No permitas que la impulsividad de un instante te haga perder no solo la cabeza, sino también a las personas que más amas o las cosas por las que has trabajado durante tanto tiempo. ¡El que se enoja pierde! Y hoy explicamos varias técnicas para ser más tolerantes.Es tiempo de agradecer y disfrutar Por el Placer de Vivir. Un contenido pensado para ti y tu bienestar. Comparte los episodios para escuchar los mejores expertos y consejos.Disponible en la App de Uforia, nuestro canal de YouTube: Uforia Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde prefieras escucharnos.¿Cómo te sentiste al escuchar este Episodio? Déjanos tus comentarios, suscríbete y cuéntanos ¿Cuáles otros temas te gustaría oír en #PorElPlacerdeVivir?
Sono solo un umano. Sono solo un umano! È sempre potente il momento in cui ce lo ricordiamo e torniamo nell'umiltà del nostro corpo fatto di carne e di ossa... ...e non di acciaio inossidabile. Paradossalmente, abbracciare tutta la mia umanità: Le mie domande, le mie paure, le mie vulnerabilità, il mio caos, le mie parte meno "belle" ai miei occhi... e con abbracciarle intendo assumerle, affermarle, metterle in luce, accettarle. Ha potenziato profondamente la mia self-confidence e mi ha anche resa più magnetica nella mia vita. Perché io non sono qui per dimostrare qualcosa a qualcuno, sono qui per vivere la mia benedetta vita da umano. Sono ora aperte le porte per la seconda edizione di LIBERA: 3 mesi di pura espansione al mio fianco per leader ribelli e visionari pronti a potenziare la propria fiducia, sicurezza e libertà interiore: https://iseaberoggi.com/corsi/libera/ Per ricevere il …
Now is a wise time to appreciate all the good in your life as never before. Gratitude is the antidote to fear. And concentrating on the small graces and precious aspects of your life will keep you happy, confident and healthy during this time of unease.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
La comunicación asertiva es el puente que conecta lo que sentimos con lo que decimos. Es la habilidad de expresarnos con claridad, sin miedo al conflicto, pero también sin dañar al otro. ¿Cuántas veces te has callado para evitar un malentendido, o has hablado de más en un momento de ira? Ser asertivo no es solo saber hablar, es aprender a escuchar, a respetar, y sobre todo, a valorarnos. . Porque, al final, la calidad de nuestras relaciones y nuestro bienestar emocional dependen de ello. . Te invito a descubrir cómo incorporar la comunicación asertiva en tu vida diaria y comenzar a construir relaciones más auténticas y significativas. . Te recomiendo: Técnicas efectivas para practicar la asertividad 3 habilidades para comunicarnos mejor y transformar nuestras relaciones . ¿Te gusta este contenido? 💌 Suscríbete a nuestro Newsletter GRATIS aquí. 📚 Descubre CURSOS para tu bienestar aquí. …
Hai mai notato quanto siamo legati ai nostri telefoni? Guardati intorno. Quasi sempre, abbiamo il cellulare in mano, come se ci aspettassimo una chiamata urgente da un momento all’altro. Come se dovessimo rispondere subito a qualsiasi notifica, perché sembra imprescindibile. - Sono Stefania Brucini, Productivity Coach e founder di Simple Tiny Shifts®, il metodo dei piccoli e semplici cambiamenti per smettere di procrastinare. 📩 Iscriviti alla newsletter settimanale per ricevere il riepilogo delle puntate e gli esercizi delle puntate: https://www.simpletinyshifts.com/Newsletter-unpassoalgiorno 🔔 Se non vuoi perderti i nuovi episodi, non dimenticare di seguire “Un passo al giorno” sulla tua app di podcast preferita 📲 Seguimi su Instagram: @simpletinyshifts 🌐 Il mio sito: www.simpletinyshifts.com 🎙 Ascolta l'altro mio podcast: Valorizza il tuo tempo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
A collection of voicemails from rare disease parents who relate to you situation.
