Today we're very excited to be showcasing an episode from our good friend Libby Sinback's podcast, Making Polyamory Work. In this episode, she's discussing unmet needs in polyamorous relationships from multiple angles. Libby Sinback is a queer, polyamorous mom, the host of the podcast Making Polyamory Work and a coach for people who want extraordinary relationships while choosing to live and love outside the status quo. She is certified in Relational Life Therapy, and has coached hundreds of people in breaking their unhelpful relationship patterns so that they can have happier, more nourishing love in their life. Libby believes love is why we're here, and how we heal. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community.Get 20% off your first order of the …
https://www.youtube.com/@lecciones_de_estoicismoEl perdón es una herramienta poderosa que nos permite liberarnos del peso del pasado.
What is the purpose behind the love and kindness meditation technique? Learn how to effectively apply this practice to your life, even during difficult times. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
¿Te has preguntado cómo pequeños cambios pueden transformar tu vida de manera significativa? Hoy vamos a explorar esos hábitos que han tenido un impacto positivo en mi bienestar y estilo de vida. Acompáñame en esta conversación íntima y veamos cómo podemos incorporar prácticas sencillas pero efectivas en tu día a día. Conecta conmigo: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/martina_trillini/ No dudes de mandarme un mensaje para solicitarme algún tema para escuchar en el podcast 🤍
478. 4 heridas emocionales: insuficiencia, rechazo, desamor y desprecio | Efrén Martínez
Se Regalan Dudas.
En el episodio de hoy desde Spotify Colombia, invitamos a Efrén Martinez, doctor en psicología y conferencista para hablar sobre las 4 heridas emocionales que se crean desde la infancia o lo que él define como las 4 sensibilidades. ¿Todas las personas tenemos una herida? ¿Cómo se ven reflejadas estas heridas en la forma en la que vemos el mundo? ¿Cómo podemos identificar cuál es nuestra herida y cómo empezar a trabajar para sanarla? Resolvimos esta y otras dudas y hablamos sobre las 7 técnicas que tenemos las personas para evitar enfrentar nuestras heridas.Si te gustó este episodio no olvides compartirlo con alguien que creas que le puede servir. En este episodio encuentras información sobre: ¿Cuáles son esas heridas y cómo afectan la forma en que nos relacionamos?¿Cómo puedo saber qué heridas tengo y qué tamaño tienen?¿Puedo tener todas las heridas?¿Por qué hay personas que …
Ciao a tutti e benvenuti a questa nuova puntata del Podcast. Oggi voglio affrontare insieme a voi un tema di grande attualità: il fenomeno delle shitstorm sui social media. Sempre più spesso, vediamo persone note diventare bersaglio di critiche massicce e polarizzanti. Questi attacchi non solo creano divisione, ma hanno anche effetti tossici sulla nostra vita quotidiana. Analizzeremo come questi contenuti urlati e divisivi generino attenzione e consensi, alimentando un ciclo pericoloso di violenza e negatività. Parleremo di crescita personale e dell'importanza di mantenere un pensiero critico. In un mondo sempre più polarizzato, è fondamentale non lasciarsi trascinare dalle dinamiche social che confermano solo le nostre credenze. Il vero cambiamento si costruisce attraverso le sfumature, evitando di vedere tutto in bianco o nero. Vi invito a riflettere insieme a me su come possiamo coltivare un pensiero più aperto e costruttivo. Questa puntata sarà un viaggio …
Es lógico que la medicina tradicional tenga que ser cauta a la hora de explorar otros métodos y sobre todo quién usa esos métodos. Pero eso no es óbice para que sí se abran a explorar esos métodos cuando la persona que los aplica realmente los conoce. Fragmento de la “Conversación Inspiradora” con Jesús García Moraleda Ojalá este podcast te ayude y pueda convertirse en una inspiración a la hora de despertar y florecer tu verdadero potencial. Página Web: https://marioalonsopuig.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marioalonsopuig/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarioAlonsoPuigOficial Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarioAlonsoPuigOficial
MDT370: ¿Cómo sanar un corazón roto con ayuda de mis ángeles? Entrevista con Alejandra Cuadros
Medita Podcast
En este episodio hablamos de: El poder de encontrar las bendiciones detrás del caos.La meditación como herramienta de conexión con nuestros ángeles.Qué papel tiene la compasión al sanar un corazón roto.Y mucho más.Si te gustó está sesión te invito a escuchar:MDT052: Meditación para un nuevo ciclo con ayuda de tus ángeles, guiada por Nicole Domit https://youtu.be/Ajp_03BLbT0MDT051: Meditación y ángeles, entrevista con Nicole Domit https://youtu.be/eiKnGEcjMqYMDT118: Tapping para momentos difíciles, guiada por Cicialli Rivas https://youtu.be/L3SJ_8YUaHYMás acerca de nombre entrevistada:Su página: https://www.alecuadros.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ale.xpandetuluz/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alecuadros.expandeY si quieres seguir profundizando SÚMATE A NUESTRO GRUPO DE WHASTAPP: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kf4mcNRJREY7vAm9w56MOrY síguenos en:IG: www.instagram.com/mardelcerroTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@mardelcerroIG: www.instagram.com/meditaconmigocastTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@meditaconmigocastRecuerda que cualquier duda, idea o propuesta estoy para ti.MEDITA PODCAST es un podcast de Medita Conmigo Cast Producción, guión y voz: Marimar del Cerro Coordinación general: Fernanda VargasEdición, diseño de sonido y música original: Silver Media StudioImágen y redes sociales: Zayuri Vargas, Valery Martinez, Mariana Torres y …
