The No Meat Athlete On How He Runs on Plants

The No Meat Athlete On How He Runs on Plants

The Rich Roll Podcast

All hail the running carrot! Today on the show I'm joined by my pal Matt Frazier, the guy behind the wildly successful– website, podcast and roadmap series of downloadable tools — an absolute go to resource chock-a-block with information for runners and triathletes of all abilities looking to take their athletic & nutrition game to the next level. Matt founded NoMeatAthlete in 2009, about the same time he went vegetarian. Six months later, Matt qualified for the Boston Marathon with a time of 3:09:59 at the Wineglass Marathon, over 100 minutes faster than his first marathon time seven years prior. In June 2010, Matt ran his first 50-mile ultramarathon, recently completed his first 100-mile race and has run several more ultras and marathons each year since. What's great about Matt is his sincerity, authenticity, transparency and relatability. He's not a world-class athlete, just a friendly, smart and resourceful guy who started experimenting with running and diet and wanted to share what he was learning. A site that started out as little more than a personal document of his experiment in food and fitness, NoMeatAthlete has morphed over the last few years into one of the web's leading resources when it comes to information relating to the intersection of running and plant-based lifestyle. The best part? Matt is genuinely a really nice guy. A guy you just want to see win. Like Rudy — a comparison that will put a smile of irony on your face when you hear our parting words at the end of the interview. Now Matt has taken all he has learned, and synthesized it into a new Book: No Meat Athlete: Run on Plants and Discover Your Fittest, Fastest, Happiest Self* — do yourself a favor and check it out. Let's support this guy! Finally – a note of thanks. Just a few days ago we surpassed ONE MILLION DOWNLOADS of the podcast. That's right. A cool million. That just blows my mind wide open. Does not compute. Surreal. It's all because of you. So thank you – for everything. There have been ups. There have been downs. And more recently, controversy (see comments on Episode 53 with Durianrider- holy smokes). I appreciate you for sticking around. I am truly humbled and more energized than ever to continue the mission. So much great stuff to come. I hope you enjoy the show! Rich

Fecha de Publicación: 4 de octubre de 2013

Duración: 1 hr 51 min

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