
PODCAST INVITADO: Sintonía Diversa - Eyaculación en la Mujer

Podcast invitado: tres conductoras diferentes y diversas comparten sus experiencias, reflexiones y conocimientos sobre pareja, moda, arte y entretenimiento, amor, sexualidad, música y temas de actualidad. Muy divertido y muy ameno.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

1 hr 0 min 03 Sep, 2014
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PODCAST INVITADO: Sintonía Diversa - Clítoris

Podcast invitado: tres conductoras diferentes y diversas comparten sus experiencias, reflexiones y conocimientos sobre pareja, moda, arte y entretenimiento, amor, sexualidad, música y temas de actualidad. Muy divertido y muy ameno.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

1 hr 0 min 03 Sep, 2014
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Derecho a la Carta
Derecho a la Carta

24 min 02 Sep, 2014
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The School of Greatness
88 Jim Afremow: Think, Train and Thrive with a Champion's Mind
The School of Greatness

"Champions do not leave the mental game to chance or circumstance." - Jim Afremow To learn more about the show you can get the show notes for free at LewisHowes.com/88 Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

57 min 02 Sep, 2014
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Sexopolis Programa Poliamor

Entrevista con el Dr. Juan Luis Álvarez-Gayou Jurgenson, director y fundador del Instituto Mexicano de Sexología en donde charlamos sobre amor, pareja y poliamor. Con Paulina Millán y Jeremy Sánchez.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

1 hr 3 min 01 Sep, 2014
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Confesiones De Un Stripper

¿Cómo es un día en la vida de una stripper profesional? ¡Cómo es un día MUY agitado? ¿Cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas de este trabajo? En este programa entrevistamos a un buen amigo que nos ofreció respuestas directas y muy honestas sobre esta carrera. Muy divertida e ilustradora entrevista. Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

57 min 01 Sep, 2014
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The Rich Roll Podcast
The Power of Community to Catalyze Positive Social Change
The Rich Roll Podcast

In case you missed it, and because it's highly relevant to today's show, let's begin this week's offering with a read (or re-read?) of a piece I posted a while back on Medium.com entitled, Why You Should Stop Hacking Your Life & Invest in The Journey. Before you pounce on me for going all Grandpa Roll on you, let me point out that I’m all for efficiencies. But I’m more about the 10,000 hours of hard work that goes into creating something amazing. The hustle, passion, focus, and grit required to birth a dream. The work ethic and commitment to not just be good, but great – not just for you – driven by ego or self-aggrandizement – but for the betterment of everyone. Whether you get there or not, it’s the commitment I admire. It's the action that matters. So stop resisting it by …

2 hr 28 min 01 Sep, 2014
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
35- Ascolto profondo...in 3 passi
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Sapevi che esiste un modo per “ascoltare profondamente”?Una modalità che se appresa può essere usata anche come pratica informale di meditazione? Una pratica che è in grado decuplicare la tua capacità di comunicare con gli altri?So che ti sembra fantascienza ma questa pratica esiste ed i suoi effetti sono straordinari, soprattutto se come molti, ti sei impegnato in questi anni per diventare un “bravocomunicatore”... ebbene se da anni vuoi migliorare la tua comunicazione, segui questo semplice esercizio...Clicca qui per leggere il post completo:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/09/lascolto-profondo-3-passi-per-imparare.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2

22 min 31 Ago, 2014
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Amor Obsesivo

Obsesionarnos por conseguir el amor de alguien, por conservar a alguien a nuestro lado o por recuperar la relación que tuvimos con alguien, puede convertirse, no solamente en un gasto de energía, sino en un desgaste emocional que causa ansiedad, tristeza y enojo. La diferencia entre la obsesión y el amor que brinda respeto y confianza, se olvida cuando se olvidan también las libertades (la propia y la de la otra persona) y el derecho que cada quien tiene a elegir distintos caminos. En este programa analizamos distintos tipos de obsesión, cómo identificarlos y cómo ayudarnos a dejarlos atrás para siempre. Con Jonathan Altamirano, Jeremy Sánchez y Paulina Millán.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

53 min 27 Ago, 2014
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Derecho a la Carta
Derecho a la Carta

30 min 26 Ago, 2014
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The Rich Roll Podcast
From Professional Athlete to Bestselling Author and Beyond – The Story of a Most Unlikely Entrepreneurial Success
The Rich Roll Podcast

It’s been a crazy week. This past Monday, we launched our new iOS mobile app to immediate and rave reviews, posted our 100th episode and surpassed 3 million podcast downloads. Pretty awesome, thanks entirely to you guys — the audience. Most appreciated. But how did all these momentous milestones mysteriously transpire on the exact same day? I call this the principle of Universal Synchronicity. In my book, I wrote something like, “when purpose aligns with faith, the Universe will conspire to support you” (actually I don't remember exactly what I said and right now I'm too lazy to look it up, but I digress). Toss service into the equation and that’s when stuff gets really crazy. My version of the age-old precept (and again I am paraphrasing), give of yourself freely and you will receive tenfold in return. I don’t know why – it doesn’t …

2 hr 14 min 25 Ago, 2014
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
34- La Meditazione di Google...
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Sapevi che da anni “google” ha creato un vero e proprio programma di training sulla mindfulness e sulla intelligenza emotiva? Il programma ha un nome moltodivertente “Search inside yourself” (cerca dentro te stesso)ed è tenuto da Chad-Meng tan, uno dei più noti dipendentidi google. Un ingegnere che ha dedicato questi ultimi annialla creazione di un training davvero ben fatto e che stacambiando la vita (in meglio) dei dipendenti di google...Clicca qui per leggere il post completo:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/08/meditazione-google-meng.html Iscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2

22 min 24 Ago, 2014
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Pasión, sexo y amor

El deseo sexual es caprichoso: va y viene sin consultarnos, se desaparece cuando más lo necesitamos y nos sorprende cuando quisiéramos estar más preparados. Pero, ¿qué desata el deseo sexual y la pasión? ¿se relacionan siempre con el amor? Pero sobretodo, ¿qué pasa cuando el amor y la pasión se han distanciado? En este programa conversamos sobre el tema y conjuramos para encontrar maneras de rescatar todo aquello que nos apasiona y nos excita. Conducen: Betsy Reuss, Jeremy Sánchez y Paulina Millán.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

59 min 22 Ago, 2014
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The School of Greatness
87 The Truth About Intelligence and the Many Paths To Greatness with Scott Barry Kaufman
The School of Greatness

"I think educators have a misguided view of how we realize potential and what these tests are actually measuring." - Scott Barry Kaufman Please come visit us, find the show resources and connect with the School of Greatness: www.lewishowes.com/87 Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

48 min 22 Ago, 2014
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Simple Life Together
SLT071: The Power of Habit
Simple Life Together

Never underestimate the power of habit. In mid-April of 2014, I decided that I needed to make some positive changes to my morning ritual. I've talked about my morning ritual a few times on the Simple Life Together podcast, and we discussed the power of habit, routines and rituals back in Episode 30 and also in one of our most popular episodes, The 7 Habits for Highly Effective Simplicity in Episode 55. But recently I read a book on habits (well, actually I listened to the audio version) by Charles Duhigg, titled The Power of Habit. But let me back up just a bit and talk about my positive changes to how I spend my early morning. Following a visit to the doctor and the results of some medical testing, I decided that I need to get more active. Of course, my wife Vanessa had …

41 min 21 Ago, 2014
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