
Máximo Desempeño
Cómo forzar situaciones incómodas es fundamental para el éxito
Máximo Desempeño

La invitada al nuevo episodio del podcast Máximo Desempeño es Ana María Villegas, una súper atleta aficionada que combina su pasión por el running con sus roles de esposa, mamá de dos hijas, y una carrera exitosa en el sector financiero en Miami. Su historia revela cómo es posible desarrollar disciplina, determinación y una gran fortaleza mental, abrazando el dolor y las incomodidades que implican los procesos de crecimiento.

40 min 21 Feb, 2020
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The School of Greatness
918 Become the Chess Player
The School of Greatness

Don't settle for being a pawn. If you've played chess before, then you'll know there's several different pieces in the game. You have the queen and king, obviously the most important pieces, and then on the other side of the spectrum, you have the pawns.Pawns can't do a lot. They have limited movement, and a lot of them get knocked over pretty early. There's always the chance they could win the game, but that chance is pretty low.When it comes to investing your money, it's easy to be a pawn and not a player. It's amazing how much compounded interest you can earn from investment, but it's equally upsetting how much of that interest can be negated by fees.If you don't know what you're doing, you'll probably become a pawn in someone else's game.On this Five Minute Friday episode, I revisit a conversation with legendary …

5 min 21 Feb, 2020
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Episodio 29: "Quando i genitori si separano: le 8 regole auree che ho imparato sulla mia pelle"

L’argomento di questo episodio è complesso e delicato, perché coinvolge le nostre emozioni e ci costringe a guardare in faccia alcune conseguenze che spesso vorremmo evitare: la separazione fra due genitori e le conseguenze sui nostri figli. Sono passati 11 anni da quando il padre di Timo ha fatto le valigie e ha lasciato la nostra casa e voglio condividere con voi le otto lezioni che ho imparato sulla mia pelle e che col tempo le amiche e gli amici con cui le ho condivise hanno iniziato a definire: Le regole auree della separazione consapevole. Se l'episodio ti è piaciuto, ti chiedo di condividerlo sui tuoi canali social e lasciare una recensione a cinque stelle così che sempre più persone possano ascoltare PMConfindential. Per rimanere aggiornato sui nuovi episodi puoi iscriverti qui: https://paolamaugeri.it/podcast/ Se queste parole ti risuonano ti aspetto all’interno di humans, la mia …

9 min 21 Feb, 2020
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Aprenda a tomar control de su cuerpo

Aprenda a tomar control de su cuerpo

45 min 21 Feb, 2020
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Sexplorer / Sophineries
Porno vidéo (4/4) vs. réalité (influence, décalage, culpabilité, addiction etc.)
Sexplorer / Sophineries

Est-ce que le porno a influencé tes pratiques sexuelles ? Est-ce que tu es en accord avec ce que tu regardes dans le porno ? Est-ce qu'il y a des choses que tu aimes dans le porno mais pas dans la vraie vie ? ou l'inverse ? Est-ce que ta consommation de porno a une influence sur ta vie quotidienne ?Musique du pote LRS Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

33 min 21 Feb, 2020
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On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Dean Graziosi: ON How To Master Your Relationship With Money & Playing To Your Strengths
On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Dean Graziosi and Jay Shetty discuss collaboration, compassion, and self-education on a recent episode of On Purpose with Jay Shetty. Instead of sinking him, Graziosi’s childhood struggles with dyslexia and his parents’ divorce fueled his rise to the top of the entrepreneurial ladder. Today you'll learn Graziosi’s top tips on living a life of freedom, having a healthy relationship with money, and much more! Text Jay Shetty 310-997-4177 See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

47 min 21 Feb, 2020
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12 - Honouring female sexuality

Episode 4 explores the A-Spot, also known as the deep spot. This episode takes on a slightly more serious tone with topics including vulva surgery and pornography. Follow on Instagram @twelve4pleasure. 12 - The Experience is my 8 week online course for women; where you will learn about, celebrate, share, discover and connect to the magnificence of your sexuality. Launching two options; starting 27th or 28th October 2021. Visit twelve4pleasure to find out more. Quote PODCAST21 to get a 10% discount. ReferencesJason Julius ’Cunt’ by Inga MuscioFilm ‘Fire Eyes’ by Soraya Mire ’Vagina’ by Naomi Wolf

