Hace unas semanas, recibimos este mensaje desde el formulario de contacto de EntiendeTuMente.info, que firmaba una amiga del podcast llamada Carmen: “Me gustaría que trataran el tema de la culpa. Ese sentimiento que a veces se apodera de nosotros. ¿Cómo superarlo? ¿Es una tendencia en un tipo determinado de personas? Muchas gracias por vuestros podcast, no os imagináis lo mucho que me ayudais”.En este podcast, número 67, hablamos del “sentimiento de culpa”.Estos días estamos subiendo en la zona del CLUB ETM las últimas sesiones del RETO “Cómo mejorar la comunicación con un hijo adolescente”. Pronto subiremos también a la zona premium el podcast extra de este mes. Dale al PLAY y compártelo si crees que a alguien le puede venir bien escucharlo.Gracias por apoyarnos con tus valoraciones de "5 estrellas" en Apple Podcast (iTunes) y/o "Me Gustas" en tu plataforma de podcasting favorita; ya que …
For this Very Special Episode, we focus on the role of the body in creating a happier life, and we talk to Jake Knapp about how to focus on what matters.Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; [email protected]; happiercast.com/190; 774-277-9336. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Tatiana DeMaria is a talented musician, singer & songwriter. She's topped the charts with her rock band TAT & has produced music for television & film. Support this podcast & get exclusive videos on lifestyle design, creativity, filmmaking and business. Only on Patreon. patreon.com/mattdavella
While so much of science is dedicated to finding the causes and cures for depression, anxiety and stress, Shawn Achor studies the opposite. He is a happiness researcher. Achor looks at the science of happiness and uses research-based techniques to make us more optimistic and help us lead happier lives. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
YOUR CONNECTIONS WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE. The biggest challenge I see is that most people don’t have support groups. You will not get to where you want to go without the help of those who know more than you. Find people who won’t just take from you. Find people who will help you build your dreams. That’s why, for this episode of School of Greatness, I put together a networking mashup. Here are three excerpts from previous interviews with three people whose careers have been made through networking: Keith Ferrazzi, Bozoma Saint John, and Scooter Braun. Keith Ferrazzi is a two-time NYT bestselling author including Never Eat Alone, which has become a staple among networking books. His firm coaches the very top companies and individuals in how to practice vulnerability and emotional intelligence to create and develop powerful relationships. Bozama Saint John is the marketing …
El camino de la autenticidad abre las puertas del éxito y la satisfacción personal. Ser auténticos significa ser coherentes y honestos con nosotros mismos. El invitado a Mundo Wellness esta semana para hablar del poder de la autenticidad es Andrés Salcedo, un colombiano que tiene una historia maravillosa de transformación, pasando de una carrera común en publicidad a convertirse en maestro de yoga y meditación de grandes estrellas de Hollywood y atletas profesionales en Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos. Andrés nos revela que no hay un camino a la autenticidad sino que la autenticidad es el camino.
Throughout our lives, there will inevitably be times we face rejection. Whether it’s the outcome of a job interview or asking out a crush, rejection can radically affect our self-esteem. In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Tana Amen is joined by her daughter Chloe, an aspiring actress, for a conversation on why it’s so important to reframe the way we think about rejection.
Enric Corbera responde en 30 minutos a las preguntas más votadas por los usuarios de las redes sociales. ¿Quieres saber más sobre la Bioneuroemoción®? https://www.enriccorberainstitute.com... En esta conexión Enric nos habla sobre la La adolescencia. La adolescencia es el proceso de separación de nuestros padres, en definitiva es un proceso de individuación, una oportunidad para crecer con personalidad propia y saber defenderse con el mundo exterior. El papel de los padres es muy importante durante este proceso pues debemos entender que nuestros hijos están en un cambio importante donde se revelarán ante nosotros por ello, la figura de la polaridad masculina es muy importante durante este proceso para facilitar al niño/a la salida al mundo social y laboral. Llevo años investigando cómo las emociones afectan a nuestras relaciones, a nuestro cuerpo y a la realidad que nos envuelve. Fundé Enric Corbera Institute; una organización educativa …
Crecer es primordial para el ser humano. Es lo que nos mueve, nos inspira, lo que hace que puedas superarte y convertirte en lo que quieras. Entonces, ¿por qué le tenemos tanto miedo al paso del tiempo? Hablamos con Gloria Calzada porque como dice ella "solamente envejece quien se oxida por dentro", y platicamos acerca del tabú de crecer, lo que significa envejecer y cómo abrir las puertas a los cambios de nuestra mente, cuerpo y alma. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Studies show there is a massive uptick in depression, anxiety and even suicide among college students. What could be the reasons for this? In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen describe how timing in brain development may be a major factor in how a young person handles their college experience. Daniel and Tana also illustrate which supplements may help to combat these issues.
A vida pode ser muito rica quando a gente vê valor nas nossas experiências, mesmo aquelas que poderíamos considerar mal sucedidas, como esta que compartilho com você neste episódio. No final, o que ficou pra mim foi uma reflexão sobre com quem a gente realmente compete, e o que a gente realmente ganha quando compete. Por Regina Giannetti Eu sou a voz e o coração que falam através do Autoconsciente, um podcast sobre vida interior. Desde 2016, tenho ajudado pessoas a viverem mais em paz com elas mesmas. Meu trabalho se baseia na compreensão de como a mente funciona, práticas meditativas e o uso de atitudes mentais que derivam da meditação. Esses são os pilares do método que uso em minha vida e ensino para estarmos em contato com o nosso “eu” mais profundo. ENCONTRANDO O SEU CENTRO – Meu curso on line com aulas …
During my family’s trip to Normandy, reading the beautiful description in the D-Day guide for soldiers gave me the “America feeling.” To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A SEAT AT THE TABLE. For my whole life, everything has been a competition. You either win, or you lose. I wasn’t intentionally trying to hurt people, but I wanted to be a winner. It wasn’t until I was 30 years old that I learned a better way to live: win/win. It transformed my life. I started looking for ways that I could succeed while allowing the people around me to succeed, too. At the end of the day, we’re all in this together. The idea of creating win/win situations has been mastered by my guest on today’s episode: Dr. Alaa Murabit. Dr. Alaa Murabit attended medical school at the age of 15 and was named one of Forbes 30 under 30, an Aspen Institute Spotlight Scholar, and one of Canada’s 30x30. She is one of the UN’s 17 Global Sustainable Development …
As every parent will attest, it's so easy to sublimate one’s self care for the interest of a child’s needs – it’s basically programmed into our DNA. Intellectually we understand you can’t truly take care of another unless you attend to your own well-being first. But this idea runs counter to every parental instinct, making it very difficult to practice this important principle. It feels selfish. But our selfless intentions, albeit good, can lead us astray. Not only do they undermine our well-being, they're not in our kids' interest either — because an unhappy parent does not a happy child make. This is a solid solid life lesson, whether you have children or not. So let's talk about it. While the vast majority of parenting advice focuses on raising happy children, today's conversation flips the lens to concentrate on the radical, almost verboten subject of …