498 - Is it possible to limit the expansion of our feelings for others? Listener Q&A
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships
Today's episode is another Q&A! We'll be answering Patreon questions about whether or not your first relationship should be a non-monogamous one, dealing with a partner's NRE with someone else, and if it's possible to limit one's expansion of feelings for another. If you'd like your question answered on a future Q&A episode, consider becoming a member of our Patreon community! Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community.Get 20% off your first order of the world's smartest cat litter at prettylitter.com/multiamory with promo code MULTIAMORYThis episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/multi and get 10% off your first month. Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know I …
As you produce more success, think even more like a beginner. Winning makes most people sloppy. Excellent entrepreneurs understand that the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next. And that success is a dangerous game because it causes one to stop growing, inventing and taking brave risks. The best of the best are absolutely relentless in their commitment for personal development and professional mastery.I worked on my latest book The Wealth Money Can’t Buy obsessively (to get every single word right for you!) for an entire year of my life. I’m absolutely certain it will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
Ever had someone put you down, but you weren’t sure how to respond? You don’t need to get defensive or fire back. There’s a better way. In this episode, I’m sharing 3 strategies to handle belittling comments with confidence and control. These strategies will help you stay calm, avoid escalating the situation, and hold your ground when someone tries to belittle you. Like what you hear? Subscribe to this podcast and leave a 5-star review. ——— Pre-Order my new book, The Next Conversation Subscribe to my Newsletter Watch my podcast on YouTube Follow me on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Sono sempre stata una persona che rimanda tutto ciò che può fino a quando non deve correre a perdifiato per completare in due ore quello che avrebbe potuto fare in due settimane. 'Sei pigra', mi dicevano (e mi dicevo anche io perché ormai avevo iniziato a crederci). Con il tempo ho scoperto che c'è molto di più nascosto dietro al costante rimandare questioni importanti: e se vi dicessi che a volte procrastiniamo perché abbiamo paura di fallire? O perché il giudizio altrui ci terrorizza? Queste sono solo alcune delle cose che ho scoperto e in questo episodio scendiamo in profondità sulla questione procrastinazione. Ma non temete, ho anche riservato una parte della puntata alla condivisione di alcune strategie che utilizzo per mettermi al lavoro quando noto che sto rimandando qualcosa da un po' troppo tempo. Per questa settimana è tutto, a martedì prossimo! Learn more …
This Episode is about the relentless and inspiring David Goggins. If you ever doubted your potential, this motivational speech is for you. David Goggins, known for his unbreakable spirit and powerful words, delivers a speech that will push you to realize that you are meant for more. This is not just a speech; it’s a call to action, a reminder that greatness lies within you. kindly follow us on Instagram - @daily_motivationsorg Facebook- @daily_motivationsorg Please Kindly support this show Support Us
Contenido en youtube: https://youtu.be/4B5joJNHWSM En la actualidad estamos viviendo un "boom" TDAH en el que es raro que un amigo, familiar u otro no se identifique con la etiqueta. En este episodio he querido reflexionar acerca de las razones que pueden estar conduciendo este aumento de la prevalencia del trastorno. Si te ha gustan las cosas que cuento, suscríbete que es free y a mí me ayuda :)
Esplora i Profondi Misteri degli 8 Livelli Culturali e le Intriganti Dinamiche a Spirale. Scopri come le interazioni umane si intrecciano in modi sorprendenti, rivelando segreti nascosti e relazioni complesse. Questo avvincente podcast ti condurrà attraverso un viaggio di scoperta, svelando come le dinamiche a spirale influenzino le nostre vite in modi mai immaginati.
Todos tenemos malos hábitos: cosas que comemos, bebemos, hacemos o decimos que nos causan infelicidad. Repetimos estos comportamientos una y otra vez, casi como si estuviéramos en piloto automático. Pero llegó el momento de liberarnos de esos malos hábitos y utilizar las estrategias de formación de hábitos para que podamos hacer cosas positivas sin esfuerzo.
Muchas veces, nos encontramos atrapados en un ciclo de pensamientos negativos que limitan nuestras posibilidades y nos mantienen lejos de nuestro verdadero potencial. Al tomar conciencia del poder de nuestra mente, podemos transformar nuestra vida.
