
BeThatHealingGirl Podcast
How To Stop Overthinking When the Vacation Ends
BeThatHealingGirl Podcast

Today's episode is all about how to stop overthinking when the vacation ends. You know that moment when the trip wraps up and your brain goes into overdrive, analyzing every little detail? Did it mean as much to them as it did to me? Was that little fight a big deal? Or maybe you’re wondering if you were too much or not enough. Sound familiar? Then this episode is for YOU. In this episode, we’ll cover the sneaky habit of overthinking post-vacation (and how to stop it), how to quiet that second-guessing voice that says you weren’t funny, sexy, or “enough” on the trip and why self-trust is the key to breaking free from overanalyzing every interaction! PLUS, I’m sharing insights from my own month-long trip to Japan and the Philippines with my husband. It was magical, but even in my earned secure relationship, those …

22 min 17 Sep, 2024
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Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano
Técnicas para gestionar tu ansiedad
Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano

Si estás pasando por una crisis de ansiedad, no encuentras las respuestas adecuadas y tu mente divaga en un ruido de pensamientos... Hoy, junto con la psicóloga Paty Alduncin, te explicamos dos técnicas significativas que van a ayudarte a tratar la ansiedad.Es tiempo de agradecer y disfrutar Por el Placer de Vivir. Un contenido pensado para ti y tu bienestar. Comparte los episodios para escuchar los mejores expertos y consejos.Disponible en la App de Uforia, nuestro canal de YouTube: Uforia Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde prefieras escucharnos.¿Cómo te sentiste al escuchar este Episodio? Déjanos tus comentarios, suscríbete y cuéntanos ¿Cuáles otros temas te gustaría oír en #PorElPlacerdeVivir?

30 min 17 Sep, 2024
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Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships
497 - I Hate the People My Partner Dates
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships

What do you do if you can't stand the people your partner dates or dislike how they date? Today, we're discussing all the different ways these situations can play out, any research available about the topic, and how you can get to the crux of what's really going on, along with ways to cope with it. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community.This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/multi and get 10% off your first month.Quality lube is essential for good sexual experiences. Try our absolute favorite, Uberlube and get 10% off plus free shipping with promo code MULTIAMORY Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know …

1 hr 3 min 17 Sep, 2024
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The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Focus on Producing VALUE vs. Making MONEY
The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

Ted Turner's a pretty amazing man...— he founded CNN from nothing— he started the Cartoon Network— he's won the America's Cup— he created Ted's Montana Grill— he launched The Goodwill Games— he's given away billions to great causes.So how did he build such a TEL [Truly Epic Life]?Ted Turner focused on producing value vs. making money. This way of thinking is so contrarian to the way most businesspeople think [and that's why most businesspeople never join the ranks of the financial and influential elite].If your whole focus is on making money, it's off-delivering the staggering value that will create the fanatical followers who will pay you money.Of course, serve for the beauty and internal fulfillment of serving. But know that the inevitable by-product of phenomenal service to others [your customers, communities etc.] is material prosperity well-beyond anything you've yet to experience.This is what my new …

3 min 17 Sep, 2024
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Israel Valdez Podcast
Lo Que no Comparten sobre Espacios Confinados
Israel Valdez Podcast

Cursos de Seguridad Industrial ⁠⁠safetyisab.com⁠ 🎖Israel Valdez es un Entorno Virtual en Salud y Seguridad Industrial por un Equipo Especializado en diferentes áreas. Estamos Listos para acompañarte en tu Camino. ⁠https://calendly.com/israel181083/60min⁠ Podcast de Seguridad Industrial y Salud Mental ⁠safetyisab.com⁠ Se parte de nuestra Comunidad de Seguridad Industrial ⁠https://chat.whatsapp.com/D8ytJ37wjtf4HGTKp94RjH⁠ Te gusta mi Contenido? Suscribirte en LinkedIn a mi Newsletter⁠ ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=6971086629004308480⁠⁠ Sígueme en LinkedIn: ⁠www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=israel-valdez-8a3a5b18a⁠

16 min 17 Sep, 2024
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I problemi sono altri
la lista 'anti-ansia'
I problemi sono altri

In questi 7 anni di convivenza con l'ansia ho messo in pratica alcune strategie che mi hanno aiutata a tenerla sotto controllo per riuscire ad avere una vita il quanto più possibile normale. Piccolo spoiler: la prima cosa della mia lista è naturalmente la terapia: uno psicoterapeuta è la sola persona che può aiutarci a comprendere l'origine del nostro disagio e darci strumenti efficaci pensati apposta per noi per riuscire a superare l'ansia lasciandocela finalmente alle spalle. Per i giorni in cui non vedevo la mia psicologa avevo bisogno di trovare strategie positive per superare i momenti di difficoltà ed è di questo che parleremo oggi. Questa lista è cresciuta e cambiata con me nel corso di questi lunghi anni perchè quello che mi serviva prima non è ciò di cui necessito adesso e allo stesso modo ciò che troverete nel mio elenco può non …

21 min 17 Sep, 2024
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EP66: DR. VICENTE MERA | Doctor nº 1 en Antienvejecimiento: Así es como puedes vivir +100 años

En el podcast de hoy nuestro amigo, el Dr. Vicente Mera, uno de los médicos más prestigiosos a nivel mundial en materia de antienvejecimiento, galardonado como el mejor médico europeo en este campo para que nos cuente las claves para retrasar el envejecimiento y poder vivir más y mejor. Disfrutad :)!