Sam and Robin answer questions about processing a parent's death, mindfulness for unstructured times, and what to do when you don't like your friend's partner. Follow Robin here or at Well…Adjusting To send us your question go to sayhi.chat/dearheadpace Try the Headspace app free for 30 days here. Mental health coaching is now available in the Headspace app. Connect with a trained expert for live, one-on-one care and support for everyday anxiety, stress, and big life challenges — on your time, from anywhere. Whatever you’re going through, your coach is here every step of the way. Click here to learn more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
⬆️ Devenir actif : 3 étapes pour me débloquer
🏳️🌈 Comment devenir (sexuellement) épanoui ? | sexe gay
💌[email protected] Youpi je viens d’arriver à être actif alors que ça fait pas mal de temps que je suis bloqué. Je te raconte les trucs que j’ai essayé pour me débloquer. Avec un peu de chance, ça pourrait t’aider toi aussi ?Les infos citées dans cet épisode 👇📌 Notre annuaire des médecins et psys recommandés par les auditeurices gays ou queers; partout dans le monde (mais en vrai pas trop au Canada, les auditeurs du Canada vous êtes là !? ;-) : https://queerdocs.leweb.site/♥️ "Le pouvoir de la vulnérabilité" la conférence TED de Brenée Brown sous-titrée en français : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwkjCvCiPcwSur le site du podcast en tapant bit.ly/commentdevenir dans ton navigateur tu pourras :· devenir un soutien financier du podcast : je travaille à 100% sur le podcast et dépends des contributions des auditeurices· venir à une rencontre entre auditeurs dans ta ville ou un enregistrement en …
Replay How to Know if Telehealth is the Right Option for You with Dr. Laura Purdy
Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast
Originally aired Nov 9 2021; In this week’s episode, I am joined by Laura Purdy, the Co-founder and COO of MD Integrations, a telemedicine technology company connecting virtual healthcare providers with patients using a best-in-class telemedicine portal integrated with a physician-only clinical network. Laura just wrapped up 14 years as an officer in the US Army serving as a family physician. Previously, she became one of the Regional Medical Directors of hims & hers, and entered the telehealth industry gig-economy style. Laura lobbies at the federal level to influence change that increases access to care and reduces disparities in telehealth. She shares her story of how she got into Telehealth, her experience serving as an officer in the US Army, her passion for women's health, and much more! Tune in to this week’s episode to learn: How she takes care of her own wellbeing with …
You want to sound more assertive. But you’re not sure what to say or how to say it. In this episode, I’m revealing 3 simple ways to instantly sound more assertive. These are easy phrases you can say to sound more confident and communicate your needs clearly. Plus, I share several common mistakes people make when trying to be assertive and how to avoid them. So you stand up for yourself and keep your conversations respectful and productive. Like what you hear? Subscribe to this podcast and leave a 5 star review. ——— Want a FREE communication tip each week? Click here to join my newsletter. Watch my podcast on YouTube Follow me on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Survival mode is, at its core, a stress response. When our minds and our bodies are put under extreme stress or believe we are in danger, we can enter a state where all we care about is getting through the next day. This can turn us into a person we're not and make us lose the enjoyment and love for life, but also feel overwhelmed by constant panic and anxiety. In today's episode, we discuss how to break free of survival mode, the difference between our learning brain and our survival brain, why we find ourselves here to begin with, what's happening in our brain and our bodies and the best advice, tips and therapies for getting back into safe mode. Listen now! Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business enquiries: [email protected] See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
S4E3 - Tour de France and Olympic champion Sir Bradley Wiggins opens up about childhood trauma and abuse.
Under the Surface
For the third episode of Season 4, host Smithy is joined by Sir Bradley Wiggins, the renowned British cyclist celebrated for world titles, eight Olympic medals, and a historic Tour de France victory.Following our enlightening episode with Emmett J. Scanlan in Chester, our journey now takes us to Herne Hill Velodrome in South London, a place profoundly meaningful to Sir Bradley—where his love for cycling began.Despite his incredible achievements on the track, Sir Bradley opens up about his personal struggles, including the challenges of his mental health. He recounts how cycling was both his escape and passion from a young age.Sir Bradley candidly shares his darkest moments, including his experience of being sexually abused by his first coach at 13 and the deep-seated issues of self-worth that followed. He reflects on how these experiences impacted his life and mental health, emphasising the importance of addressing …
#152 En este episodio te tengo a un invitado que me emociona tanto tener y que admiro tanto: Saúl Tello. Saúl es diseñador de modas, un verdadero talento y orgullo mexicano. En esta plática nos compartió cómo recorrió su camino hasta llegar a donde se encuentra el día de hoy. Comenzando desde el momento en el que conectó con su gusto por el dibujo hasta llegar a fundar su marca Narciza Severa, diseñando para miles de personas, y teniendo presencia en eventos como Paris Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week y muchos otros eventos importantes. Nos platica su proceso para alcanzar sueños y lo mágico de ir desbloqueando niveles hasta llegar a tu pasión. ¡Espero que lo disfrutes tanto como yo! Síguelo en Instagram como @saultello87 y @narciza_severa ✨Puedes adquirir tu planner de A Todo Sí en atodosi.co, Amazon, Gant, Librerías Gandhi y OUM Wellness Center …