
Émotions : le podcast pour mettre des mots sur vos émotions
Emotions confinées : Nina ou comment vivre un deuil en cette période d'isolement [note vocale]
Émotions : le podcast pour mettre des mots sur vos émotions

Nous vivons une période étrange. Toutes et tous, confiné.e.s chez nous, quand nous ne sommes pas obligé.e.s d’aller travailler à l'extérieur. Nous télétravaillons, nous gardons nos enfants, nous faisons même parfois les deux en même temps... On s'inquiète parce qu’on a peur d’être isolé, parce qu’on ne sait pas ce qui va se passer… On pense à nos proches quand ils ne sont pas prêts de nous, ou on se réjouit de passer enfin du temps avec eux, quand on est enfermé ensemble.Dans Émotions, on a voulu en savoir plus sur ce que vous ressentez pendant cette période de confinement. Sur les situations parfois compliquées que vous devez gérer en même temps, et sur les émotions qui vous habitent. Nous vous avons donc demandé de nous envoyer des notes vocales pour nous raconter ce qui se passe dans votre jungle intérieure pendant cette période de …

7 min 19 Mar, 2020
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Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia
🐱 Adaptarse al cambio - Día 3
Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia

Entrená tu mente para sentirte más cómodo con los cambios. Día 3 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

10 min 19 Mar, 2020
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Once Upon A Gene
School Closures and FAPE
Once Upon A Gene

ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 022 School Closures and FAPE After the schools closed, I saw an uproar on social media, reading a lot of incorrect information, worry and confusion. This episode is geared to helping form realistic ideas about why distance learning isn't for all students and find acceptance of this topic. This is a huge hit to everyone, but joining me to help us all take a deep breath on the matter is Jen Cole. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS Tell us about your position at Pave. I'm the Director of Parent Training and Information at PAVE. Every state has a parent training and information center, funded through a grant from the US Department of Education and we're here to provide technical assistance to families and community members when they have questions or concerns about education for a child, birth through 26. What makes us …

28 min 19 Mar, 2020
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
Live 46: effetti psicologici della quarantena...una ricerca scientifica
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Prendiamo un articolo del Lancet sulla quarantena e su i suoi effetti psicologici...

45 min 19 Mar, 2020
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Taking Care In The Time of Coronavirus
The Rich Roll Podcast

A diversion from my typical format, today I sit down with my wife Julie Piatt to discuss the coronavirus pandemic. For those unfamiliar, Julie is an accomplished yogi, healer, musician, and mom to our four children. She is the author of three bestselling vegan cookbooks and hosts both the For The Life of Me podcast and Water Tiger, her online spiritual community. In addition, she is the founder and ‘Mother Arc’ of SriMu, her recently launched plant-based cheese start-up. This is a conversation about exercising care and self-care as we delicately wade through these most unprecedented waters. It's about replacing fear, anxiety and uncertainty with acceptance. Surrender. Creativity. Faith. And self-inquiry. It's about navigating calamity with grace. Finding the opportunity in crisis. It's about leaning into what is to reflect more deeply on our lives. And mindful response over reflexive reaction. And finally, it's about …

1 hr 13 min 19 Mar, 2020
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Cómo superar el miedo. Julio de la Iglesia

En esta época de incertidumbre, cuando toda la sociedad nos estamos adaptando a marchas forzadas, una emoción se manifiesta por encima de las demás: el miedo. Ese es el tema principal del programa de esta semana, donde aprenderás cómo mantener la cabeza fría y tomar las decisiones correctas ante cualquiera situación con Julio de la Iglesia.Las personas somos el resultado de nuestras experiencias y en el caso de Julio, es el resultado de un cóctel explosivo debido a su historia laboral: empleado de banca, activista en Greenpeace, vendedor en el rastro, policía antidroga, pescador de tiburones, boina verde, educador en la cárcel, maestro ninja, patrón de yate, director de comunicación y expansión, emprendedor, formador, conferenciante, y hasta tres veces número uno en oposiciones al estado.Actualmente, Julio condensa todas esta experiencias y conocimientos para ser un padre con dos profesiones: TEDAX (Técnico Especialista en Desactivación de …

56 min 19 Mar, 2020
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Entre nos lèvres
27 • Jean-François
Entre nos lèvres

Cet épisode d’Entre nos lèvres raconte l’histoire de Jean-François. Jean-François a 49 ans, et avec lui nous avons discuté des vies qu’on oublie, de Simone de Beauvoir, du reflet dans le miroir et du rejet qu’il peut susciter, de puzzles et de bistrots, d’amour et d’innocence, mais surtout d’acceptation. On vous souhaite une belle écoute ! Céline & Margaux Nous suivre sur Instagram : @entrenoslevres Découvrir nos soins sur notre boutique : www.entrenoslevres.fr Et n’oubliez pas de vous inscrire à notre super newsletter, on y raconte plein de trucs chouettes. On dévoile nos coulisses, on vous livre tous nos conseils et on partage même tout plein de recommandations (des livres, des films, des articles, tout ce qui nous a plu ou touché ces derniers temps). Promis, c’est cool. PS. Ah oui, Entre nos lèvres, ce sont des portraits intimes qui racontent les vraies histoires autour …

37 min 19 Mar, 2020
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Can You Heal Mental Illnesses with Medication Alone?
Change Your Brain Every Day

In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen answer more of your listener questions. This episode tackles such diverse topics as treating mental illness with medication, the role of routines in treating illnesses, exercise and bipolar disorder, acquired borderline personality disorder, and chronic mental illnesses.

