Radio Headspace
Join us every weekday morning to take a few moments to step out of the internal chatter and external noise. We'll pause and reflect to consider what brings us together in this shared human condition and how we can live a life that best reflects our limitless potential.
Autor: Headspace Studios
6 min 37 sec
Duración Promedio
Salud y BienestarDuración Total:
136 hr 14 min
Todos los Episodios
Best-Laid Plans
01 Oct, 2021We all know what happens to best-laid plans. Disruption to routine and uncertainty is a fact of life. But one of the best ways to combat anxiety and frustration around disruptions is to practice gratitude for things that are going …
Duración: 6 minThe Dark Side of the Mind
30 Sep, 2021Many people are uncomfortable with meditation, or time for quiet thought, because of the negative thoughts or feelings the mind can dredge up. But it’s only by allowing these thoughts to come up that we can practice letting them go. …
Duración: 7 minMe, Myself, and I
29 Sep, 2021What would you tell your younger self about where you are now, or what you have achieved? You’ve probably come a long way! Even though we are constantly growing and changing, sometimes the storylines of our past and the ideas …
Duración: 6 minGreat Expectations
28 Sep, 2021Many people who begin to meditate with Headspace expect they’ll instantly feel better and calmer. It’s natural to have expectations whenever we do anything, but holding on to these expectations can set us up for disappointment or frustration. Today, try …
Duración: 7 minFrom Reaction to Response
27 Sep, 2021Stress isn’t inherently good or bad, it’s simply a natural response to something that feels threatening. During these moments of stress response, our bodies and nervous system can’t tell whether a lion is chasing you or your flight is delayed, …
Duración: 7 minRoom For Not Knowing
24 Sep, 2021Many of us feel like we have to know everything that’s going to happen, all of the time. But this feeling creates resistance in the mind. If we have to be so certain all the time, we lose space for …
Duración: 6 minRough Drafts and Revisions
23 Sep, 2021Every time we think we’ve arrived somewhere, life has a way of changing our destination. It’s a constant work in progress, even when it feels like a decision or mistake we made is final. When we embrace the idea that …
Duración: 7 minEverything’s Been Done Before
22 Sep, 2021Have you heard the saying “everything has been done before”? That may be true, but it hasn’t been done by you! The idea that nothing is original can come up when we’re scared of trying something new, but remember, as …
Duración: 5 minEach Step Counts
21 Sep, 2021We love how the wellness community connects online, and how much it’s grown! But it’s easy to see everyone’s wellness breakthroughs and ‘healing highlights’ on social media, and think that’s all wellness should be. Breakthroughs are amazing, but every step …
Duración: 4 minLead by Being
20 Sep, 2021When you’re on your own path, it can cause some friction in your interpersonal relationships — especially if you’re on a new health and wellness journey that no one else in your family wants to come on with you. It …
Duración: 5 min