Dear Headspace
Have you ever wished you had a wise meditation teacher on speed dial? Someone you could call after a long day. Someone you can lean on for advice. Someone to help you see things differently. Welcome to Dear Headspace, a Headspace original podcast where meditation teachers answer your questions. Episodes will be released every Tuesday starting November 1st. Listen on the Headspace App or wherever you get your podcasts.
Autor: Headspace Studios
36 min 25 sec
Duración Promedio
Duración Total:
61 hr 19 min
Todos los Episodios
Addressing Issues with Your Friend's Significant Other, with Sam
23 Jul, 2024Sam and Robin answer questions about processing a parent's death, mindfulness for unstructured times, and what to do when you don't like your friend's partner. Follow Robin here or at Well…Adjusting To send us your question go to Try …
Duración: 26 minCan You Tell Someone They Need Therapy? With Eve
16 Jul, 2024Eve, Robin, and Headspace therapist Samantha answer questions about how to handle fears of handguns in your community, and what to do when you’re an adult living at home but your parents treat you like a kid. And we have …
Duración: 36 minHow to Mindfully Listen, with Kessonga
09 Jul, 2024Kessonga, Robin, and Headspace coach Corey answer questions about how to say goodbye to your family home, how to mindfully listen when you disagree with someone, and what to do when you’re recovering from an eating disorder but are still …
Duración: 38 minManaging Anger and Supporting Your Partner Through Harassment, with Dora
02 Jul, 2024Dora and Robin answer questions about how to respond when your partner is harassed on the street, what to do when you feel lonely and are having trouble finding your people, and how to nudge a teenager who doesn’t want …
Duración: 35 minWhen You Are Practicing Self-Care but Still Feel Unfulfilled, with Rosie
25 Jun, 2024Rosie, Robin, and Headspace Coach Neca answer a question about identifying what’s a learning opportunity in a relationship and what’s a compatibility problem. They also answer questions about how to feel better when you’re already doing all the healthy habits, …
Duración: 38 minDealing with Early-Morning Thoughts, with Kessonga
18 Jun, 2024Kessonga, Robin, and Headspace Therapist Samantha answer questions about how to know when to end a relationship, how to be strong for a parent struggling with mental health issues, and how to calm those early morning anxious thoughts. Follow Robin …
Duración: 34 minHow to Stop Exaggerating, with Eve
11 Jun, 2024Eve, Robin, and Headspace coach Corey answer questions about how to take care of yourself when you’re a freelancer, how to stop exaggerating, and how to be at peace as an artist who makes less money than your peers. Follow …
Duración: 37 minFeeling the Pride, with Kessonga
04 Jun, 2024Kessonga, Robin, and Headspace coach Shula answer questions about obsessing over your teen’s safety, being jealous of other people while being too hard on yourself, and what to do when your child expresses fluid sexuality. Follow Robin here or at …
Duración: 36 minEncore Episode: How to Handle Overspending, with Dora
28 May, 2024Dora and Robin answer questions about dealing with family and inheritances, how to stop overspending, and can meditation really change life-long problems Follow Robin here or at Well…Adjusting and follow Dora here. Try the Headspace app free for 30 days …
Duración: 39 minWhen You Feel Most Connected, with Dora
21 May, 2024Dora, Robin, and Headspace clinician Samantha answer questions about overcoming fears of cancer and how to look inward to assess your triggers. We also share a mindful moment from a listener who felt a special connection while hiking in nature. …
Duración: 36 min