2 hr 3 min 17 Sep, 2024
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Lab de la Felicidad
13. ¡No huyas de tu trabajo! enamórate de él
Lab de la Felicidad

Marty se encarga de eliminar ratas, pero si le preguntas cuál es su trabajo, dirá que consiste en "resolver problemas" y "ayudar a las personas". Dayanara Torres nos explica cómo todos llegamos a ignorar la importancia de la satisfacción laboral, y escucharemos a la Profesora Amy Rozanski hablar sobre la "creación de trabajo": la habilidad de redefinir que las personas felices, como Marty, utilizan para reescribir sus carreras y convertirlas en algo más que una simple manera de ganar dinero.

40 min 17 Sep, 2024
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The Jefferson Fisher Podcast
My Top 3 Argument Responses
The Jefferson Fisher Podcast

Ever find yourself in an argument where the other person gets defensive, no matter what you say? In this episode, I’m sharing 3 easy phrases that can help you calm things down and handle defensive behavior—even when tensions are high. Plus, I’ll show you how small changes in your approach can turn defensive reactions into productive discussions. These strategies will help you manage conflict, defuse defensiveness, and stay in control of any tough conversation. Want more? Pre-Order my book The Next Conversation Subscribe to my Youtube Subscribe to my Newsletter Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

13 min 17 Sep, 2024
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Tu Desarrollo Personal
Tu Desarrollo Personal

La Compasión promueve valores como la solidaridad, la empatía, la generosidad y el respeto mutuo, destacando la importancia de cada interacción humana.

10 min 17 Sep, 2024
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Radio Headspace
Unlock Personal Growth Through Mental Space
Radio Headspace

In Eastern philosophy, ‘demons’ represent anything that holds us back from freedom. Instead of meeting your inner struggles with judgment or repression, approach them with compassion to foster healing and personal growth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

5 min 17 Sep, 2024
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The Sabrina Zohar Show
97: How To Actually Change Your Life With Liz Moody
The Sabrina Zohar Show

Liz Moody, a journalist turned podcaster and author, sits down with Sabrina to talk about how to grow into the person you want to be. Liz shares some of her personal journey and emphasizes saying yes to yourself. She and Sabrina encourage people to start by figuring out what they truly want, free from external pressures, and to identify their motivations. Liz suggests reflecting on life from the perspective of one's deathbed to prioritize what really matters. Both Liz and Sabrina talk about the need for granular clarity in relationships and life goals, advocating for commitment devices to help follow through on intentions. Building self-trust is crucial, and this can be done by making quick decisions, keeping small promises, and embracing discomfort. Liz also highlights the importance of setting structural boundaries, such as limiting phone use, and choosing "your hard" while maintaining perspective on bigger …

48 min 17 Sep, 2024
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49 - Smettere di procrastinare

Lasciatemi sfatare uno dei miti più grandi che esistono sulla procrastinazione: per anni ci hanno detto che procrastinare è un problema di cattiva gestione del tempo. Che se solo fossimo più organizzati, più disciplinati, non ci troveremmo a rimandare costantemente le cose. Ma non è così. La procrastinazione è una questione più profonda che riguarda le nostre emozioni, le nostre paure e la nostra relazione con ciò che dobbiamo fare. In questo episodio voglio esplorare meglio l'origine di questa tendenza e mostrarti come, una volta compresa, possiamo imparare a gestirla. _____________________________________________ Tressessanta è anche newsletter: iscriviti per ricevere riflessioni, storie e consigli per coltivare il tuo benessere a 360 gradi. Unisciti al canale Telegram per entrare a far parte della community e seguimi su Instagram e Tiktok per pillole quotidiane di motivazione e ispirazione. Collaborazioni: Sconto sul sito di Koro: VIRGIKORO Collaborazione tecnica: www.kahunasound.it (fonico …

22 min 17 Sep, 2024
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Cómo vivir con calma mental
10 curiosidades sobre la naturaleza de tus pensamientos
Cómo vivir con calma mental

Acompáñame a explorar la mente y aprender a relacionarte de forma más efectiva con tus patrones de pensamiento, impulsando tu bienestar emocional y mental. Únete al taller intensivo gratuito de 4 días “Aprende a salir de tu bucle mental” que se hará del 23 al 26 de septiembre de 2024 para descubrir lo que te aleja de tu serenidad y aprender a gestionarlo: https://themindfulroom.com/training-bucle/

23 min 17 Sep, 2024
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Se Regalan Dudas.
494. No tengo pareja ¿Hay algo malo conmigo? | Pamela Moreno & Raúl Álvarez
Se Regalan Dudas.

Invitamos a nuestrxs amigxs Raúl Álvarez y Pamela Moreno para hablar sobre los prejuicios de la soltería. ¿Tener pareja es la única forma de relacionarnos? ¿Estar en una relación es un destino o una meta hacia la felicidad? ¿Hay algo malo en mí si todavía no he encontrado una pareja? ¿Cómo abrir mi corazón si estoy lista o listo para empezar a salir con alguien? Son solo algunas de las preguntas que abordamos en el episodio. Raúl y Pamela nos hablaron sobre su experiencia buscando pareja y estando en soltería. Además, platicamos sobre todo lo que hemos aprendido de estar en soltería. Si hoy estás en soltería o acabas de terminar una relación, este episodio es para ti. Comparte este episodio con alguien de tus amistades que creas que le puede servir.En este episodio encuentras información sobre: - ¿Realmente quiero una pareja?- Los prejuicios de …

1 hr 11 min 17 Sep, 2024
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