being First When Feeling Overwhelmed
Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast
Originally aired Oct 12 2021; Healthcare providers have many decisions they must make throughout the day, which can often be overwhelming. So, how do you, as a provider, manage this feeling so that you can make the best decision possible? In this week’s solo episode of the Healthcare Provider Happy Hour, I will be discussing what you can do in the moment, to manage the situation, and tame the overwhelm in the workplace. I give practical tips and advice that you can apply to help distance yourself, so that you find peace, and handle any situation that comes your way with a clear mind. Listen to the full episode to learn: How checking- in with your intentions can help put things in perspective Why putting our own wellness first helps us make strong decisions What you can do in the moment when you are feeling …
Cuando estamos tristes se nos acaban las ganas de hacer algo, la diversión no hace parte de nuestra vida en esos momentos, pero haciendo las actividades correctas podrías olvidarte de la tristeza sin que te des cuenta.