There’s hard work, and then there’s HARD WORK. Some people may be smarter than you. They may have more resources at their disposal. They might even have more natural talent. But the one thing you can do is WORK HARD. You can only control a certain number of factors. As long as you focus on those, you will become the best version of yourself. When you get to the end, you need to know that you did everything you could to accomplish your goal. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk with an athlete who works tirelessly to be the fittest woman in the world: Katrín Davíðsdóttir. Katrín Tanja Davíðsdóttir is an Icelandic CrossFit athlete known for her four appearances at the CrossFit Games. She is the women's champion of the 2015 and 2016 CrossFit Games, becoming the second woman to win …
Dr. Dean & Anne Ornish: The Power of Lifestyle Medicine To Undo Disease & Live Better
The Rich Roll Podcast
Today we explore what it truly means to live healthy and well. It's obvious that diet and exercise play a crucial role in this equation. Of course, mental health is key. And we're waking up to the importance of meditation and mindfulness. But what about spirituality? What role do connection, relationships and love play in the wellness equation? And how important is purpose? In truth, attention to all such factors is crucial. Because they are indeed connected. Interdependent. And absolutely necessary to live your best life. Our guides for this discussion are Dean Ornish, MD & Anne Ornish — the world-renown, pioneering power couple of lifestyle medicine. An early advocate and practitioner of preventive medicine long before it was trendy, Dr. Ornish is an absolute legend in the plant-based nutrition movement for his groundbreaking work in the holistic prevention and reversal of chronic lifestyle diseases …
254- Come “sopravvivere” al Natale: trasformando il nostro atteggiamento mentale
Il Podcast di PsiNel
3...2...1 fra pochi giorni è Natale (2018) e come tutti gli anni arrivano valagate di impegni che rischiano di non farci apprezzare lo “stop natalizio” ed il suo significato.C’è chi la vede come una semplice festa “commerciale” e chi gli attribuisce un senso “religioso”... e poi ci sono tutte le persone che rifiutano entrambe queste alternative.C’è chi arriva ad odiare questo periodo… e nella puntata di oggi voglio mostrarti un nuovo modo di guardare al Natale…Clicca qui per approfondire: (link valido dalle 5:00am del 17/12/18) https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2018/12/come-sopravvivere-al-natale.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica": http://sviluppopersonalescientifico.com/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=2&url=21Iscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlSeguimi su Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/gennaro_romagnoli/Credits (traccia audio) https://www.bensound.com/
40cartas es un experimento sobre los sentimientos que construyen el desamor. ¿Qué nos quedó para decirles a los que alguna vez amamos? Como creemos que los domingos hay que entregarse a la melancolía, cada semana publicamos una carta que alguien le escribió a una persona que quiso mucho, con quien hayan tenido una relación o no, y que no quiere más.La carta que te hizo llorar hoy la escribió Jule Gore. Nació en el sur pero vive en La Plata. Es parte del colectivo Las Pibas. Tiene un fanzine titulado En Europa no se consigue y se está por publicar su primer libro de poesía (Peces de la ciudad).https://dosrobots.blogspot.com/https://heladodementagranizada.blogspot.com/https://amimegustasuave.blogspot.com/somoslubi.com
December stress ? It’s December - the days are short so it’s the perfect time to lean back and dream. To stay at home, lighten up some candles, get a good cup of a spicy chai tea and to dream about love and bliss. Shall we do that together?
