
Love Life with Matthew Hussey
235: THIS Is a Common Tactic Used to Avoid Commitment
Love Life with Matthew Hussey

Matt and Audrey sit down to discuss the problem of settling for someone else's lack of commitment simply because you can't let them go, how to set boundaries, and what is required of us to choose the right person. ►► Get Your Free Ticket to Find Your Person LIVE on May 4 PLUS a Chance to Win a 1:1 with Matthew & SO Much More! Pre-Order Your Copy of Love Life Before April 23 to Enter the Love Life Giveaway. Learn More At. . . → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

37 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Men, Sex & Tantra
Tattoos and Energy
Men, Sex & Tantra

Lukasz Darmosz is Tanja's new guest, and the conversation about tattoos, energy, hidden messages in water, and the intention you carry surprises them both.Lukasz can be found IG @lukdraki Website www.lukaszdarmosz.comFor a low introductory coaching call, click herehttps://tinyurl.com/tanjadiamondLast longer for sex program

31 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Marriage Confessions
Latina and Gringo Marriage 👀🇻🇪🇺🇸💍l Marriage Confessions
Marriage Confessions

We have a lot in common with our first guests Vica and John! The difference between Venezuelan and American culture is hard ! But somehow we make it work… Akso our first episode in “spanglish” Let us know your thoughts 👀 and we also want to hear your stories if you are in a gringozuelan relationship 🤪 Do you want to be part of our episode ?? Join our “confesionario” on patreon for $3 a month and be part of our episode with your confessions plus all the exclusive content !! Patreon.com/marriageconfessionspodcast Follow us on Instagram instagram.com/marriageconfessionspodcast This episode will not be possible without our amazing sponsors. The best marketing agency ! https://www.instagram.com/wplash The best studio ! https://www.instagram.com/gradvity The best wellness product !! https://www.instagram.com/michiswellness The best dentist! https://www.instagram.com/miamidentist4u The best jewelry store ! https://www.instagram.com/lafranciajoyeria The best shoes! https://www.instagram.com/natalymendez The best hair salon ! https://www.instagram.com/bwsalonspa The …

1 hr 9 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Autoestima para tu vida
Por si te sientes perdida
Autoestima para tu vida

Para cuando hay confusión y estancamiento, 5 elementos importantes que pueden resolverlo. Newsletter de este podcast: www.mariajosealvarezb.com/autoestimaparatuvida IG: @mariajosealvarezb

30 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Entrenamiento para la mente
¿Qué puedo hacer cuando ya no sé que más hacer?
Entrenamiento para la mente

Te propongo un ejercicio que puede ayudarnos a resolver algún problema sobre el cual no encontramos solución y una herramienta que puede ayudarnos con nuestro desarrollo personal

18 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Episodio 59 - Intervista a Martin Halsey

In questo episodio di #pmconfidential Martin Halsey, il più accreditato rappresentate della filosofia macrobiotica in europa e mio maestro sin dal 1997 ci guiderà nel comprendere il legame tra ciò che mangiamo e come viviamo, invitandoci a esplorare un percorso verso un'alimentazione più consapevole ed equilibrata, in armonia con le energie dello yin e dello yang. Se l'episodio ti è piaciuto, ti chiedo di condividerlo sui tuoi canali social e lasciare una recensione a cinque stelle così che sempre più persone possano ascoltare PMConfindential. Per rimanere aggiornato sui nuovi episodi puoi iscriverti qui: https://paolamaugeri.it/podcast/ Se queste parole ti risuonano ti aspetto all’interno di Humans, la mia piattaforma di meditazione ed evoluzione personale per diventare la rockstar della tua esistenza. Puoi provare humans gratuitamente per 7 giorni www.behumans.it

48 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Episodio 59 - Conosciamo la macrobiotica - Intervista a Martin Halsey

In questo episodio di #pmconfidential Martin Halsey, il più accreditato rappresentate della filosofia macrobiotica in europa e mio maestro sin dal 1997 ci guiderà nel comprendere il legame tra ciò che mangiamo e come viviamo, invitandoci a esplorare un percorso verso un'alimentazione più consapevole ed equilibrata, in armonia con le energie dello yin e dello yang. Se l'episodio ti è piaciuto, ti chiedo di condividerlo sui tuoi canali social e lasciare una recensione a cinque stelle così che sempre più persone possano ascoltare PMConfindential. Per rimanere aggiornato sui nuovi episodi puoi iscriverti qui: https://paolamaugeri.it/podcast/ Se queste parole ti risuonano ti aspetto all’interno di Humans, la mia piattaforma di meditazione ed evoluzione personale per diventare la rockstar della tua esistenza. Puoi provare humans gratuitamente per 7 giorni www.behumans.it

48 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano
Técnicas efectivas para mitigar el insomnio
Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano

El descanso para tu mente y cuerpo es indispensable para no sufrir de ansiedad y por supuesto para recuperar energía en tu vida cotidiana. En este episodio el creador de la medicina homeostática, Marco Marín, nos comparte varios métodos contra el insomnio.Que en la primavera renazcan los sentimientos y florezcan las mejores ideas para disfrutar Por el Placer de Vivir. Te invitamos a compartir este contenido de Uforia Podcasts con tus seres queridos.Disponible en la App de Uforia, nuestro canal de YouTube: Uforia Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde prefieras escucharnos.¿Cómo te sentiste al escuchar este Episodio? Déjanos tus comentarios, suscríbete y cuéntanos ¿Cuáles otros temas te gustaría oír en #PorElPlacerdeVivir ?4:37.58122:32.994

