
Tu Desarrollo Personal
Tu Desarrollo Personal

Un recorrido íntimo por los aspectos más profundos de la vida, la soledad, el amor, el tiempo y la muerte, capturados con la mirada aguda de un observador que nunca deja de cuestionar.

12 min 02 Oct, 2024
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Radio Headspace
Shape Your Emotions and Mindset with Powerful Experiences
Radio Headspace

Learn how experiences, both past and present, shape your emotions and mindset. By being mindful of the music and moments in your life, you can cultivate more joy and deeper emotional understanding. You can find more wonderful content from Rosie on her IG. Additionally, you can find her new book, You Are Radically Loved here. And lastly, if you need to talk something out, or just need someone to listen. Check out Headspace coaching here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

6 min 02 Oct, 2024
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10% Happier with Dan Harris
What To Do When You’re Angry | Matthew Brensilver, Vinny Ferraro, Kaira Jewel Lingo
10% Happier with Dan Harris

A deep dive on one of the thorniest and most destructive states of mind.For this episode, Executive Producer DJ Cashmere interviewed a trio of brilliant Dharma teachers to get their advice about how to handle anger. This is the first in a series of 'correspondent' episodes, in which DJ identifies a pain point in his life and meditation practice, then goes out into the world to report on the best ways to address it.Kaira Jewel Lingo is a former nun in the Plum Village tradition started by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Vinny Ferraro teaches at the Insight Meditation Society and Spirit Rock, and also in prisons. Matthew Brensilver teaches at many of the same retreat centers, and spent many years working in the field of addiction pharmacotherapy.****Want to study and practice with today's guests? Please check out these Spirit Rock offerings:Matthew Brensilver, Buddhist Psychology …

1 hr 12 min 02 Oct, 2024
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 502: Attend a Reunion, Note the “Dinner-Party Problem” & Are You a Sculptor or Lifeguard Parent?
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

We talk about why going to a reunion can give us such a big happiness boost. We also discuss research about the “dinner-party problem,” and what to do about it, and we explore a question about attitudes towards parenting. Get in touch: [email protected] Follow on social media: @GretchenRubin on YouTube @GretchenRubin on TikTok @GretchenRubin on Instagram @GretchenRubin on Threads @LizCraft on Instagram @LizCraft on Threads @GretchenRubin on ThreadsGet the podcast show notes by email every week: happiercast.com/shownotes Get the resources and all links related to this episode here: http://happiercast.com/502 Get Gretchen Rubin’s newest New York Times bestselling book Life in Five Senses to see how she discovered a surprising path to a life of more energy, creativity, luck, and love: by tuning in to the five senses. Now available wherever books are sold. Visit Gretchen's website to learn more about Gretchen's best-selling books, products from …

27 min 02 Oct, 2024
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A Therapist Can't Say That
Ep 3.11 - Redefining Psychiatric Constructs with Dr. Miri Forbes
A Therapist Can't Say That

Everyone who has a foot in the world of psychiatric diagnosis seems to agree that our diagnostic system could, at the very least, use some updating, if not burning it down and starting over.So how do we approach developing constructs of psychiatric diagnoses that are more complex, more accurate, more flexible, and more context-specific than what we’ve been taught or what exists in the DSM-V?Today, I’m excited to share my conversation with Dr. Miri Forbes, an expert in psychopathology and one of the authors of the paper, “Reconstructing Psychopathology: A Data-Driven Reorganization of the Symptoms in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.” Dr. Forbes and her colleagues are doing innovative research on creating more empirically-supported diagnostic constructs. This approach to symptoms, categorization, and how we think about and use diagnostic constructs is one that I hope will help us get out of the …

1 hr 0 min 02 Oct, 2024
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The School of Greatness
How To Kill Your Limiting MONEY Beliefs To Unlock Abundance | Mark Matson
The School of Greatness

In this episode, I sit down with Mark Matson, founder and CEO of Matson Money and author of "Experiencing the American Dream." Mark shares his decades of research on the neuroscience of investing and how our brains are NOT wired for smart financial decisions. We dive deep into the psychological "screens" and "money demons" that hold us back from abundant, wealthy lifestyles and living our dreams. Mark offers a refreshing perspective on how to approach investing using science and data rather than emotions. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your finances to the next level, this conversation will change how you think about money and the American Dream.Grab a copy of Mark’s new book, Experiencing The American DreamIN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN:How to shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset around moneyHow to identify and overcome your "money demons" …

1 hr 34 min 02 Oct, 2024
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creesiendo podcast
Cómo cambiar los malos hábitos | Santiago Pardinas
creesiendo podcast

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo pequeños cambios pueden transformar tu vida?En este episodio, Santiago Pardinas, Vicepresidente de Revenue en Capital Digital, nos comparte su increíble historia de transformación. Desde vivir una vida de excesos hasta convertirse en un ejemplo de equilibrio entre trabajo, ejercicio y bienestar personal, Santiago ha recorrido un camino lleno de aprendizajes y descubrimientos.Durante nuestra plática, hablamos sobre la importancia de mantener una rutina saludable, cómo el ejercicio y la alimentación consciente han sido claves en su transformación, y por qué la disciplina le ha permitido optimizar tanto su vida personal como profesional.Este episodio es una invitación a reflexionar sobre nuestras propias decisiones y cómo podemos encontrar balance en nuestro día a día.Escucha este episodio para descubrir cómo tú también puedes implementar cambios positivos en tu vida.No te pierdas este episodio en YouTube Síguenos:Host: Germán Ahumada A. Instagram LinkedInCreesiendo Podcast InstagramFacebookTikTokWebsite