Hoy, en el podcast de Cristina Mitre, la invitada es la dietista-nutricionista Gabriela Uriarte, más conocida en Instagram como @gu_nutricion. En esta entrega, la experta tumba algunos mitos alrededor de la pérdida de peso, nos cuenta, además, cómo influyen las emociones en un tratamiento dietético, por qué no hay que sufrir ni pasar hambre para eliminar los kilos de más y hasta nos explica cómo construir el tupper ideal para comer fuera de casa. Todas las notas de este podctast están en www.thebeautymail.es Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Una nueva perspectiva sobre la clasificación del miedo: hablaremos de las características del miedo concreto y el miedo abstracto, de cómo impactan en nuestra calidad de vida y especialmente de cómo enfrentar a cada uno de ellos. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
“COMMITTED SEX IS PREMEDITATED SEX.” - ESTHER PEREL Let’s talk about sex. So often, we blame our lack of romance on our partner. We’ll say, “He or she just isn’t doing it for me anymore.” But what if it’s your responsibility to make sure that you’re keeping the passion alive? If you are truly living your fullest life, you will create desire. Take ownership. That’s why, for this week’s Five Minute Friday, I want to share this conversation I had with world-renowned relationship expert Esther Perel who knows the key to making monogamous relationships successful. Belgian psychotherapist Esther Perel is the New York Times bestselling author of The State of Affairs and Mating in Captivity. Her celebrated TED talks have garnered more than 20 million views and she is also the host of the popular podcast Where Should We Begin? Esther says that it’s not …
A manera de programa radial de los años sesenta, en el Bar de Historias Explora hacemos un homenaje a la música tropical que ha definido la identidad colombiana. Conversan Jaime Monsalve, investigador y director musical de la Radio Nacional de Colombia, y Juan Sebastián Ochoa, músico investigador, autor del libro Sonido sabanero y sonido paisa: la producción de música tropical en Medellín en los años sesenta, investigación publicada por las Editoriales Siglo del Hombre y Universidad Javeriana. El coleccionista Carlos Javier Pérez (Candelazos Tropicales) complementa idóneamente con una selección especial.
There is no such thing as a perfect relationship and conflict is inevitable. This podcast will discuss why attending counseling before a major disagreement occurs is very beneficial for a couple. It outlines how a third party can add clarity and serve as a guiding light in a relationship. The podcast will also discuss topics that a relationship expert should address in order to provide the couple with tools to use when conflict occurs. It will also offer strategies on how to communicate with your partner in a healthy way. It highlights key components of a relationship that should be addressed in order to prepare the couple on ways to effectively communicate when a disagreement occurs.
In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen dive into the mailbag to answer reader questions. The discussion ranges from the differences between hypnosis and meditation to the effects of too much dopamine in the brain.
¡Gracias, gracias y gracias! Les compartimos este tercer episodio. Decidimos aprovechar las festividades para compartirles nuestro cierre de año, agradecer y empezar a fijar las siguientes metas. Y también compartir lo que pasa con nuestra salud mental en estas fechas. ¡Esperamos que les guste!
How do you build feelings of trust and security? Our Happiness Guinea Pig learns some truths about what it takes to feel supported. Link to Episode Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/mr4defr6
¿Alguna vez has tenido una intensa sensación de ansiedad que te ha impedido dar lo mejor de ti mismo? Ese es el tema principal del programa de esta semana, donde aprenderás cómo reducir el estrés personal y laboral mediante mindfulness y técnicas cognitivas con Lucas Burgueño.Lucas es psicólogo, coach y formador en la gestión de estrés laboral y además enseña habilidades para hablar en público, una de las actividades que seguramente causan más estrés. Además es autor del libro ‘Sistema Cero Estrés’ y editor de dos podcasts.Notas de programa(Las notas del programa están disponibles en kenso.es/episodio/20-lucas-burgueno-estres)Índice de la entrevista[0:00] Bienvenida a Lucas y cómo llegó al mundo del estrés[7:08] Qué significa tener estrés[8:50] La emoción que elimina el estrés[10:30] Los primeros pasos para gestionar el estrés[14:03] Cómo transformar las emociones negativas[20:06] El estrés y hablar en público[24:01] Rumiar y meditar con el modo “ser” y …
Let’s be honest, we all know that sugar is detrimental to our health, and we’d surely feel better if we were to just break up with sugar and be done with it. But why is breaking up so hard to do? Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen discuss why our relationship with sugar is like dating the bad boy, and while it may make us feel good for a short amount of time, eventually it leaves us feeling terrible.