The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Welcome to the Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma where you’ll receive the mental models, daily routines, and productivity tactics that Robin Sharma has taught to the titans of industry, sports superstars, and elite performers who he has served as a private mentor to for over 31 years. You'll learn how to live a truly world-class life while you accelerate your productivity, grow your leadership, build your business, and scale your impact on the world.
Autor: Robin Sharma
3 min 29 sec
Duración Promedio
Todos los Episodios
How to [Fearlessly] Speak Your Opinion
24 Jul, 2024I'm delighted to share this new episode of Daily Mastery Podcast that will walk you through how to speak your opinion, even when you feel frightened to do so.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh …
Duración: 2 minREFUSE to Accept Mediocrity in Your Work [Because You Deserve to Push Magic into the World]
23 Jul, 2024The majority is caught up in the “relentless release of stuff.” Most producers rush to deliver many materials rather than investing the time and painstaking care to handcraft a single masterpiece that stands the test of time. It’s wiser to …
Duración: 2 minThe Twin Cycles of Elite Performance Framework [for True Heavyweights]
22 Jul, 2024For years I’ve taught “The Twin Cycles of Elite Performance Framework” which encourages creative producers to work intensely in the season of productivity and then shift into the “DRC: Deep Recovery Cycle” where one rests, renews and simply enjoys the …
Duración: 2 minThe 5 Great Hour Concept for Explosive Productivity
19 Jul, 2024Key principle: it’s not the hours you put in that determines your productivity but the quality of mastery that you put into the hours that you work! So, why not just work for 5 hours each day but make them …
Duración: 5 minInstall My Famous 90/90/1 Rule [That Has Helped My Billionaire Clients x25 Their Productivity]
18 Jul, 2024For the next 90 days, devote the first 90 minutes of your work day to the best opportunity in your life. Nothing else. Zero distractions.Build this right into your daily schedule for the next 90 days. Because the things that …
Duración: 2 minWorrying About Your Legacy is a Pursuit Of the EGO
17 Jul, 2024Worrying about your legacy takes your focus off the beautiful work that will build your legacy.Worry about living each day richly, honouring your values and helping others. Ironically, this will give you a good legacy.This is what my new book …
Duración: 2 minWin the War Against the Absolute Sabotaging Seduction of "Putting Off"
16 Jul, 2024One of the most human of weaknesses we all need to wage war with is the absolute sabotaging seduction of “putting off”.— It’s so easy to put off our inner work so we become the finest versions of our most …
Duración: 2 minGive Your Heart and Soul [Via the Mastery of Your Craft] for Those You Are Blessed to Serve
15 Jul, 2024When you present your brilliance to the world you do your part to make the world more brilliant.So, remember who you’re here to serve. Know who puts food on the family table and obsess upon the human beings who love …
Duración: 2 minBegin Each Day With MVP: Meditation, Visualization, and Prayer [One of the Most Powerful Rituals for Personal Transformation]
12 Jul, 2024If you’ve been following my work for a while, you know about my “MVP Growth Tool”. In sports circles, “MVP” stands for “Most Valuable Player” yet in my mentoring methodology it’s an acronym for one of the most powerful rituals …
Duración: 5 minGrow All of Your Relationships with This Insight for Masterful Communication
11 Jul, 2024Whether you lead a nation, an enterprise, a community or a family, we are all in the communication business.Knowing what to say, in the right way – at the perfect moment – can mean the difference between a world-class life …
Duración: 3 min