
The Rich Roll Podcast
Lindsey Vonn’s Got Grit: Lessons From The World’s Most Decorated Female Ski Racer
The Rich Roll Podcast

What's it like to be the very best in the world at something? Today I explore this question and so much more with a woman who truly needs no introduction. Not only is Lindsey Vonn the most decorated female skier in history, she's the most decorated skier period – man or woman – in US history. One of the few world-class, four-event ski racers, Lindsey is a 4-time Olympian, a 3-time Olympic medalist, the only American woman to win downhill gold, and the only American woman with 4 World Cup titles. All told, she has 82 World Cup wins in her career, the most of any female skier in history. Only 4 World Cup wins now separate Lindsey from the record set by Ingemar Stenmark in 1989. Eclipsing this once thought untouchable achievement is the final goal propelling Lindsey into her final professional season. Off …

1 hr 9 min 19 Nov, 2018
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
250- Rispecchiamento: uno studio accademico ed un ex agente dell’FBI... riabilitano la PNL?
Il Podcast di PsiNel

La puntata del podcast di oggi è un bel po’ particolare, mette insieme due cose essenziali: il rispecchiamento, una tecnica di relazione e alcune modalità di negoziazione degli ostaggi insegnate nell’FBI.Clicca qui per approfondire: (link valido dalle 5:00am del 19/11/18) https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2018/11/pnl-rispecchiamento-negoziare.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica": http://sviluppopersonalescientifico.com/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=2&url=21Iscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlSeguimi su Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/gennaro_romagnoli/Credits (traccia audio) https://www.bensound.com/

23 min 18 Nov, 2018
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070 podcasts
[PAREDRO] T2 E9 Un Paredro sobre colombianismos
070 podcasts

¿Qué tanto ha transformado el conflicto armado nuestra lengua? Bullaranga, cacharro, bejuco, garlar. Posiblemente reconocen algunas de estas palabras, una más que la otra. En este episodio de Paredro, Camilo Hoyos conversó con Nancy Rozo y Maria Clara Henríquez, investigadores a cargo del Diccionario de colombianismos (2018) del Instituto Caro y Cuervo. Conversaron sobre la manera en que investigaron nuestra lengua, nuestra gastronomía y nuestras costumbres, para recopilar en este diccionario algo más que solo palabras curiosas.

30 min 18 Nov, 2018
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The Time Expert Anna Jelen
Problems in life? I have a plan…
The Time Expert Anna Jelen

Problems in life? Do you have problems in live ? Today I will give you my personal alternative, my problem solving technique: the plan. This is how I handle a difficult life situation and maybe, just maybe, this will help you as well... Enjoy!

14 min 18 Nov, 2018
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El podcast de Cristina Mitre
Sexualidad femenina: mitos alrededor del orgasmo y otros conceptos básicos de los que nadie te ha hablado.
El podcast de Cristina Mitre

En esta tercera entrega de la Academia de la Menopausia, en colaboración con Gynea, mi invitada es la Dra Francisca Molero, sexóloga clínica y medica, con quien hablamos de sexualidad femenina: cómo activar el deseo sexual, los mitos alrededor del orgasmo, genitalidad, el riesgo potencial de la pornografía y el amor y el sexo en los tiempos de Tinder. Todas las notas de este podcast están en thebeautymail.es Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

59 min 18 Nov, 2018
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52 min 16 Nov, 2018
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Music Mogul Jason Flom On Reforming Criminal Justice & Resurrecting Rock ‘N Roll
The Rich Roll Podcast

Today I sit down with music industry titan Jason Flom for a deep dive into what currently ails our criminal justice system, and how to fix it. The current CEO of LAVA Records, Jason's much storied career features stints as Chairman and CEO at Atlantic Records, Virgin Records and Capitol Music Group. He is personally responsible for launching a litany of massive acts, including Kid Rock, Katy Perry, Lorde, and most recently Greta Van Fleet. The New Yorker described him as “one of the most successful record men of the past 20 years…known for his specialty in delivering ‘monsters.” Jason's accomplishments in the recording industry are extraordinary. But it's his commitment to criminal justice justice reform that compelled this conversation. A founding board member of The Innocence Project as well as a board member of several advocacy organizations devoted to drug reform, prison education and …

1 hr 57 min 16 Nov, 2018
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The School of Greatness
720 The Gift of Acknowledgment with Chris Lee
The School of Greatness

EMPOWER OTHERS TO SHINE. How often to tell the people around you what you love about them? Sometimes it feels easier to criticize. But this isn’t the path to creating an amazing team. Even if it’s uncomfortable to tell people what they’re doing right, it’s important. Like everything else, it’s a practice. Practice acknowledging others, and own the acknowledgment given to you. You’ll be amazed by how it changes your life. For this Five Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with Chris Lee where he shared his strategies for empowering the people around you to shine by acknowledging their greatness. Chris Lee has spent the last 27 years leading powerful Leadership Seminars around the world. A pioneer in emotional intelligence, Chris Lee has trained and developed people at the top of their game such as Olympic athletes, Fortune 500 Business leaders, celebrities and …

5 min 16 Nov, 2018
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The Problem Was Me
Communication; The key to healthy relationships
The Problem Was Me

Relationships will work if you both work them. If the conversations your having isn’t bringing you the results you desire, then change the conversation. Do you want to seat in the victim seat, which can be comfortable, yet unhealthy ,while doing the blame game. Instead, jump into the responsibility seat, which can be risky, challenging, but healthy. One of the secrets to enhancing your relationship may be having uncomfortable conversations. If we wait until we feel like having these conversations, then we may never have them. Listen to this podcast to learn how codependency, trying to control the conversation, and trying to only be right all the time will only sabotage the emotional intimacy you crave. Learn why we avoid uncomfortable conversations. As well as developing techniques that can allow your feelings to be validated as well as acknowledging your partners feelings as well.

