En este episodio especial del mes patrio les vamos a platicar de algunas cosas que creíamos que eran mexicanas y que resulta que no lo son. Incluyendo al agua de jamaica, el cacao y al Xoloitzcuintle y... el chile y Chabelo. Y a todo le añadimos ciencia, porque eso es lo que hacemos. En el pilón para patreons les vamos a platicar de la lotería, la cual tampoco es mexicana, y les vamos a contar la historia de una persona que se la ganó 14 veces, gracias a saber matemáticas más o menos básicas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Visit joinmochi.com and use code MOTIVATIONS for $40 off your first month. The battle you tell no one about is a great concept about the lonely chapter. This Hopecore compilation dives deep into the mindset that nothing changes if nothing changes. It's time to embrace the power of doing it alone because in the end, no risk means no story. Whether you’re looking for the best motivational speech or the unshakable drive that defines a champion's mentality, this episode has it all. Get ready to be inspired by the words of David Goggins—one of the toughest voices in motivation. With a focus on resilience, determination, and relentless pursuit of greatness, this David Goggins motivational speech compilation will push you to your limits.
¡Sí! El próximo lunes 23 de septiembre vuelve tu programa favorito de Mindfulness con Amor y Humor. ¡Suscríbete pero ya en iVoox, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o -novedad- en Youtube! Y háblale de esta dosis diaria de humor y herramientas mindful pa ser más feliz a tu prima, tu abuela e incluso a tu cuñao. ¡Mua!
En este episodio, Majo entrega 3 herramientas para dejar de buscar aprobación externa y empezar a recorrer la vida de una manera auténtica y libre del qué dirán. Tu cupo gratuito a Triunfa aquí: www.mariajosealvarezb.com/triunfa-pagina-de-registro/IG: @mariajosealvarezb
🚨 Abbonati al canale YouTube! Entra a far parte del Manicomio di JustMick+ scegliendo il reparto che fa più al caso tuo. Potrai accedere a contenuti esclusivi e partecipare alle live mensili. 1️⃣ - Se vuoi salire a bordo ⛵️ e viaggiare con me e altri pazzi della community: https://www.justxperience.com 2️⃣ - Se vuoi partecipare ai miei percorsi, parti da qui: https://focus.mickodelli.com 3️⃣ - Iscriviti alla newsletter per sapere di più su come siamo fatti 🧠: https://mickodelli.com/newsletter 🟣 SEGUIMI SU INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/mickodelli/ ✉️ SCRIVIMI PER COLLABORAZIONI: [email protected] 📬 Per SPEDIZIONI di doni, minacce, lettere d'amore e tartufo: Mick Odelli presso Mail Boxes Etc. - Centro MBE 0062 Via S. Francesco D'Assisi, 15/A, 34133 Trieste TS CAPITOLI DEL VIDEO: 00:00 Intro 02:26 Sistema del s**so 03:50 Sistema dell'innamoramento 06:52 Sistema dell'attaccamento 08:15 Una questione di termini 08:51 Il ruolo del cervello 10:12 Perché le relazioni finiscono? …
E82. Por qué no me iba de una relación abusiva - Gotitas de Poliamor LIVE!
Gotitas de Poliamor LIVE!
Como terapeuta, yo esperaba que nunca caería en una relación abusiva. A fin de cuentas, nomás es cuestión de checar mis notas, no? Pues qué crees... que todxs somos vulnerables en algún momento. En este episodio te platico mi experiencia y por qué me fue tan difícil poder irme. Webinars, publicaciones digitales y más información aquí: https://ko-fi.com/jaimegama/shop
Los seres humanos somos animales de rutina. En la manera en que vivimos esas rutinas, marcan una pieza central en la calidad de nuestra vida. En esta Cápsula Mental, el Doctor Rafa Lopez nos platica sobre las rutinas de la mañana y la noche, porque son la manera en la que empezamos y terminamos el dia. Síguenos en @sonoropodcast en todas las redes sociales. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Para tener relaciones sanas debes tener conversaciones incómodas. Hoy hablamos con la psicóloga, Perla de la Rosa, sobre esos límites claves, que debes dejarle en claro a tu pareja, para determinar hacia donde quieres llevar la relación y cómo deseas que sea.Es tiempo de agradecer y disfrutar Por el Placer de Vivir. Un contenido pensado para ti y tu bienestar. Comparte los episodios para escuchar los mejores expertos y consejos.Disponible en la App de Uforia, nuestro canal de YouTube: Uforia Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde prefieras escucharnos.¿Cómo te sentiste al escuchar este Episodio? Déjanos tus comentarios, suscríbete y cuéntanos ¿Cuáles otros temas te gustaría oír en #PorElPlacerdeVivir?
