The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Welcome to the Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma where you’ll receive the mental models, daily routines, and productivity tactics that Robin Sharma has taught to the titans of industry, sports superstars, and elite performers who he has served as a private mentor to for over 31 years. You'll learn how to live a truly world-class life while you accelerate your productivity, grow your leadership, build your business, and scale your impact on the world.
Autor: Robin Sharma
3 min 29 sec
Duración Promedio
Todos los Episodios
Why Legacy Is a [Big] Waste of Time
22 May, 2023If you’ve read my latest book you know that although I spoke a lot about legacy years ago (even wrote a book on it 25 years ago called Who Will Cry When You Die?), I no longer think it’s a …
Duración: 2 minClear Out the Victimspeak + Employ the Vocabulary of Possibility [4-Minute Episode]
19 May, 2023Words mean what words say.Legendary leaders and movement makers of the past have spellbound their followers by deploying the language of hope. And employing the vocabulary of possibility. And yet in our current culture, too many potentially great people are …
Duración: 5 minThe Secret to Domain Supremacy
18 May, 2023You were born with a gift. I’m serious. And science has confirmed it.It’s the ability of your brain to grow and adapt to new situations, so you learn new skills. It’s called neuroplasticity. And it works like a charm. …wish …
Duración: 2 min"The 66-Day Minimum" Process to Build Great Habits
17 May, 2023Please remember one of my top brain tattoos: “All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” If mastering a new habit to the point where it becomes automatic and, therefore, easier to do …
Duración: 2 minEncode the 10x3 Rule for the Language of Leadership
16 May, 2023Too many good souls among us are sloppy with their vocabulary. Speaking of negativity and difficulty in a world filled with overwhelming opportunity, for those with the eyes/perception/wisdom to see it.So stand true to your right to be great. And …
Duración: 2 minOne Way to Avoid the Heartbreak of Regret
15 May, 2023In over 27 years of teaching billionaires, NBA stars, music legends + members of royal families how to dramatically accelerate their success + impact, I’ve learned that those who end up with broken hearts at the end of their lives …
Duración: 2 min"The 20/20/20 Formula" For Great Mornings [6-Minute Episode]
12 May, 2023By installing the gorgeous and powerful habit of rising with the sun and practicing "The 20/20/20 Formula" during your Victory Hour you’ll get to know your finest self.You’ll—morning by morning and day by day—build yourself into a happier, healthier, more …
Duración: 6 minDaily Execution Is Where You Need to Put in the Sweat Equity
11 May, 2023Ideation without execution is delusion, right?To reach for the heavens of your highest habits is a wonderful move. It shows the depth of your hope, the respect you have for the realization of your genius and the greatness of your …
Duración: 2 minThe #1 Method to Turn Struggle Into Strength
10 May, 2023If you were to ask me “Robin, if there was only one thing I could do to turn struggle into power, doubt into leadership and paralysis into results, what would it be?” I’d say on you. Your inner core. …
Duración: 2 minGrowth Is Never a Linear Process [But a Very Messy One]
09 May, 2023Please remember one of my top brain tattoos: “All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” If mastering a new habit to the point where it becomes automatic and, therefore, easier to do …
Duración: 2 min