
Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Little Happier: The Supreme Court Building Gave Me the “America Feeling”
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Every time I read the words “Equal Justice Under Law,” carved into the front of the Supreme Court building, I get the America Feeling. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

1 min 28 Ene, 2019
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
260- L’effetto del “gap di piacevolezza”... può rovinare le tue relazioni?
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Il “gap di piacevolezza” è un curioso effetto riscontrato di recente da un team di psicologi che, mettendo insieme 5 esperimenti ha constato qualcosa di pazzesco: al termine di una conversazione con uno sconosciuto tendiamo tutti a…Clicca qui per approfondire: www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2019/01/il-gap-di-piacevolezza-perche-tendiamo-a-non-apprezzarci.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica": http://sviluppopersonalescientifico.com/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=2&url=21Iscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlSeguimi su Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/gennaro_romagnoli/Credits (traccia audio) https://www.bensound.com/

19 min 27 Ene, 2019
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S01 | Capítulo 08: Iván

40cartas es un experimento sobre los sentimientos que construyen el desamor. ¿Qué nos quedó para decirles a los que alguna vez amamos? Como creemos que los domingos hay que entregarse a la melancolía, cada semana publicamos una carta que alguien le escribió a una persona que quiso mucho, con quien hayan tenido una relación o no, y que no quiere másLa carta que te hizo llorar hoy la escribió Catalina. Vive en La Plata y tiene una editorial que se llama @fantasmaedita.somoslubi.com

4 min 27 Ene, 2019
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The Time Expert Anna Jelen
I have time. AND YOU?
The Time Expert Anna Jelen

I HAVE TIME. AND YOU? When was the last time, you said: „I don’t have time.“ If we say „I don’t have any time“ - we are experiencing time poverty. And poverty means always the feeling of powerlessness. We are not in control. It’s not in our hands. Are you sure, that you don’t have any time? Imagine you have a magic wand and you could make 3 wishes for your daily life. When I ask people to do this, often one of the wishes will be: „To have more time.“ Everyone agrees that time is precious. So it is very astounding that we give it away so easily. Imagine a life, where you always have it. There is never a lack of time. Impossible! ..you might think? I’m going to show you, that you are only a mind shift away to see, that time …

11 min 27 Ene, 2019
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El podcast de Cristina Mitre
Por qué nadie debería preguntar para cuándo el niño con Ángeles Urrea
El podcast de Cristina Mitre

Hoy, mi invitada al podcast es la psicóloga Ángeles Urrea, autora del magnífico libro Cuaderno de emociones en procesos de fertilidad (Arcopress). Como explica la experta, las dificultades en los procesos reproductivos están consideradas como uno de los acontecimientos vitales más estresantes en la vida de las personas y, sin embargo, que poca atención se presta, a veces, a la parte emocional de la reproducción asistida. Hoy, hablamos de emociones como el duelo, la incertidumbre o el miedo. También de la sexualidad durante este proceso y del concepto de la rendición activa. Este episodio va dedicado no solo a quien se encuentre en un proceso así, también, para el entorno, para que comprendan la complejidad, incluso emocional, de los procesos de reproducción asistida y por qué preguntar para cuándo el niño no es una buena idea. Todas las notas de este podcast están en www.thebeautymail.es …

59 min 27 Ene, 2019
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El Podcast de Marco Antonio Regil
091: Alimentos y horarios para lograr tu máximo nivel de salud, con Karen Letayf
El Podcast de Marco Antonio Regil

Yo, al igual que la mayoría crecí escuchando que “El desayuno es la comida más importante del día”. ¿Pero realmente lo que nos enseñaron que era el desayuno “ideal”, es lo más saludable y congruente para el ritmo interno de nuestro cuerpo? Desafortunadamente, hoy me doy cuenta que no. Karen Letayf, chef y health coach nos viene a compartir lo que ha aprendido para ayudar a otras personas a mejorar su desempeño en el día a día y lograr óptimos niveles de bienestar y energía. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

56 min 27 Ene, 2019
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Dare To Be You In A World That Values Conformity
The Rich Roll Podcast

Welcome to another edition Guru Corner featuring my favorite teacher on all things mystic and metaphysical, Guru Singh. Fusing Eastern mysticism with Western pragmatism, Guru Singh is a celebrated third-generation Sikh yogi and master spiritual teacher who has been studying and teaching Kundalini Yoga for more than 40 years. He is the author of several books, a powerful lecturer and behind-the-scenes guide to many a luminary, including Fortune 500 CEOs, athletes, and artists. A peer of rock legends like Janis Joplin and the Grateful Dead, Guru Singh is also a supremely talented musician who began his recording career on Warner Bros’ Reprise label in the 1960s. When he isn’t laying down tracks with people like Seal, he’s bringing down the house on the daily at Yoga West, his Los Angeles home base. Today's conversation focuses on the importance of cultivating your true self in a …