The single-finest way to lead your field is to increase your skills relentlessly. You truly want to become so good at what you do that no one else in the world can do what you do. That’s not about being naturally gifted. It’s about reading every relevant book you can get your hands on so you grow into a genuine master of your craft.I purchase books on productivity, metaphysics, history, psychology, emotional healing, keeping positive, executing on high-value targets, scaling a business and on the lives of great human beings. Go for a wide range and definitely read works that push you to think differently. So you can produce uniquely.This is what my new book The Wealth Money Can’t Buy is all about. Real wealth versus fake success. True winning versus spending your life climbing a mountain, only to find out at the end that …
Téléchargez gratuitement l'audio pour vous aider à être moins frustré·e sexuellement en cliquant ici : https://aurelieleveau.com/Ebook/audio-gratuit-pour-la-frustration
EP 51: Navigating The Challenges Of A Multigenerational Workforce
Coffee Break: Breaking the Cycle of Bullying in Healthcare, One Cup at a Time
Setting clear boundaries between work and personal life is crucial, especially when managing the expectations of different generations. In this episode, Karen McCullough discusses the challenges healthcare leaders face in managing a multigenerational team and emphasizes the importance of understanding generational diversity, including the unique characteristics and work ethics of each generation. She also highlights the need for leaders to build strong relationships, foster open communication, and adapt to the evolving needs of younger generations, offering insights on setting boundaries, retraining leadership mindsets, and bringing humanity back into the workplace. Tune in and learn how to leverage generational strengths to create a more inclusive and productive work environment! Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources: https://healthyworkforceinstitute.com/podcast-episodes/
Bisexual Killjoy is back to talk about the intersection of gender and sexuality, this time with an expert opinion. This week we welcome the iconic Dr. Rosie Nelson into the fray to help us wrestle with what gender means for bi+ people, what it means to be Sexual Renegades and Sexual Outsiders, and the bi+ worldview. Dr. Rosie Nelson is a Senior Lecturer in Gender at the University of Bristol, England. Their work revolves around queer theory, bisexual identities, LGBTQ+ politics, and qualitative research methodologies. They recently published Making Space for Bi+ Identities: Explorations of Genders, Identities, and Relationships, published by Routledge, and are currently in the process of completing a SAGE textbook entitled Queer and Feminist Approaches to Qualitative Research Methods. You can find them on X (formerly known as Twitter) at @rosie_they Hosted by bi+ academics, writers, and advocates Bailey Merlin and Lynn …
Have you ever wondered how missing a few school days could dramatically alter a child's future? In this eye-opening episode of Pediatric Meltdown, host Dr. Lia Gaggino and guest Dr. Heidi Schumacher unravel the staggering disparities in school quality and attendance amplified by the pandemic. As a general pediatrician and health policy advocate, Heidi discusses the urgent need for systemic support, the hidden toll of chronic absenteeism, and the crucial interventions needed to ensure educational equity. While truancy often leads to punitive measures, chronic absenteeism requires a supportive and compassionate approach to unveil the deeper health and social issues behind missed school days. Pediatricians can play a transformative role by addressing these needs early, fostering environments where every child thrives. Are you curious about the actionable steps you can take to combat chronic absenteeism in your community? Listen to this episode now and empower yourself …
Existen ciertos principios psicológicos que influyen profundamente en la forma en que tomamos decisiones, a menudo de manera automática e inconsciente.
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