Wake up and be that guy. Through a powerful collection of motivating speeches, you’ll learn what it takes to become the person you aspire to be. Discover the mindset, habits, and actions that will propel you forward and help you stand out in a crowd. Join us and let these speeches motivate you to wake up each day with purpose and drive, ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead. Speaker: James E. Dixon kindly follow us on Instagram - @daily_motivationsorg Facebook- @daily_motivationsorg Please Kindly support this show Support Us
El éxito va de la mano del amor incondicional hacia ti mismo y hacia los demás. En este episodio, Majo te enseña a dar el primer paso para empezar a amarte sin condiciones y, así, construir una vida plena y exitosa.Suscríbete al newsletter de este podcast: www.mariajosealvarezb.com/autoestimaparatuvidaIG: @mariajosealvarezb
Cocinar no me hace ser chef e ir al zoológico no me hace ser un koala. ¿Cuántas veces tengo que hacer algo para que defina mi identidad? ¿Quién decide si soy o no lo que digo ser? En este episodio te presento algunas ideas controversiales que, aunque me han metido en un par de dilemas, sostengo aún al día de hoy. https://ko-fi.com/jaimegama/shop
Absolutamente nadie te puede motivar para hacer algo que tú no quieres. En esta Cápsula Mental, el Doctor Rafa Lopez desmitifica la motivación, y como es algo que viene de ti mismo. Síguenos en @sonoropodcast en todas las redes sociales. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
La satisfacción rápida, la dopamina y la validación social generada por los likes en tus publicaciones de redes sociales, han desencadenado en nuestras vidas cotidianas una “ansiedad invisible”, de la que hoy vamos a hablar en este episodio.Es tiempo de agradecer y disfrutar Por el Placer de Vivir. Un contenido pensado para ti y tu bienestar. Comparte los episodios para escuchar los mejores consejos de expertos.Disponible en la App de Uforia, nuestro canal de YouTube: Uforia Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde prefieras escucharnos.¿Cómo te sentiste al escuchar este Episodio? Déjanos tus comentarios, suscríbete y cuéntanos ¿Cuáles otros temas te gustaría oír en #PorElPlacerdeVivir?
Everything that is happening is unfolding not to fill your life with difficulty but to strengthen and upgrade you so you know true victory. Nothing is a waste. Every event can serve. All is good. Even if it looks bad.My latest book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
Oltre la paura di fallire: meditazione e visualizzazione guidata.
Viaggi di crescita interiore - Beautiful Mind
La paura del fallimento paralizza più del fallimento stesso.Questa meditazione guidata ti aiuterà ad esplorare e superare la paura attraverso la respirazione e la pratica immaginativa.Abbi cura di te e delle tue paure perchè esse sono guardiane di porte che ti condurranno verso nuovi orizzonti.Dr.ssa Francesca PeruzziPsicologa, danza movimento terapeuta, trainer mindfulness.www.francescaperuzzi.it
Oltre la paura di fallire: mindfulness e visualizzazione immaginativa.