38 min 10 Abr, 2024
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The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Solitude As a Tool to Grow Your Self-Respect?
The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

To be alone often and to train yourself to savor silence is a powerful regime to grow your feelings of self-love. Make time for silence, stillness and solitude.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

2 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Bisexual Killjoy
S1E3: Do I Exist? Bi-Erasure & Discrimination
Bisexual Killjoy

Bisexual Killjoy is back, and it’s time to talk about every bi+ person’s favorite topic: bi-erasure. Join us as we discuss how bisexuality often goes unnoticed or disregarded, both in mainstream society, social settings, relationships, politics, and within LGBTQ+ spaces themselves (the call was coming from inside the house), and WTF we can do about it. Hosted by bi+ academics, writers, and advocates Bailey Merlin and Lynn Rios Rivera, Bisexual Killjoy talks all things bisexual (pansexual, omnisexual, plurisexual, and overall bi+ness) because bisexuality isn’t a phase; it’s a phenomenon. Got a good/bad story about erasure in your life? We want to hear from you! Follow us on @bisexualkilljoy on Instagram or email us at [email protected]. References Find Bi+/Queer Resources: https://biresource.org/find-bi-resources/ Yoshino, K. (2000). The Epistemic Contract of Bisexual Erasure. Stanford Law Review, 52(2), 353–461. JSTOR. https://doi.org/10.2307/1229482Alexander, J. & Anderlini-D’Onofrio, S. (Eds.). (2010). Bisexuality and Queer …

30 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Hablando Sin Filtro Podcast
Maternidad y No Monogamia: Rompiendo mitos- E159
Hablando Sin Filtro Podcast

En este capítulo me acompaña Anna Magde, con quien hablamos sobre la no monogamia y la autenticidad en el marco de la maternidad y las relaciones personales. Una conversación profunda que explora la experiencia personal de Anna con la no monogamia y la maternidad, destacando su transición hacia una vida no monógama y cómo esto se ha fusionado con su rol de madre. Se discute el concepto de no monogamia ética, la desmitificación de varios mitos alrededor de esta, y la relevancia de la comunicación y acuerdos sólidos. Además, se hace hincapié en la autopercepción, manejo de emociones como los celos, y la influencia positiva de la no monogamia en la familia y crianza, promoviendo redes de apoyo alternativas. Otro aspecto central es la importancia de la autenticidad, el permitirse cambios y evolucionar en la exploración de la identidad personal y relaciones. Se menciona el …

1 hr 6 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Tu Desarrollo Personal
Tu Desarrollo Personal

Confia en ti y conseguiras lo que tu imagines.

19 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Coffee Break: Breaking the Cycle of Bullying in Healthcare, One Cup at a Time
EP 28: Strengthening Workplace Relationships Through HR Collaboration
Coffee Break: Breaking the Cycle of Bullying in Healthcare, One Cup at a Time

If you want to cultivate and sustain a healthy work culture, you have to involve your HR partners. In this episode, Dr. Renee Thompson emphasizes the importance of fostering a healthy and respectful work culture by addressing disruptive behaviors and strengthening the relationship with human resources (HR). She advocates for unity between leaders and HR in handling problematic employees, suggesting rapport-building coffee chats, early intervention for disruptive behaviors, clear communication, decisive action, and implementing strategies to stop bullying in healthcare organizations. Tune in and learn how to cultivate a healthier and more respectful work environment by tackling an age-old problem in healthcare: bullying and incivility! Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources: https://healthyworkforceinstitute.com/podcast-episodes/

23 min 10 Abr, 2024
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Pediatric Meltdown
189. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Recognition Matters
Pediatric Meltdown

Are you unwittingly overlooking a silent epidemic affecting newborns right under your nose? This game-changing episode of Pediatric Meltdown will redefine everything you thought you knew about molding young minds. We delve deep into the world of FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) and the critical need for timely screening at newborn visits. Hosted by Dr. Lia Gaggino, we dive into the transformative world of the oft-missed signs of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and the life-altering implications they hold. Uncover the resources every parent and pediatrician should have at their fingertips, the surprising truth about the plasticity of the brain, and the lifeline that support groups offer to families navigating this challenging journey. It’s clear that understanding and addressing ND PAE requires ongoing effort and awareness. The valuable insights shared in this episode are bolstered by the wealth of resources and guidance provided by organizations such …

59 min 10 Abr, 2024
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creesiendo podcast
Mantén una relación de pareja sana y consiente, con Marc Ehrlich
creesiendo podcast

¿Te has cuestionado cuál es la base para tener una relación de pareja saludable y equilibrada?En este episodio platicamos con el Dr. Marc Ehrlich, psicoterapeuta especialista en temas de pareja con más de 30 años de experiencia, autor de ocho libros, conferencista y asesor empresarial en más de 300 compañías mexicanas y multinacionales.Hablamos de la intuición como una herramienta invaluable que nos permite salir de la ambivalencia y a tomar decisiones importantes. Platicamos también de la transición de un padre educador a un padre asesor, del compromiso necesario para trabajar cualquier relación de pareja, de cómo se ve una pareja sana y de la armonía familiar.No te pierdas este episodio en YouTubeY recuerda que puedes encontrar las notas del episodio en creesiendo.io/episodios/074 Síguenos:Host: Germán Ahumada A. Instagram LinkedInCreesiendo Podcast InstagramFacebookTikTokWebsite

1 hr 21 min 10 Abr, 2024
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