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36 min 08 Jul, 2014
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The Rich Roll Podcast
How One Man Reinvented Himself Wholesale — Ruminations On Simplicity, Life In the Zone & The Great Iceberg of Consciousness
The Rich Roll Podcast

I started this show because I truly believe that too many of us are wasting our lives in a reflexive daze. Disconnected from who we are, what makes our hearts beat and what we truly need to be happy. Just trying to make it through the day intact. Pay the bills. And make ends meet so we can numb out to Dancing With The Stars. Living for the weekend, we celebrate by getting drunk and then do it all over again. You know what I’m talking about. It's no way to live. Believe me, I tried. Remember when you were a kid? No older than 11 when the world was wide open. Everything was amazing. Even the tiniest of things could provoke endless fascination. Pure joy in the simplest of activities like running around in the yard with a garden hose; jumping off a diving …

2 hr 44 min 07 Jul, 2014
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
27- "Leggere nel pensiero e predire..."
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Sapevi di essere in grado di “leggere nel pensiero”? No non sto scherzando, ogni volta che guardi una persona che sta per mettere in atto una certa azione, anche il tuo cervello la sta simulando... ed è come se la stessi per compiere tu stesso. Questo meccanismo di “lettura delle intenzioni altrui” è il fondamento sia della nostra comunicazione e sia del nostro modo di apprendere da ciò che vediamo (modellamento). Nella 27° puntata del podcast di psinel scoprirai 4 semplici esercizi per "allenare e affinare" queste abilità innate che tutti possediamo.Clicca qui per leggere il post: http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/07/mettersi-nei-panni-degli-altri-e.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2

27 min 06 Jul, 2014
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Manos en el sexo

Las manos son para acariciar y acariciarse, como también lo son los pies, los pechos, las yemas de los dedos, el pelo, etc. Podemos acariciar todo con todo, y eso incluye, desde luego, a los órganos sexuales. El "trabajo manual" puede ser un muy buen preludio para un muy buen sexo o solamente ser el plato fuerte. No hay nada universal porque, desde luego, en esto del sexo hay de todo y lo que a algunos les excita a otros les molesta. Aun así, creemos que lo que tenemos que proponerles puede cambiarles, para bien, el panorama sexual. Con @JeremySanchezM @betsy_r2 y @ClauslodatosSupport the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

55 min 04 Jul, 2014
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Sexo oral

¿Cuántas cosas se pueden hacer con una boca? En realidad, muchas. La verdad es que el sexo oral nunca es solamente eso; se puede jugar con muchos elementos y aprender muchas técnicas que producen sensaciones muy distintas y placenteras. En este programa damos tips sobre qué hacer y cómo hacer que el placer vaya del sexo a la boca y viceversa.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

1 hr 0 min 03 Jul, 2014
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32 min 01 Jul, 2014
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle Philosophy That Transcends Diet
The Rich Roll Podcast

Today we’re back with some heavy nutrition talk! There is so much confusion out there about diet, food & optimal health. It's enough to make even the most discerning, conscientious consumer’s head split wide open in frustration. Exasperated, we end up simply paralyzed — continuing to perpetuate unhealthy eating habits that enslave us to an inevitable future of disease, obesity and dependence upon the pharmaceutical industry. My humble opinion? Last week's Time Magazine cover story on the comeback of butter doesn't exactly help matters. Seriously? To help set matters to rights and slice through the wide swath of confusion, obfuscation and downright misinformation, I am pleased to host the lovely and sagacious Sharon Palmer RD. For the uninitiated, “RD” stands for Registered Dietitian. But a more apropos professional acronym just might be “PPRD” – for PlantPowered Registered Dietitian. Sharon is the editor of the award-winning …