As your children grow and change, so can your relationship with them. Discover how adapting to each stage of parenthood can strengthen your bond, improve your parenting skills, and lead to more rewarding experiences. Headspace is available at no cost to all Kaiser Permanente members, get started here. Learn more about Dr. Watford, Kaiser Permanente psychiatrist, here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In today’s episode, we had the incredible honor of sitting down with singer and songwriter Camila Cabello. We explored how her Latin heritage has shaped who she is today, the journey she’s taken to build confidence and self-worth, and how recognizing her attachment style has transformed her relationships. Camila also opened up about what she now seeks in a partner, the lessons she’s learned during her time being single, and the invaluable role her friends play in her life. Whether you're a fan of Camila or curious to see a more vulnerable side of her, this episode is a must-listen.Share this episode with someone who you think might enjoy it. In this episode you will find information about: If you liked this episode you can also listen to: 444. The power of being yourself | Alok Vaid-Menon 480. Billie Eilish: self love, vulnerability and heartbreak …
#206 Máximo Gavete: la verdad, la libertad y otras respuestas imposibles
kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago
(NOTAS Y ENLACES DEL CAPÍTULO AQUÍ: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/206-maximo-gavete-la-verdad-la-libertad-y-otras-respuestas-imposibles/)Creo que he mencionado alguna vez en el podcast un pedacito de una canción de Celtas Cortos que decía algo así como «déjanos cantar, en libertad, de lo bonito, de lo feo y de lo innombrable, de esta vida, de la muerte y de quien sabe, de los amores, la injusticia y de su padre». Pues de muchas de esas cosas, aunque no de todas, hablamos Máximo Gavete y yo en esta primera entrevista de la 7ª temporada de kaizen.Máximo es filósofo y diseñador. Ha trabajado para marcas muy conocidas del ecosistema startup español, como Ontruck, Aplazame o Devengo, donde de hecho trabaja actualmente. Es también el autor creador de Honos, una newsletter en la que habla de diseño, pero también de cultura y filosofía. Y es el director del curso de Filosofía como ventaja táctica en el Instituto …
3 Errori (non scontati) di Leadership che non ti permettono di ottenere i risultati che vuoi
Dear Alice
Oggi parliamo di Leadership, se sei a capo di un intero progetto imprenditoriale, se sei un manager, se sei alla guida di un qualsiasi team (per lavoro o per altri progetti) questo video ti aiuterà a toccare con mano alcuni degli errori più comuni quando si tratta di leadership e quali strategie attuare per correggere o non incorrere in questi errori. PER ISCRIVERTI GRATUITAMENTE AL MIRACLE MONDAY CLICCA QUI: https://alicebush.online/miracle-monday-2024/ Acquista il mio nuovo libro "La cura delle felicità” e scopri un modo diverso di approcciarti alla vita.Visita il mio sito e iscriviti alla mia newsletter per ricevere riflessioni e contenuti inediti sul mondo della crescita personale, unisciti al canale Telegram Dear Alice per commentare insieme a me e alla community le nuove puntate e seguimi su Instagram e Tik Tok per tips quotidiane. Guarda il mio TEDx per iniziare a prenderti cura di te.
MDT379: Meditación de conexión con tu corazón, a través de las letras hebreas, guiada por Cristina Vicente
Medita Podcast
En este Cristina nos guía en una práctica maravillosa que te ayudará a conectar con tu corazón y todo el amor que eres.Si te gustó está sesión te invito a escuchar:Meditación un oasis de calma para momentos difíciles, guiada por Kalinda Kano. MDT137 https://youtu.be/dHQxvtdSQGMMDT033: Meditación mi intención es elevada, guiada por Julio Diez Testa https://youtu.be/2UBWcmM0HGAMDT237: Meditación para abrazar a tu niño interior, guiada por Karla Ricarlde https://youtu.be/mU-z-xUybm4Más acerca de Cristina:Su página: https://www.escuelainternacionaldependulohebreo.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cursodependulohebreoYoutube: https://youtube.com/@cursodependulohebreoY si quieres seguir profundizando:SÚMATE A NUESTRO GRUPO DE WHASTAPP: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kf4mcNRJREY7vAm9w56MOrY síguenos en:IG: www.instagram.com/mardelcerroTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@mardelcerroIG: www.instagram.com/meditaconmigocastTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@meditaconmigocastRecuerda que cualquier duda, idea o propuesta estoy para ti.MEDITA PODCAST es un podcast de Medita Conmigo Cast Producción, guión y voz: Marimar del Cerro Coordinación general: Fernanda VargasEdición, diseño de sonido y música original: Silver Media StudioImágen y redes sociales: Zayuri Vargas, Valery Martinez, Mariana Torres y Daniela Calderón.¡Gracias equipo por hacer esto posible! Hosted …
Dora and Robin tackle questions on how to know if you're ready for marriage and what to do when you're having trouble relating to your coworkers. We also address a meditation question about establishing routines before beginning your practice. Follow Robin here or at Well…Adjusting and follow Dora here. To send us your question go to sayhi.chat/dearheadpace Try the Headspace app free for 30 days here. Mental health coaching is now available in the Headspace app. Connect with a trained expert for live, one-on-one care and support for everyday anxiety, stress, and big life challenges — on your time, from anywhere. Whatever you’re going through, your coach is here every step of the way. Click here to learn more. If you'd like info on the podcast Dora mentioned, Jillian on Love click here: https://www.jillianturecki.com/podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices