
The School of Greatness
983 Overcoming Negative Self-Talk & Building Success Habits w/Olympic Gold Medalist Kerri Walsh Jennings
The School of Greatness

"The process is a beautiful thing, and I love it. I’ve just forgotten that I love it."Lewis is joined by three-time Olympic gold medalist Kerri Walsh Jennings for a wide-ranging conversation on the thin line between failure and success, and the ongoing quest for greatness. They discuss how Kerri overcomes her fears, how meditation is an essential tool for the highest achievers, and how Kerri's relationship has bolstered her volleyball game."Kobe Bryant on Mamba Mentality, NBA Titles, and Oscars: https://link.chtbl.com/691-podKevin Hart Breaks Down His Secrets to Success: https://link.chtbl.com/956-podKatherine Schwarzenegger Pratt on the Power of Forgiveness: https://link.chtbl.com/925-pod Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

1 hr 6 min 22 Jul, 2020
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 283: Happier Podcast Book Club: Renowned Writer Ann Patchett Talks about Family, Forgiveness, and Memory in “The Dutch House”—and a Spotlight on Trevor Noah.
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

We talk to writer Ann Patchett about her powerful, compelling novel “The Dutch House.” Plus we shine a spotlight on Trevor Noah and his memoir “Born a Crime.” Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; [email protected] in touch on Instagram: @GretchenRubin & @LizCraftGet the podcast show notes by email every week here: http://gretchenrubin.com/#newsletterGet the resources and all links related to this episode here: http://happiercast.com/283Order a copy of Gretchen’s new book OUTER ORDER, INNER CALM here: http://outerorderinnercalmbook.comLeave a voicemail message on: 774-277-9336For information about advertisers and promo codes, go to happiercast.com/sponsors.Happier with Gretchen Rubin is part of ‘The Onward Project,’ a family of podcasts brought together by Gretchen Rubin—all about how to make your life better. Check out the other Onward Project podcasts—Do The Thing, Side Hustle School, Happier in Hollywood and Everything Happens with Kate Bowler. If you liked this episode, please subscribe, leave a review, and …

43 min 22 Jul, 2020
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Entiende Tu Mente
Encontrar la vocación | 146
Entiende Tu Mente

Hay quienes deciden estudiar una carrera en una etapa más adulta; hay quienes descubren su vocación a los 15 años, mientras que otros lo hacen a los 40; hay quienes sienten que no destacan en una materia determinada y quienes se dan cuenta de que, eso que les motivó en su día, no ha salido como esperaban. Este es el tema que nos propone Camila, una oyente habitual del podcast: ¿cuándo y cómo podemos encontrar nuestra vocación? En este podcast, reflexionamos sobre ello y te damos algunas tips que quizá puedan ayudarte a encontrar la tuya -cuando llegue el momento-. Nosotros nos sentimos afortunados de poder disfrutar de la nuestra compartiendo, cada semana, estos ratitos de 20 minutos contigo. Más info. en https://entiendetumente.info ENTIENDE TU MENTE. 20 minutos para entenderte mejor. Con Molo Cebrián, Mónica González y Luis Muiño. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/entiendetumente Twitter: https://twitter.com/EntiendeTuMente Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entiendetumente …

24 min 22 Jul, 2020
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Sugar & Inflammation: Just How Bad is it?
Change Your Brain Every Day

We all know that sugar is flat-out unhealthy for us. But what exactly does it do to your body and brain? In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen share another popular segment from their End of Mental Illness live class and challenge. In this episode, you will learn all about the effects sugar has on your biological system, and why you should take steps to limit your sugar intake. For more info on The End of Mental Illness live class and challenge, visit https://endofmentalillness.com/brainhealthchallenge/

19 min 22 Jul, 2020
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Mente, emociones y cuerpo.

Mente, emociones y cuerpo.

38 min 22 Jul, 2020
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Daily Motivations
The Best Revenge Is Letting Go & Moving On With Your Life
Daily Motivations

You can also support this show by clicking the link below (SUPPORT DAILY MOTIVATIONS) Follow Daily Motivations Instagram - @daily_motivationsorg Facebook- @daily_motivationsorg Thinking of starting your own podcast? click this link- (START A PODCAST) Interested in sponsoring this show? Reach out to us at [email protected] Kindly Support Us Below to sustain future episodes. Support the Show.

4 min 21 Jul, 2020
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Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships
281 - The Shame Game 1: Origins
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships

This week we're kicking off a two-part series on shame in relationships: where it comes from, why we feel it, how it can affect our relationships (especially nontraditional ones), and ways to deal with feeling it to counteract its effects. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community. Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know I Did by Josh and Anand.Follow us on Instagram @Multiamory_Podcast and visit our website Multiamory.com. We are a proud member of the Pleasure Podcasts network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

55 min 21 Jul, 2020
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The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

In today's episode of The Daily Mastery Podcast, Robin Sharma shares an exercise that you can try today that will help you x25 your leadership, productivity and happiness.