17 min 21 Feb, 2020
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070 podcasts
[SHOTS DE CIENCIA] Con el corazón en la selva, parte II
070 podcasts

Esta es la segunda parte de la historia de Sebastián Ramirez Amaya, un primatólogo que ha recorrido unos buenos kilometros a la pista de los primates y sus sistemas sociales. Detrás de su investigación se esconden relatos que ponen a la ciencia en medio del contexto social y la necesidad de ir más allá al momento de investigar.

11 min 21 Feb, 2020
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Y, ¿qué te llevas?
Minisodio - Autocuidado 101
Y, ¿qué te llevas?

En este nuevo minisodio quisimos compartirles algunas herramientas/consejos sobre cómo cuidar nuestra salud mental ante el desgaste psicológico que todos probablemente hemos tenido estos últimos días debido a las noticias. Sabemos que todos atravesamos situaciones difíciles y el sumar el contexto social y político que está sucediendo es una carga extra. Esperamos que se lleven cosas útiles y que lo puedan aplicar en su día a día.

14 min 21 Feb, 2020
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LA BELLEZA DE SER TÚ con Tiziana Berrondo
#6 Meditación: Mi lugar en el mundo
LA BELLEZA DE SER TÚ con Tiziana Berrondo

Reconocer tu lugar en el mundo te permite saber reafirmar lo que eres. Recuerda.... eres único e irrepetible

18 min 20 Feb, 2020
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Aprender y desaprender, la base para conocernos

Aprender y desaprender, la base para conocernos

41 min 20 Feb, 2020
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Love Life with Matthew Hussey
2: The Big Question: How Are You At Your Worst??
Love Life with Matthew Hussey

You might be the kind of person who is funny, joyful, and amazing to be around when you’re in a great mood. But what about when things get tough? Or stressful? Or when there’s conflict and problems? It’s time to ask the really important question that defines so many relationships: “how are you at your worst??” Listen to the episode to find out why this is one of the most defining parts of yourself you can ever work on to improve your love life... Follow Matthew @thematthewhussey, and Stephen @stephenhhussey

8 min 20 Feb, 2020
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Once Upon A Gene
Distressed Genes Aren't Just A Fashion Statement
Once Upon A Gene

ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 018 Distressed Genes Aren't Just a Fashion Statement Self care is more than a buzzword or a good intention. Synthiea and I are discussing how we create space for self care, mental and physical health and how doing small things can make a big impact. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS Here are some things you can do to manage stress, take care of yourselves and find some calm in the tornado that is parenthood with a child with special healthcare needs. Sign up for a meal delivery subscription This varies your menu so you're not eating the same things all the time and the meals are typically quick and easy to prepare. Carve out some alone time Even if you simply wake up before anyone else to have a quiet morning cup of coffee, find time to be alone. Wind down at …

41 min 20 Feb, 2020
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
Live 42: Karma e complessità: fai bene ciò che stai facendo
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Karma, complessità e mondo tecnologico...

48 min 20 Feb, 2020
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The Rich Roll Podcast
John Joseph & Mishka Shubaly Are My Reservoir Dogs
The Rich Roll Podcast

500 EPISODES. Over seven years ago, I sat down in a damp and echo-y warehouse on the north shore of Kauai and hit record for the very first time. There was no agenda. No commitment to even record a second episode. And certainly zero idea that what began as a fun experiment would evolve into both a passion and a vocation. And yet here we are. Without fail, beginning in late 2012, I have uploaded at least one episode every single week, amassing over 1000 hours of conversation and a global audience that downloads this show more than 3 million times a month — in total, over 70 million streams and counting. The numbers are great, but they fail to capture what is truly meaningful: the opportunity to go deep and unfiltered with some of the most amazing people currently walking planet Earth; and in …

2 hr 33 min 20 Feb, 2020
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