16 min 19 Mar, 2020
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LA BELLEZA DE SER TÚ con Tiziana Berrondo
#10 Meditación: El infinito habita en ti
LA BELLEZA DE SER TÚ con Tiziana Berrondo

Aprende a observar desde un punto neutro para ampliar la perspectiva de lo que eres y de lo que te rodea.

14 min 18 Mar, 2020
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El podcast de Cristina Mitre
Cómo hacer ejercicio durante la cuarentena con Alberto García Bataller. Especial COVID-19
El podcast de Cristina Mitre

Seguimos con una nueva entrega de esta serie especial del podcast de Cristina Mitre sobre el COVID-19, hoy, con Alberto García Bataller, doctor en ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte, con quien charlaremos sobre cómo hacer ejercicio durante la cuarentena. Esta entrevista con Alberto pertenece a la serie de directos sobre el coronavirus que estoy grabando con distintos expertos de la salud desde mi cuenta de Instagram (@thebeautymail). No dudes en suscribirte al podcast de Cristina MItre desde tu reproductor habitual para, así, no perderte ninguna entrevista. Además, en Instagram, donde me encontrarás como @thebeautymail seguiré compartiendo más contenido para acompañarte todos los días, aunque sea al otro lado de una pantalla. A diario, puedes seguirme en: www.thebeautymail.es.Instagram @thebeautymail. Twitter @cristinamitre. YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/CristinaMitreFacebook https://www.facebook.com/Crismitre/ Mucha fuerza a todos. Esto pasará. Hoy, más que nunca a tope de power. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy …

46 min 18 Mar, 2020
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The School of Greatness
929 Esther Perel: The Quality of Your Relationships Determines the Quality of Your Life
The School of Greatness

“You learn to love yourself in the context of relationships with others.”QUESTIONSCan we choose to be in suffering or not? (0:30)Can you learn to suffer less over time? (4:24)When was the last time you suffered the deepest? (5:32)Why are relationships seemingly the most hard for people when they are what we need most? (8:32)How many relationships are thriving after decades of existing? (17:47)How many values do you need to have in common with your life partner? (27:35)YOU WILL LEARNWhat helps us in times of suffering (14:30)The 3 ways to make your relationship successful (22:18)What to focus on if you are single and looking to be in a relationship (24:40)What determines the success of a relationship day to day (36:01)Why it’s important to acknowledge the good in your co-workers (41:46)Why you must deal with your own past in order to deal with your relationship problems at …

1 hr 6 min 18 Mar, 2020
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10% Happier with Dan Harris
Parenting in a Pandemic | Susan Kaiser Greenland
10% Happier with Dan Harris

We're in the middle of one of the greatest tests for parents in modern memory. Tens of millions of us, cooped up in our homes with our kids, as a consequence of the coronavirus. Susan Kaiser Greenland can help. She's a former corporate attorney who transformed herself into one of the world's leading experts in meditation for kids, teens and parents. In this episode, she delivers tons of practical tips for formal and informal meditation practices -- for all age groups. She also talks about practices that can help parents not turn on one another in this excruciatingly stressful time. Plugzone: Website: https://www.susankaisergreenland.com/ Previous episode with Susan Kaiser Greenland & Annaka Harris, episode #121 Teaching Mindfulness to Kids: https://radiopublic.com/ten-percent-happier-with-dan-harr-WwE9m8/s1!e8765 Other Resources: Ten Percent Happier Live: We'll be streaming live on YouTube at 3PM ET every weekday. If you miss us live, you can catch the …

1 hr 6 min 18 Mar, 2020
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Parque Explora
Tecnologías aplicadas a procesos artísticos: del low al high tech.
Parque Explora

Invitados: artistas Angélica Teuta, Olivia Jack y Laura Tobón.

1 hr 17 min 18 Mar, 2020
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Parque Explora
El sur global en el Cern: Festival fotosíntesi
Parque Explora

Invitados: Sebastián González, artista visual, y Nelson Vanegas, docente del Instituto de Física de la U. de A.

1 hr 4 min 18 Mar, 2020
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Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia
🐱 Adaptarse al cambio - Día 2
Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia

Entrená tu mente para sentirte más cómodo con los cambios. Día 2 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

8 min 18 Mar, 2020
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