20 min 15 Nov, 2018
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070 podcasts
[MIRLO] T1 E3 Sandra Álvarez
070 podcasts

¿Alguna vez pensaron que vivirían hasta los 15 años?¿ Que un día más después de los 15 sería suerte? Posiblemente muchos respondan que NO. Pero para colombianos que han vivido en zonas de conflicto, como la comuna 13 en Medellín, no es algo impensable. Sin embargo, la historia de la Comuna 13 no es solo un relato de enfrentamientos, de muerte y de sangre. Muchos de sus habitantes han formado redes de apoyo local para resistir a la violencia y acompañarse en medio de las tragedias. Hoy hablaremos de los que se resisten a olvidar, de los que, a pesar de todo, se dedican a honrar la vida en la comuna 13. Mirlo podcast es un podcast de 070 podcasts en colaboración con Oropéndola y Akorde FD. Si quieren escribirnos sobre este u otros episodios, pueden hacerlo al correo [email protected]. Este podcast es producido y …

15 min 15 Nov, 2018
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Change Your Brain Every Day
The Right Questions You Need To Ask Yourself to Learn Your Purpose
Change Your Brain Every Day

Inspiration (or lack of) plays a huge part of a person’s overall sense of well-being. In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen give you a short list of questions to ask yourself to discover what inspires you. Knowing the answers to these questions can give you a heightened sense of confidence to live your best life full of purpose and meaning.

12 min 15 Nov, 2018
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Entiende Tu Mente
El sentimiento de desarraigo (el síndrome de Ulises o de aculturación) - Podcast 72
Entiende Tu Mente

En este podcast hablamos del sentimiento de desarraigo. Nos escucharás hablar del síndrome de Ulises o de aculturación; el malestar que podemos sentir al separarnos de nuestro entorno habitual, de nuestro país, contexto, cultura,... ¿En qué consiste? ¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta si estamos en ese punto?Estos días estamos subiendo al Club ETM los audios de un nuevo RETO, con ideas para que tanto nosotros como los pequeños de la casa, podamos mejorar nuestra relación con los móviles, tablets y, en general, las llamadas “tecnologías de la información”. Lo hemos titulado: “PAUTAS PARA DESCONECTARSE DE LAS NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS”. Tienes + info en nuestra web: www.entiendetumente.info Gracias por apoyarnos con tus valoraciones de "5 estrellas" en Apple Podcast (iTunes) y/o "Me Gustas" en tu plataforma de podcasting favorita; ya que así nos ayudas a crecer. También puedes escuchar nuestros contenidos en Spotify.ENTIENDE TU MENTE. 20 minutos …

22 min 15 Nov, 2018
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The Science of Happiness
These Words Cause Happiness
The Science of Happiness

Did you know that you have the power to spark happiness in someone else's brain with just a few simple words? College student Eva Dickerson shares how she spread happiness across her campus, equipped with just her iPhone and some compliments. Link to Episode Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/yc5vp9es

16 min 15 Nov, 2018
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Liderazgo femenino. Marian Alonso

¿Alguna vez has sentido que no eres feliz haciendo las cosas del modo actual? Ese es el tema principal del programa de esta semana, donde aprenderás como auto-liderarte con un punto de vista femenino y rompiendo los esquemas heredados con Marian Alonso.Marian es mentora, formadora y speaker en liderazgo femenino y marca personal para directivas y empresarias. Nos han dicho que es una mujer con mucha experiencia y la cabeza bien amueblada que sin duda nos sorprenderá.Notas de programa(Las notas del programa están disponibles en kenso.es/episodio/17-marian-alonso-liderazgo-femenino)Índice de la entrevista[0:00] Bienvenida a Marian y cómo llegó al mundo del liderazgo femenino[10:36] La importancia de la perseverancia[11:47] Momentos ‘Eureka’[18:27] Cómo crear tu propio estilo de liderazgo[21:15] Las diferencias entre el liderazgo femenino y masculino[24:13] Las habilidades con mayor impacto[26:34] Cómo un hombre puede mejorar su liderazgo femenino[31:11] El empoderamiento femenino[34:01] La mujer orquesta al aparato[39:31] El mayor …

56 min 15 Nov, 2018
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Entre nos lèvres
08 • Timothée
Entre nos lèvres

Cet épisode d’Entre nos lèvres raconte l’histoire de Timothée. Timothée a 28 ans, et avec lui nous avons discuté des codes de la masculinité, des Polly Pockets, du corps des femmes que l’on découvre et des tutos Oh My God Yes, de clés et de serrures, de monogamie aussi, et enfin, du secret des couples qui résistent au temps qui passe. On vous souhaite une belle écoute ! Céline & Margaux Nous suivre sur Instagram : @entrenoslevres Découvrir nos soins sur notre boutique : www.entrenoslevres.fr Et n’oubliez pas de vous inscrire à notre super newsletter, on y raconte plein de trucs chouettes. On dévoile nos coulisses, on vous livre tous nos conseils et on partage même tout plein de recommandations (des livres, des films, des articles, tout ce qui nous a plu ou touché ces derniers temps). Promis, c’est cool. PS. Ah oui, Entre nos …

27 min 15 Nov, 2018
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