2 min 21 Jul, 2020
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070 podcasts
No estamos preparados: Barranquilla
070 podcasts

Con la inminente llegada del pico del Coronavirus en Colombia, los problemas del sistema de salud empiezan a hacerse cada vez más evidentes. Barranquilla, la ciudad que prometía una de los mejores respuestas a la pandemia, se ha resquebrajado y, unas de sus víctimas principales están siendo los trabajadores de la salud. María Fernanda Fitzgerald, periodista de Cerosetenta, habló con Ana Elsy Contreras, viuda de Fabián Palacios, un auxiliar de enfermería que falleció contagiado por Coronavirus, por la falta de elementos de bioseguridad para su protección.

14 min 21 Jul, 2020
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Psicologia e benessere | Il podcast di GuidaPsicologi

Cos'è l'autostima? Come migliorarla? La dott.ssa Mattioli ha risposta a queste e ad altre domande.

23 min 21 Jul, 2020
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Psicología y Bienestar | El Podcast de MundoPsicologos.com

Poner límites cuando algo no nos apetece o gusta es importante para darnos valor a nosotros mismos. El psicólogo Joan Ramón Soto nos cuenta cómo hacerlo. En el Podcast de MundoPsicologos.com dedicamos unos minutos a resolver aquellas cosas que quizá te habías preguntado, planteado o necesitabas resolver y no habías hecho. Más info en: 👍 Instagram en @mundopsicologos y en 👍 Facebook en @mundopsicologos.com Puedes leer más artículos en: https://www.mundopsicologos.com/articulos, realizar tus consultas en: https://www.mundopsicologos.com/consultas y compartir tus experiencias en nuestro Foro: https://www.mundopsicologos.com/comunidad

26 min 21 Jul, 2020
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Radio Headspace
Are You Bored?
Radio Headspace

“Boredom” has become something negative. We see it as a condition of our lives that we must change. We search for stimulation and distraction, but by doing that, we are essentially saying that this moment is not enough. The next time you feel bored, pause and examine it. You may find that you’re never bored again. This week, Radio Headspace is sponsored by The Michelle Obama Podcast. Listen free at Spotify.com/MichelleObama Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

6 min 21 Jul, 2020
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Medita Podcast
MDT132: ¿Qué son los cristales y cómo meditar con ellos? Entrevista con Rubí Huesca
Medita Podcast

El día de hoy te tengo a una invitada super super super especial y meeeeeega interesante Rubí Huesca es fundadora de Om-ha, un espacio terapéutico creado para ayudar a las personas a lograr el equilibrio a través de diferentes técnicas ancestrales y modernas de reconexión con el alma y la espiritualidad. Desde 2016, se desempeña como facilitadora de cursos y terapeuta especialista en técnicas como uso de cristales, Numerología, Tarot, Reiki, biomagnetismo holístico, meditación, registros akáshicos y más.Rubí es una hermosa mujer con unas ganas increíbles de compartir, nos explicó qué son los cristales, cuál es su diferencia con los cuarzos, su historia, cómo se usan, por qué nos ayudan a meditar y muchas muchas cosas más, es una entrevista hermosa que estoy segura te encantará.Te dejo con nuestra charla espero de corazón que la disfrutes.Puedes saber más de RubíSu Web: https://www.omhamx.com/Su IG: https://www.instagram.com/rubi.omha/Su Podcast: …

49 min 21 Jul, 2020
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Change Your Brain Every Day
The Simple Food Rules to Radically Improve Your Diet Today
Change Your Brain Every Day

Most of us have heard many times that in order to get your brain right, you first need to get your food right. But what exactly does it mean to “get your food right”? Where do you start? In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen share another segment from The End of Mental Illness live class. This session focuses on the simple food rules you can begin incorporating into your life today to dramatically transform your brain and body. For more info on The End of Mental Illness live class and challenge, visit https://endofmentalillness.com/brainhealthchallenge/

16 min 21 Jul, 2020
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Daily Motivations
Daily Motivations

You can also support this show by clicking the link below (SUPPORT DAILY MOTIVATIONS) Follow Daily Motivations Instagram - @daily_motivationsorg Facebook- @daily_motivationsorg Thinking of starting your own podcast? click this link- (START A PODCAST) Interested in sponsoring this show? Reach out to us at [email protected] Kindly Support Us Below to sustain future episodes. Support the Show.

3 min 20 Jul, 2020
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