1 hr 3 min 02 Oct, 2024
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La Minute Sexe
Fantasmes & "No-sex"
La Minute Sexe

D’après une étude IFOP de Février 2023, 43% des jeunes de 18 à 25 ans ne font plus l'amour. Mais que cache cette statistique réellement ? Qu’entendons nous par faire l’amour ? Et que dis cette tendance de notre société ? De passage dans les studios d'Octave Sonore, le pionnier de la sexothérapie et formateur Alain Héril m’a fait le plaisir de venir échanger sur cette nouvelle tendance. Comme à son habitude, Alain Heril nous livre une interview riche et intense et nous éclairent sur cette jeunesse, reflet de la société contemporaine. Il en profite également pour évoquer les fantasmes, leur place dans nos sexualités et ce qu'ils révèlent aussi de nous, de nos constructions intérieures sans limites. Retrouvez la Minute Sexe sur instagramPrésenté par Louise Tocqueville Un podcast produit par Octave [email protected] - sexualité - couple - amour - désir - santé - thérapie …

38 min 02 Oct, 2024
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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

This is a classic session, from the first season of How's Work? They were mates in university before co-founding a successful communications company. They still work together from different coasts, but they barely speak. One wants to move on; the other is grasping for his former friend. Neither can find the words to talk about it. Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to https://www.estherperel.com/course-bundles/the-desire-bundle to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire. Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther: https://www.estherperel.com/newsletter Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

55 min 02 Oct, 2024
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Psicologia e benessere | Il podcast di GuidaPsicologi
Infrangiamo i tabù: dalla vergogna ai miti, la sessualità senza pregiudizi #164
Psicologia e benessere | Il podcast di GuidaPsicologi

Benvenuti a questa intervista speciale in collaborazione con EasyToys, dove affronteremo il tema della sessualità e i tabù che spesso la circondano. Oggi abbiamo il piacere di parlare con il dottor Riccardo Germani, che ci guiderà nell'esplorare argomenti spesso fraintesi o poco trattati. Sarà un'occasione preziosa per sfatare miti, approfondire la nostra consapevolezza e promuovere un dialogo aperto e rispettoso su un aspetto essenziale del benessere personale e relazionale. Non perderti il podcast di GuidaPsicologi! ❣️ Hai bisogno di supporto? Ecco il nostro elenco di professionisti specializzati 👉 http://bit.ly/guidapsico Più info su FB 👉 https://www.facebook.com/guidapsicologi/ E su IG 👉 https://www.instagram.com/guidapsicologi/

11 min 02 Oct, 2024
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Entiende Tu Mente
Acompañar a una persona con algún tipo de adicción | 354
Entiende Tu Mente

Hay realidades de las que no solemos hablar. Situaciones que escondemos y que nos producen malestar y desamparo al no saber cómo lidiar con ellas. Sin duda, una de ellas son los problemas de adicción en personas cercanas. Si lo vives en tu familia o en tu entorno, sabrás que es un tema difícil de abordar. La adicción —ya sea al alcohol, a sustancias, a videojuegos, al móvil...— lleva a que la persona se vea atrapada en un ciclo muy difícil de romper sin ayuda externa. Pero… ¿cómo ayudar sin caer en la desesperacion? ¿Cómo acompañar sin agotar toda nuestra energía? Una amiga del pódcast nos pide algunas ideas para acompañar a una persona con algún tipo de adicción. Y aquí están. ¡Dale al play! _______ 🫂 ¿Nos ayudas a continuar adelante?🫂 Para seguir haciendo nuevos episodios cada semana, necesitamos contar contigo. Si quieres ayudarnos …

22 min 02 Oct, 2024
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¿Cómo reconocer los síntomas del síndrome de Asia?

46 min 02 Oct, 2024
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Día Mundial del Alzheimer

33 min 02 Oct, 2024
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El Club de los Buenos Días
8.- (3de5) ¿Pastillas para la ansiedad? Luis G. Rojas, opina, va.
El Club de los Buenos Días

Ansiolíticos, antidepresivos... ¿Reticente a tomarlos? Escucha al psiquiatra Luís G. Rojas sobre su opinión. Ya te adelanto que pastillas, sí. Pero como trampolín para hacer cambios en tu vida. Y no hay mejor cambio que el curso 2024-25 de Mindfulness que te propone El Rincón de Mindfulness . Porque acompañado conseguirás incorporar la mejor herramienta para vivir sin esa ansiedad o estrés. Visítales y apúntate, que queda ná para que empiece! HTTPS://www.rinconmind.org

24 min 02 Oct, 2024
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Comunicación efectiva y ética en el cáncer

46 min 02 Oct, 2024
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