2 hr 7 min 29 Jun, 2014
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
26- La magia del "come se"
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Ti piacerebbe saper negoziare più efficacemente? E persuadere qualcuno? Ed avere più forza di volontà? Magari riuscire a non procrastinare le cose che dobbiamo fare? Sono solo alcune delle domande che ci poniamo nella26° puntata del podcast di psinel dedicato al “come se”......oggi scoprirai una serie di studi davvero affascinanti sulla interazione che intercorre fra mente, corpo ed ambiente. E scoprirai come alcune semplici azioni possano migliorare le nostre prestazioni in diverse aree...Clicca qui per leggere tutto il post http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/06/corpo-mente-ambiente.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2

24 min 29 Jun, 2014
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29 min 24 Jun, 2014
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The Rich Roll Podcast
From Soccer Star to Sports Agent — How To Pursue Your Dream Job, The Elements of Athletic Greatness & Running on Plants
The Rich Roll Podcast

Must be nice to have your life [sneer]……I wish I could…. [fill in the blank, with scorn]….but some people have to work for a living [biting sarcasm]. The easy road is to resent those that have what you want. Or at least more of what you wish you had. Actually it's more of a cop out than an easy road. But a cop out most of us take (usually unconsciously), which in turn leads to nothing good. Envy, anger, denial, self-loathing and defeatism are but a few of the common and predictable human emotions most likely to arise by default when confronted with that rare person living a fully actualized, aspirational life. A rewarding life where work and play are merged. A life that from the outside makes everything appear smooth, easy and obstacle free. You know the kind of guy I'm talking about right? …

1 hr 46 min 23 Jun, 2014
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
25- L'Arte nella Crescita Personale
Il Podcast di PsiNel

"Impara l'arte e mettila da parte"...dice un vecchio adagio, che in un recente post di psinel abbiamo anche condiviso. Nella 25° puntata del podcast di psinel parliamo di un argomento davvero interessante:L'effetto che ha l'arte sulla nostra psicologia e come possiamo sfruttarlo per migliorarci. L'arte è in grado realmente di "risvegliarci"...senza necessariamente seguire un metodo o una pratica.Clicca qui per leggere il post: http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/06/arte-crescita-personale.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2

21 min 22 Jun, 2014
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Simple Life Together
SLT068: Simple Living with Liz Neighbors
Simple Life Together

We've been sharing our story about simple living here since the tail end of 2012. But we know we're not alone when it comes to simple living! We put the call out in our last episode for more volunteers to share their story here on Simple Life Together. Well...you answered the call and and today we have our second Profile in Simplicity guest who is going to share how she's simplified her life, too! But before we tell you any more about our special guest, we want to give you a little reminder/background about this segment. Read more... Background for Simplicity Profiles: We're looking at doing Simplicity Profiles every month or so. We’ll start the show with our featured guest and talk with them about simple living, how they embraced simplicity, what they've learned along the way, etc. We think the talks will last anywhere …

38 min 19 Jun, 2014
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32 min 17 Jun, 2014
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The School of Greatness
73 Jordan Harbinger: How to Increase Confidence and Overcome Fear of Rejection
The School of Greatness

This week on the School of Greatness podcast, Lewis Howes and Jordan Harbinger discuss the journey of cultivating a confident way of being. It's a powerful one. To get the show notes and more valuable information about the two, we welcome you to www.lewishowes.com/73 Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

42 min 17 Jun, 2014
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The Rich Roll Podcast
“Cowspiracy”: The Devastating Global Impact of Industrialized Animal Agriculture on the Health of Our Planet
The Rich Roll Podcast

You care about the planet, right? Of course you do. We're all concerned about global climate change, melting ice caps, fracking, the pollution of our oceans and all the many more issues we currently face that threaten Earth's long term sustainable health. As such, we do our best to be good planetary citizens. To keep our carbon footprint light, we eat local, recycle and compost. We opt for the bike and leave the hybrid car in the garage to reduce our fossil fuel dependance. We've swapped our lightbulbs for those new expensive ones that for whatever reason are supposed to be so much better. And here in California (and wherever we face drought) we limit our showers and curtail excess water usage. This is a very positive shift in consciousness. These are all great habits. So go ahead. It's OK to feel good about yourself. …

1 hr 39 min 16 Jun, 2014
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