Viaggi di crescita interiore - Beautiful Mind
La paura del fallimento paralizza più del fallimento stesso.Questa meditazione guidata ti aiuterà ad esplorare e superare la paura attraverso la respirazione e la pratica immaginativa.Abbi cura di te e delle tue paure perchè esse sono guardiane di porte che ti condurranno verso nuovi orizzonti.Dr.ssa Francesca PeruzziPsicologa, danza movimento terapeuta, trainer mindfulness.www.francescaperuzzi.it
EP 57: Collaborative Leadership in Healthcare: Putting People First
Coffee Break: Breaking the Cycle of Bullying in Healthcare, One Cup at a Time
A thriving healthcare system begins with leaders who prioritize their people, ensuring that a supportive culture drives exceptional patient care and outcomes. In this episode, Dr. Stacy Alves discusses her leadership philosophy, which prioritizes staff well-being and leads to excellent patient care. She highlights the importance of fostering collaboration, recognizing positive behaviors, empowering teams, managing change through engagement, and modeling healthy work habits as key to building a supportive, effective workplace. Tune in for an insightful conversation on how empowering employees and fostering a healthy work culture can transform patient care and drive lasting success in healthcare! Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources: https://healthyworkforceinstitute.com/podcast-episodes/
If there's one thing bi+ folks struggle with, it's not seeing themselves in media. Why is that a big deal? Because our identities are informed by the world around us; and when we do not find ourselves in that world, we can view that as a lack in ourselves. To help us explore the role of bi+ representation, we talk to the talented Patricia Silva. Patricia Silva is a queer (bi/pan) nonbinary artist working with available light, cameras, words, research, and educational modules to facilitate a deeper understanding of the contours of identities, queer inquiry, and relationships between diaspora and place(s). They experiment through making photographs, photo books, videos and short films, as well as through conversation series that are live or in podcast form. Their photographs and short films have been exhibited, screened, and awarded internationally since 2013; and their writing has been featured …
What happens when the wealthiest nation in the world fails its children? In this short but important solo episode, Dr. Lia Gaggino, speaking as a mother, grandmother, and pediatrician, shares her concerns about the state of children's welfare in America. She addresses multiple challenges facing our youth today, from healthcare and poverty to gun violence and education. As the November 5th election approaches, Dr. Gaggino makes an impassioned plea to voters to consider the impact their choices will have on the next generation. Her message transcends political lines, focusing instead on fundamental human values and the moral imperative to protect and nurture our children. After all, as she poignantly asks, “who will lead, teach, build, and protect our nation if we continue to fail our children today?”Links to resources mentioned on the showCDC https://www.cdc.gov/maternal-infant-health/infant-mortality/index.htmlCommonwealth Fund: https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2024/jun/insights-us-maternal-mortality-crisis-international-comparison#:~:text=Recent%20Maternal%20Mortality%20Trends,deaths%20per%20100%2C000%20live%20births.Annie E. Casey Kids Count: https://datacenter.aecf.org Other episodes you may …
NO - Limiti & Confini. Impara a dire NO, rispettare i tuoi limiti e confini e liberare la tua self-confidence: https://iseaberoggi.com/corsi/no-limiti-e-confini/ Non è vero che hai paura del fallimento. Tu hai paura del tuo successo, della tua luce e del tuo potere. Tu hai paura di essere visto, riconosciuto e ascoltato. Perché nasconderti è più comodo. Nascondendoti ti illudi di poter evitare di essere rifiutato, criticato, deluso o deriso. Nasconderti ti ha fatto sentire al sicuro così tante volte nella tua vita. Ma in quella scatola che si rimpicciolisce sempre di più, sei ancora al sicuro? Le parole che ho dovuto ripetere a me stessa così tante volte in questi anni e che oggi voglio dire a te - cuore a cuore. Per ricevere il workbook con esercizi pratici annessi a questa puntata, iscriviti gratis da qui: https://www.iseaberoggi.com/il-mio-nido-trasformativo/ Lista di Attesa del mio percorso più …
En este episodio, exploramos cómo enfrentar las fechas que solían tener un significado especial, como aniversarios, cumpleaños, y festividades, y que ahora, tras una ruptura, pueden volverse dolorosas o difíciles de manejar. Te comparto herramientas prácticas para honrar tus emociones sin caer en el sufrimiento, y cómo convertir esos momentos en oportunidades de sanación y crecimiento. Hablaremos de cómo redirigir la nostalgia y la tristeza hacia el amor propio, la autocompasión y la creación de nuevos rituales que te permitan resignificar estas fechas, haciéndolas un espacio para celebrar tu propia compañía y el proceso de transformación personal.Si quieres ser parte del grupo de apoyo de mi membresía entra aquí Recuerda que puedes encontrarme en Instagram como: @eva_latapi @superaloporfavor En TikTok como: @eva_latapi Crédito de edición y postproducción: Acevor Studio Puedes ver el video de Youtube Aquí Visita mi página para más recursos: www.evalatapi.comSi quieres ser …
La autoimagen es fundamental: Maltz argumenta que la autoimagen, la percepción que tenemos de nosotros mismos, influye en nuestras acciones y resultados. Cambiar esta autoimagen puede llevar a un cambio positivo en la vida.