Riesci anche tu a sentirla? Quella vocina narrante che accompagna “tutti i nostri pensieri”? Si, quella che nei film viene spesso visto come il “ragionamento silenzioso del protagonista”... in psicologia si chiama “self-talk” ed è il tuo “dialogo interiore”.Nella 30° puntata del podcast di psinel ti parlo proprio di questo partendo da una ricerca davvero interessante, che ti mostra come è più utile “parlare a te stesso”...e non solo...Clicca qui per leggere il post: http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/07/le-leggi-del-self-talk-o-dialogo.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2
De la A a la Z, en este programa nos dimos a la tarea de recopilar todos los términos que te harán parecer un diccionario sexual y le quitarán lo aburrido a cualquier reunión familiar. Asexual, cisgénero, birromántico, demisexual, dogging, cruising, leather, fobofilia... son tantos, que tendremos que hacer una segunda parte un día.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!
76 How to Craft, Communicate, and Cash In on Your Personal Story with Bo Eason
The School of Greatness
"I was being wheeled off the field to my 7th knee surgery and I was looking up in the crowd thinking, 'I think I may be going to prison.'" To get in-depth understanding of what Bo Eason stands for, come visit us at www.lewishowes.com/76 Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX
Finding balance in life. Developing trust in something bigger than yourself. Surrendering your self-will. Relying on faith to guide you. And the courage to risk it all for the sake of living your best, most authentic life. Today marks the return of my erstwhile co–host, mother of my children and my wife of 11 years. Julie Piatt. Last week we celebrated our anniversary by renewing our vows. A small little ceremony with just the kids, it was a meaningful way to pay tribute to this journey we've taken. Bringing the kids into the equation, all six of us took the opportunity to share our own “vows” by expressing gratitude for what each member of the family brings to our communal band. It's important to create ceremony around seminal moments. To pause. And take the time to honor each other. It was profound. An event that …
Il titolo di questa 29° puntata del podcast è “già sentito” immagino visto che da secoli conosciamo “il potere delle storie”. Dapprima come forma di conoscenza tramandata oralmente, per arrivare ainostri libri fino ad internet......ma non solo, le storie vengono oggi studiate e ristudiate da politici e pubblicitari per modificare l'opinione pubblica. I primi per avere più voti ed i secondi per vendere di più... in ogni campo ormai è noto il “potere delle storie”.Oggi scoprirai alcuni studi scientifici su questo potere e quanto potere hanno sul nostro organismo. Vedremo insieme alcuni consigli per implementare “il potere delle storie nella nostra vita”...Clicca qui per leggere il post: http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/07/il-potere-delle-storie-come-le-storie.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2
The number one reason we love simplicity is that it gives us flexibility to live our lives the way we want. Sure, it takes some real effort to get to the point where we could drop what we were doing and take a 30-day vacation, but once you get to the point where you can shape your life to do the things you want to do, and live they way you want to live, you'll love simplicity too. It is so worth the effort and probably how you'd like to live your life too. During our recent trip, we covered over 6600 miles with our tiny teardrop camper in tow. But thankfully, we didn't drag along a lot of complexity with us as we traveled. But simplicity doesn't just "happen." Some deliberate decisions and actions ensured we could enjoy our experiences together as a family …
El concepto de adolescencia que hemos escuchamos y leído durante mucho tiempo, hace muchas veces referencia a esta etapa de la vida como a una llena de carencias: de información, de madurez, de posibilidades, de razones, de sensatez, etc. Sin embargo, actualmente existe un mayor cuestionamiento sobre lo que realmente significa la adolescencia y el modo en que nos impacta a nivel personal y social. En este programa charlamos sobre la sexualidad y el amor en la adolescencia y las particularidades y genialidades que a veces pasamos por alto.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!
El sexo casual, en su definición más simple y general, se refiere a las relaciones sexuales que se practican fuera del contexto de una relación sentimental o romántica. Es un concepto que alberga diversos términos convenientes (es decir, aplicados según nos va conviniendo): desde amigos con derechos y amigovios, hasta encuentros de una noche y amistades sexuales. En este programa platicamos sobre las características de estas relaciones, las reglas y todo lo que debemos tener en cuenta para vivirlas con mucho placer y sin tanto drama.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!
Dar "like", comentar una foto, agregar o no a alguien o "dar un toque", son algunas de las cosas que causan los peores conflictos entre algunas parejas. Y es que el tema de los celos, en la era de las redes sociales, se ha complicado de manera peculiar, y algunas de las cosas que hacemos para mitigarlos solamente terminan por complicar todo lo demás. En este programa analizamos los cibercelos y sus implicaciones, pero también, sus posibles soluciones.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!
75 Ramit Sethi on Building an Empire, Powerful Habits, and the Art of Becoming the Best
The School of Greatness
Ramit Sethi teaches people how to be rich. In this podcast I ask him about the hobbies and moments that shaped him to his success today. How to hire and run effective teams that build your business. How to spend like a millionaire but save like an all-star plus much more. Dive in and check out lewishowes.com/75 for more Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX
74 What a Musical Genius Can Teach You About World Class Music Production (CJ Baran Reveals All)
The School of Greatness
He lived 20 ft. from me the whole time... Before he spent his 20th birthday he used social media to leverage a record deal. As a teenager he opened for Jusin Bieber and Miley Cyrus. To many, he achieved the height of fame and fortune. But something was missing... Find out the rest of the story at at www.lewishowes.com/74 Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX
Oh snap — s*$%t is about to get real! Back by popular demand, I am overjoyed to bring together two of my most popular repeat guests on the RRP — John Joseph and Mishka Shubaly– for an epic threesome. Call it my Post-Punk Algonquin Round Table: uncensored ruminations NYC style on sobriety, writing books, eating plants, running ridiculously long distances, expanding consciousness, walking a spiritual path and PMA — John's personal mantra for positive mental attitude. I cannot overstate how much I love these guys. And on the mic they never disappoint. As you might suspect, the Cro-Mags' frontman aka Bloodclot returns to do what he does best — incite, provoke, educate and entertain. Straight talk directly from the streets of the Lower East Side with one singular, driving purpose: getting people to “wake the f&*k up”, expand consciousness and take control of our lives. …
Hai ascoltato il podcast numero 26 dedicato al “come se” e alla interazione mente-corpo? Bene, oggi riprendiamo quell'argomento e lo espandiamo con altre 8 “posizioni scientifiche” per......prendere migliori decisioni, diventare più creativo ed assertivo e molto altro ancora. Nessuna magia, ma semplicemente la messa in pratica di principi che la ricerca in psicologia studia da ormai un secolo...Clicca qui per leggere il post :http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/07/corpo-mente-8-tecniche-psico-corporee.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2