1 hr 19 min 25 Ene, 2019
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The School of Greatness
750 6 Years of Greatness
The School of Greatness

THE SCHOOL OF GREATNESS IS TURNING SIX. I’ve been hosting The School of Greatness for six years. We’ve done 750 episodes. That’s 750 conversations with inspiring people like Kobe Bryant, Scooter Braun, Maria Sharapova, Tony Robbins, Sarah Blakely, Maria Shriver and more. When I started, I hoped it would reach millions of people. Now the podcast has over 90 million downloads. My life has changed for the better because of The School of Greatness. I hope yours has, too. Anniversaries are a great time to reflect back on how far you’ve come. That’s why, for this Five Minute Friday, I bringing back a conversation with Robert Greene from my first podcast episode ever. Robert Greene is a best-selling author known for talking about strategy, power, and seduction. His books include The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The …

4 min 25 Ene, 2019
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Hablaremos un poco más a fondo del trastorno obsesivo compulsivo y nos enfocaremos especialmente en el trastorno por acumulación. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

52 min 25 Ene, 2019
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Morganize with Me
Goals | Small Goals, Big Goals, and 6 Areas to Consider
Morganize with Me

Welcome to episode number two in my Spring Podcast Series. Each of these episodes is focused on goal setting and how to organize your goals. In this episode, I'm chatting about both small and big goals and the six areas of life to consider when planning your goals. Remember that you can get your FREE I Want, I Will, I Did printable in my shop and also find some other (free) printables that are great for planning and organizing. Don't forget to double task when you listen (if possible). And I'd love it if you would press the subscribe button and leave me a review. For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage."

11 min 24 Ene, 2019
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Morganize with Me
Goals | Moving from I Want, to I Will, to I Did!
Morganize with Me

Hi friends! This is the first episode of five in my Spring Podcast Series. Each of the episodes will be focused on goal setting and how to organize your goals. In this first episode, I'm helping to answer the "why" behind goal setting. Why you need to chase your dreams and why you have a race to run! There is also a FREE printable available in my shop if you'd like to list a goal that you want to take from an "I want" to an "I will!" (Along with some other free printables that can also be used for planning and organizing.) The MWM podcast episodes will always be short and sweet, but they will pack punch. Try if you can, to do some double tasking while you listen and don't forget to press the subscribe button and leave a review too, thanks! For …

10 min 24 Ene, 2019
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Health Strategies: Rewrite Your Story
Change Your Brain Every Day

To wrap up this series on happiness, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen introduce a new strategy, that when followed can dramatically change your life. The strategy is centered around a process that involves taking inventory of your life’s history, assessing how your actions have historically brought you closer or further from your goals, and then making the necessary adjustments to you’re your way towards a happy ending.

12 min 24 Ene, 2019
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The Problem Was Me
Society Filled with Anxiety- Part Two
The Problem Was Me

Through self- awareness and positive actions this podcast will provide the listener with tools to help them battle through their anxiety and depression on a day-to-day basis. We will then discuss the ways their loved ones can also help those they love gain victory over their fight against anxiety and depression. We all hurt when those we love suffer. Its important to understand which actions can help nurse those we love to health and which actions, even with the best of intentions, can actually fuel the problem.

21 min 24 Ene, 2019
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Lidera tu cambio. David Criado

¿Alguna vez has sentido que ha llegado el momento de cambiar las cosas o de ayudar a los demás a que lo hagan y no has sabido cómo hacerlo? Ese es el tema principal del programa de esta semana, donde aprenderás cómo facilitar el cambio poniendo en práctica nuevos modelos de trabajo y desarrollarás un aprendizaje con sentido gracias a David Criado.David es facilitador, agente de cambio y el alma de Vorpalina, una red de profesionales con el objetivo de transformar la cultura de las organizaciones a través de las personas.Notas de programa(Las notas del programa están disponibles en http://kenso.es/episodio/26-david-criado-cambio)Índice de la entrevista[0:00] Bienvenida a David y cómo llegó al mundo de la gestión del cambio[8:25] Un comienzo y lo que aprendió de las grandes consultoras[12:48] ¿Qué es la consultoría artesana?[18:08] ¿Cómo generar confianza al comenzar una relación profesional?[23:43] Aceptar la indeterminación[26:43] ¿Qué significa Vorpalina?[31:52] …

1 hr 9 min 24 Ene, 2019
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Mándarax: ciencia en tu vida diaria
Cosas que vinieron del espacio
Mándarax: ciencia en tu vida diaria

Qué tanto de nosotros vino del Espacio y qué tanto hemos puesto nosotros allá afuera. Alita y Leos confirman la frase Carl Sagan y la canción de Moby: estamos hechos de estrellas. Puentes.mx Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/mandarax) Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/mandarax Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

1 hr 10 min 23 Ene, 2019
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