The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Welcome to the Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma where you’ll receive the mental models, daily routines, and productivity tactics that Robin Sharma has taught to the titans of industry, sports superstars, and elite performers who he has served as a private mentor to for over 31 years. You'll learn how to live a truly world-class life while you accelerate your productivity, grow your leadership, build your business, and scale your impact on the world.
Autor: Robin Sharma
3 min 29 sec
Duración Promedio
Todos los Episodios
The Radical Optimist Mindset [10-Minute Episode]
15 Jul, 2022TRUE leaders and genuine heroes are hope-bringers. They make people feel bigger, never smaller, in their presence.They have a trained gift to inspire and activate other humans to own gifts they didn’t know they had while achieving feats they never …
Duración: 10 minThe Mass of Superficiality Vs. The Cult of Granularity
14 Jul, 2022Be deep vs. be light. Moving from superficiality to granularity will separate you from the 95% of humanity that is stuck at average. World-class lives in a fanatical devotion to perfection on the tiny details. At a hotel I visited, …
Duración: 3 minHow to Enter the Economy of Mastery
13 Jul, 2022Masters of their craft and titans of industry understand that success breeds complacency and—because of this—they stay hungry, creative and hypervigilant to the threats that could knock off their golden crown.*****To help you stay positive, productive and peaceful in volatile …
Duración: 2 min1 Potent Principle for Sustained Success in Business
12 Jul, 2022People do business with people they trust and people do business with people they like and people do business with people who connect to them sincerely. [Enthusiasm is contagious!]. Sure you need to get your mission, values, culture, products, services, …
Duración: 2 minAvoid the Echo Chamber
11 Jul, 2022Be not average. Ever.I believe we place too much weight on being liked by the cool crowd. It’s far wiser to be loved by yourself. For being the real deal.We are schooled, from a young age, to think like everyone …
Duración: 2 minThe Common Denominator of A Sovereign Life? [10-Minute Episode]
08 Jul, 2022Early this morning I dissected the top traits—that could be laws—of the best leaders I’ve mentored over the past 25+ years. I’ve been travelling almost constantly lately giving leadership keynotes to fast companies and amazing organizations so these items are …
Duración: 10 minThe Priceless Value of One Minute
07 Jul, 2022Be on time if you can't be there early. Being punctual is being honourable.*****To help you stay positive, productive and peaceful in volatile conditions, Robin Sharma is giving away his #1 ebook for free. Click here to download yours for …
Duración: 2 minThe Asymmetric Risk Reward Strategy of Financial Titans
06 Jul, 2022Robin Sharma deconstructs one of the principle investing strategies that helps his ultra-high net-worth private mentoring clients - like billionaires, financiers, and titans of industry - save and scale their prosperity. Learn one of the methods that financial masters live …
Duración: 3 minHow the Heavyweights Work [For Daily Victory]
05 Jul, 2022The idea that working longer and harder makes you more productive and better is outdated.It comes from the era when most workers toiled on a factory line. And by putting in more hours they would create more products.For creative professionals …
Duración: 3 minA Potent Insight On Total Craft Mastery [from Rome]
04 Jul, 2022Mastery takes massive practice, unrelenting patience and vast devotion. It’s a very difficult obsession. And one of the best commitments you can make.*****If you’re keenly interested in prospering [exponentially] in the increasingly messy and dangerous world ahead, then keep reading …
Duración: 4 min