The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Welcome to the Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma where you’ll receive the mental models, daily routines, and productivity tactics that Robin Sharma has taught to the titans of industry, sports superstars, and elite performers who he has served as a private mentor to for over 31 years. You'll learn how to live a truly world-class life while you accelerate your productivity, grow your leadership, build your business, and scale your impact on the world.
Autor: Robin Sharma
3 min 29 sec
Duración Promedio
Todos los Episodios
Read About the Great Ones of History
30 Oct, 2020Reading a book is having a conversation with the author. And as you know, we are transformed by our conversations.
Duración: 2 minHow To Transcend What Terrifies You
29 Oct, 2020Transcending what terrifies you and finding freedom from fear is one of the primary pursuits of people rising to world-class, both in their work and within their personal lives.We are not born into limitation. We are taught to doubt, educated …
Duración: 1 minCommit to Mastery of Your Craft
28 Oct, 2020Make Mastery a non-negotiable standard. Commit to excellence not only for your own life, but to elevate the world at the same time. Do this and life will reward your service.
Duración: 2 minHow To Become Ageless
27 Oct, 2020Age is just some label society places on us [and prints on a driver's license]. And yet so many of us allow it to limit our heroic nature and instinct for greatness.Positive psychologists confirm (through good research) the power of …
Duración: 2 minYour Social Orbit Matters
26 Oct, 2020We do become our associations. Hang with mediocre players and their vibe will hang with you. Spend your days with The Best of Breed and their thinking/feelings/behavior cannot help but influence yours. Associate with world-class and you step into a …
Duración: 2 minHow True Luminaries Get Dreams Done
23 Oct, 2020You and I work for the world, you know. And so we owe it to those around us to realize our natural genius while we optimize our crafts, elevate our creativity, heighten productivity and be helpful to more people.I know …
Duración: 1 minThe Power of Kind
22 Oct, 2020One of the primary principles of real leadership is being uber-nice. Wildly empathetic. Staggeringly compassionate. The nicest (and best person you know). Why? Because leadership (and business/life) is all about people. Human connections. Social equity. Emotional bonds between you and …
Duración: 6 minThe 90/90/1 Rule [to x25 Your Productivity]
21 Oct, 2020The subject I'll walk you through today is a game-changing method I initially developed through my coaching of ultra-successful people, many of whom suffer from so many distractions in their lives that their productivity falls apart. It's called the 90/90/1 …
Duración: 3 min1 Rule to Lead the Field in Uncertain Times
20 Oct, 2020If you're not leaving a trail of leaders behind you, you're not leading. You're following.
Duración: 1 minNo Ask, No Get
19 Oct, 2020In today's episode of The Daily Mastery Podcast, I share one organizing principle I try to live my life by that has served me so well—it never hurts to ask.
Duración: 2 min