
Enric Corbera Más Cerca
Enric más cerca: Creencias limitantes - Enric Corbera
Enric Corbera Más Cerca

Abrimos un nuevo espacio para compartir juntos, para reflexionar, para estar más cerca. Enric Corbera responde en 30 minutos a las preguntas más votadas por los usuarios de las redes sociales. En esta conexión Enric nos habla sobre las creencias limitantes. Más información en https://www.enriccorbera.com/

28 min 06 Mar, 2017
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The School of Greatness
454 The Ultra-Spiritual Guide to Humor and Healing with JP Sears
The School of Greatness

"The warrior is the one connected to his or her heart." - JP Sears If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes, video, and more at http://lewishowes.com/454 Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

1 hr 9 min 06 Mar, 2017
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Little: Never Have a Crush on Just One Person
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

In romance and in work, it’s helpful to have more than one thing going at a time. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

1 min 06 Mar, 2017
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Brogan Graham On Igniting A Fitness Revolution
The Rich Roll Podcast

There are leaders and then there are followers. The best leaders engender devotion to a big, new idea. But only a few successfully grow their conceit into a thriving a enterprise that withstands the test of time. Fewer still scale to mainstream cultural impact. Then there are the charmed select who simply see the world differently. Not how it is, but how it could be. How it should be. The rare figure who infuses his or her vision with a contagion of enthusiasm and connectivity so infectious and powerful, it ignites a revolution – catalyzing a movement that penetrates the mainstream, hypnotizes the masses and forever alters the perspective and behavior of all who fall under its spell. This is the story of Brogan Graham — an irreverent, way-outside-the-box fitness fanatic who, along with partner-in-crime Bojan Mandaric decided to flip the fitness industry on its …

2 hr 0 min 06 Mar, 2017
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
162- PNL e Coaching raccontati dal dott. Armando Pintus...
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Nella 5° intervista di psinel intervisto il dott. Armando Pintus psicologo e coach con 30 di esperienza nel campo della crescita personale.Clicca qui per approfondire:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2017/03/pnl-coaching-relazioni-pintus.htmlIscriviti alla mailing list di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione: http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.html

51 min 05 Mar, 2017
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Three Rules
The Minimalist Filmmaker
Three Rules

Since releasing our documentary Minimalism I’ve gotten this question a lot: How can you be a filmmaker & a minimalist? On the surface this question might seem like it’s based on a misunderstanding of what minimalism is, but truthfully I think it just comes from filmmakers who are paralyzed with choices. Companies and peer’s sell them on the gear that they absolutely need to have. Just like the average consumer they’ve become inundated with options. The underlying assumption: You need more stuff. In this video I talk about my relationship with the "stuff" of the filmmaking world. What are the important questions you should be asking yourself before you go out and purchase the latest gadget or gear?

3 min 04 Mar, 2017
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Ser intersex

Conducido por Paulina Millán y Jon Altamirano. Invitadas especiales: Brújula Intersexual.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

1 hr 2 min 04 Mar, 2017
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Derecho a la Carta
Derecho a la Carta

51 min 03 Mar, 2017
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Platicaremos sobre la memoria, tratando de descubrir qué es y qué relación tiene con la calidad de vida. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

56 min 03 Mar, 2017
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Love Life with Matthew Hussey
This Makes You INSTANTLY More Approachable
Love Life with Matthew Hussey

See that handsome guy over there across the bar? He actually wants to approach you. But he’s way too terrified of being rejected to take a shot in the dark. He needs the right signals from you to make his move. In today’s episode of LOVE Life, I’m sharing 3 tips you can use tonight that make you instantly more approachable, along with a fascinating little fact about men that will literally change the way you look at them forever. Intrigued? Have a listen… But be warned, you may have to start turning the men away!

5 min 03 Mar, 2017
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Medita Podcast
MDT002: Meditación Pranayama Samavritti, guiada por Mar del Cerro
Medita Podcast

Esta meditación te ayudará a aclarar tu mente y a relajarte en un momento de estrés o tensión. Puedes escucharla en el tráfico, antes de presentar un proyecto, si te sientes abrumado o ansioso. Poner atención a tu respiración te trae al presente, lo que te ayuda a ver las cosas con mayor claridad y poder tomar mejores decisiones.Recuerda que puedes escuchar esta meditación en tu coche, mientras caminas por la calle, o en alguna sala de espera, sólo no cierres tus ojos.¿Quieres saber más acerca del proyecto? Te invito a visitar: www.mardelcerro.comDescarga tu diario de gratitud: http://www.mardelcerro.com/e-journal/Escuchar Medita Podcast: http://www.mardelcerro.com/medita-podcast/Cursos de Meditación en línea: http://www.mardelcerro.com/cursos-de-meditacion/Contacto: http://www.mardelcerro.com/contacto/Contáctame en:FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/mardelcerroINSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/mardelcerroYOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/mardelcerroNamasté, Mar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

11 min 03 Mar, 2017
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Why You Should Be Devotional, Not Emotional — And How Insistence Trumps Resistance
The Rich Roll Podcast

Julie Piatt joins me for another mid-week installment of the podcast — a twist on my normal format where we go deep on a specific topic. This is a conversation about how to best bridge the emotional landmines of our expanding cultural divide. It's about how to be insistent rather than resistant. It's about the power of devotion over emotion. And it's about inner strength and the importance of cultivating your inner Jedi warrior. I hope you enjoy the offering. #StayJedi! Peace + Plants, Rich

1 hr 6 min 03 Mar, 2017
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The School of Greatness
453 Mindful v. Mind Full
The School of Greatness

"It's time we awaken a peaceful mind." - Lewis Howes If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes and more at http://lewishowes.com/453 Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

6 min 03 Mar, 2017
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Medita Podcast
MDT001: Meditación Escaneo Corporal, guiada por Mar del Cerro
Medita Podcast

Este ejercicio se recomienda a la gente que no logra apagar sus pensamientos y le cuesta trabajo descansar o aclarar su mente. Después de un par de sesiones empezarás a sentirte más cómodo y conectado con tu cuerpo.Si tienes problemas de insomnio, este ejercicio te ayudará a dormirte más rápido y descansar mejor.También puedes escucharlo al iniciar el día, antes de una presentación de trabajo y terminando tu sesión de entrenamiento.Aprenderás a soltarte, a poner una pequeña pausa, y comenzarás a descubrir lo sencillo y beneficioso que es relajarte profundamente. ¿Quieres saber más del proyecto?Te invito a visitar: www.mardelcerro.comDescarga tu diario de gratitud: https://mardelcerro.com/diario-de-gratitud/Escuchar Medita Podcast: http://www.mardelcerro.com/medita-podcast/Cursos de Meditación en línea: http://www.mardelcerro.com/cursos-de-meditacion/Contacto: http://www.mardelcerro.com/contacto/Contáctame en:FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/mardelcerroINSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/mardelcerroYOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/mardelcerroNamasté, Mar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

10 min 03 Mar, 2017
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Change Your Brain Every Day
The Toxin Solution Effective Detoxification Tips - That Work
Change Your Brain Every Day

NOTE: If you have not yet listened to the first three episodes of this five part series, we highly recommend that you get back to The Toxin Solution Parts 1,2,&3. Now that you know how horrifying these toxins, today we're going to learn some tips on how you detoxify your body effectively.

13 min 02 Mar, 2017
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