Dr. Kristin Neff guides us in a self-compassionate touch exercise, and shares the many research-backed reasons to cultivate kindness towards oneself.Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/5xt3mz3hSummary: Dr. Kristin Neff guides us through various practices of self-compassionate touch, such as placing hands over the heart or cradling the face, to provide comfort and support. Research shows that self-compassion can improve mental and physical well-being and activates the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress. Guest: Dr. Kristin Neff is an associate professor in the University of Texas at Austin's department of educational psychology. She's also the co-author of 'Mindful Self-Compassion for Burnout,' which offers tools to help individuals heal and recharge from burnout.How To Do This Self-Compassionate Touch Practice: Take a moment to try these different touches and see which feels most supportive to you. Whenever you feel stressed or upset, or just need some extra support, use this compassionate touch to …
Explore what happens in your gut and the critical role the microbiome plays in digestion, inflammation, and brain health. This episode covers conditions like leaky gut syndrome and how poor gut health contributes to cognitive decline.Quick Tip: One way you can use your gut to enhance brain health today.Also, click the link below to pick up a copy of Dr. Nandi’s New York Times Best Seller, available everywhere now!https://www.healyourgutsaveyourbrain.com/claim-your-copy Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Les propos exprimés dans ce podcast relèvent d’expériences et d’opinions personnelles dans un but de divertissement et ne substituent pas les conseils d’un.e sexologue ou autre professionnel de la santé. Cette semaine sur le podcast, on reçoit l'humoriste Stéphane Fallu pour parler de sa vie sexuelle. Pour suivre Stéphane: https://www.instagram.com/stephane_fallu/ Le podcast est présenté par Oxio. Pour plus d'informations: https://oxio.ca/ Code promo pour essayer Oxio gratuitement pendant un mois: SEXEORAL ----- Le podcast est présenté par Éros et Compagnie Utiliser le code promo : SexeOral pour 15% de rabais https://www.erosetcompagnie.com/ Les jouets dont les filles parlent: https://www.erosetcompagnie.com/page/podcast ---- Pour collaborations: [email protected] Pour toutes questions: [email protected] Pour suivre les filles sur Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sexeoralpodcast Pour contacter les filles directement, écrivez-nous sur Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sexeoral.podcast/
Longevidad: Secretos para vernos y sentirnos bien con el paso de los años
Elijo ser feliz. El Podcast
En este episodio de "Elijo Ser Feliz," exploramos cómo envejecer con salud y bienestar.Con la ayuda de la Dra. Martha Viera, dermatóloga experta en longevidad, aprenderemos los secretos del cuidado de la piel y estrategias para sentirnos bien y vernos mejor. Este episodio está lleno de información clave para llevar una vida plena a cualquier edad. ✅ Gracias por escuchar el podcast de Mariale, hoy decido cuidar de mi salud emocional. Recibe atención personalizada de parte de “Opción Yo” desde este enlace. https://opciónyonueva.trb.ai/wa/18zyR0Q ✅ SUBSCRIBETE: https://youtube.com/@RequenaOficial?si=NScj0MzLPHnISkzYInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/requenaoficial?igsh=czIzZGJ6aTZudDhoFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/marialerequenaoficialEdicion: Colmena FilmsProduccion: Rebeca Herrera Benarroch
Dispatches From The Death Zone: Adrian Ballinger On Risk, Reward, & Guiding Earth’s Biggest Mountains
The Rich Roll Podcast
Adrian Ballinger is an elite mountaineer, a 9-time Everest summiteer, and the founder of Alpenglow Expeditions. This conversation delves into Adrian’s Everest ascents, his “Rapid Ascent” method, views on commercial expeditions, climate change's impact on mountaineering, and fatherhood’s influence on his risk approach. We also discuss the recent controversy surrounding celebrated climber Nims Purja and its implications for the mountaineering community. He shares insights on decision-making, resilience, and his surprising role in an upcoming indie horror film. Adrian’s story inspires through extraordinary feats and the embodiment of the adventure spirit. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra👉eightsleep.com/richroll AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll. On: Swiss engineering at it’s finest, On crafts high-performance shoes and apparel crafted for comfort …
No te desesperes. Los lugares más oscuros también son el hogar de la luz más brillante.
Embrace your unique journey despite others' expectations Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
089: Unicorning in ENM: Navigating Couples’ Dynamics, Self Awareness, Communication and Safety feat. Summer
Girls Gone Deep
Elle and Vee have Summer back for an encore episode after she shared her experiences as a trained submissive under two doms in Episode 088: Inside the Mind of a Sub. This time, she discusses her experiences and the lessons she's learned from being a unicorn for an array of couples with lots of different dynamics, and the girls put in their two cents from their own experiences.How do you become a unicorn in the ethically non monogamous lifestyle? (1:46)Navigating couples’ dynamics as a unicorn and establishing your boundaries. Why you should keep texting in the group chat. (9:12)Deferring to the wife/girlfriend, and holding their feelings in high regard. Feeling thankful for being invited in. (16:07)As a husband/wife or girlfriend/boyfriend: the benefits of playing separately as a unicorn. (22:20)Playing with a couple when you’re more attracted to one person than the other. (27:01)BDSM vs ENM: …
Hoy hablamos de uno de mis temas favoritos: la manifestación. Te comparto el libro que me cambió la vida con respecto a este tema: “Manifestar: 7 pasos para conseguir la vida de tus sueños” de Roxie Nafousi. Si estás lista para empezar a manifestar y trabajar por todos tus sueños, este episodio es para vos 🤍✨Conecta conmigo: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/martina_trillini/ No dudes de mandarme un mensaje para solicitarme algún tema para escuchar en el podcast 🤍