The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Welcome to the Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma where you’ll receive the mental models, daily routines, and productivity tactics that Robin Sharma has taught to the titans of industry, sports superstars, and elite performers who he has served as a private mentor to for over 31 years. You'll learn how to live a truly world-class life while you accelerate your productivity, grow your leadership, build your business, and scale your impact on the world.
Autor: Robin Sharma
3 min 29 sec
Duración Promedio
Todos los Episodios
The REAL Work Vs. FAKE Work Distinction
23 Oct, 2023Let’s not confuse busy with productivity. The pros don’t work and “grind” all the time. They do fewer things at a higher level. And understand it’s wiser to handcraft one masterwork than release 1000 mediocrities. If you’d like to learn …
Duración: 3 minHow to Shift Your MINDSET to Leverage Adversity + Transform Past Pain [to Make You More Understanding, Forgiving and Noble] - 6-Minute Episode
20 Oct, 2023What hurts us can help us. In today's episode, Robin Sharma deconstructs his primary principles to help you leverage hardship [so you reclaim your natural heroism]. If you’re seeking some strong inspiration to grow your business and self—along with some …
Duración: 6 minForgiveness As a Tool for Elite Performance?
19 Oct, 2023Forgive those who should be forgiven (that’s everyone who has hurt you). As human beings, it’s ever so easy to sit on the summit of high-judgement and self-righteousness on seeing another human being doing something we consider wrong.Yet, as we …
Duración: 3 minHow to Handle Haters [Who Try to Limit Your Performance]
18 Oct, 2023Being laughed at or criticized or misunderstood is the price of leaving the herd and producing your magic.Anything original will disrupt the normal. And so those who feel threatened will find it easier to throw stones at you than send …
Duración: 2 minOne Powerful Practice Iconic Performers Run DAILY
17 Oct, 2023Work less yet far more intensely. This habit is so very powerful. The best of the best—especially in the creative and athletic fields—generally only work 5 hours a day. Yet, the hours they are working are filled with peak work …
Duración: 3 minYour Phone is Costing You Your Fortune [5-Minute Episode]
13 Oct, 2023You’ve heard me speak about the dangers of addictions to distractions for years. Many among us receive hundreds of emails each day and are on all of the social platforms and chat apps constantly. These people suffer from an extensive …
Duración: 7 minDevote to Your Personal Growth and Self-Healing [to Become a Better Leader]
12 Oct, 2023Monumental leaders not only work to improve their Mindsets, they do the emotional healing required to purify their Heartsets so that the darker emotions of anger, shame, disappointment, regret, sadness and guilt leave them—allowing for maximum creativity, productivity, prosperity and …
Duración: 3 minAn UNUSUAL Tool Tycoons Use for Extreme Productivity
11 Oct, 2023In today's episode, Robin Sharma decodes "The 10x3 Tool" habit that has helped his private mentoring clients reach explosive levels of productivity and performance while improving their personal lives in the process. If you’d like to learn the tools, habits …
Duración: 2 minDon't Lose the Sparkle In Your Eyes
10 Oct, 2023We all were ever so creative as kids. Sadly, too many good souls have lost that connection as we have matured into adulthood. To dream and imagine and envision your highest possibilities is to breathe aliveness into your days.Please allow …
Duración: 2 minGoing to Your Limits Expands Them
09 Oct, 2023We become stronger by doing difficult things. Society tells us to love easy, fun and meek lives. Yet, there is no growth nor glory in this way of being.Give me a challenging life, that pushes me to my edges—so my …
Duración: 2 min