
Despertar conciencia a través del cuerpo

32 min 18 Jul, 2024
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¿En qué se basa la terapia floral?

45 min 18 Jul, 2024
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Reconocer nuestro cuerpo para identificar oportunamente el cáncer de mama

33 min 18 Jul, 2024
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The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Install My Famous 90/90/1 Rule [That Has Helped My Billionaire Clients x25 Their Productivity]
The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

For the next 90 days, devote the first 90 minutes of your work day to the best opportunity in your life. Nothing else. Zero distractions.Build this right into your daily schedule for the next 90 days. Because the things that get scheduled are the things that get done. My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

2 min 18 Jul, 2024
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Psicologia Al Desnudo | @psi.mammoliti
T3 E18 ¡Basta de relaciones! Huelga afectiva y tiempo para mí
Psicologia Al Desnudo | @psi.mammoliti

Pareciera que en la época de la humanidad en la que más posibilidades de conexión tenemos, más desconectados estamos. Cuanto más hablamos y más herramientas tenemos para comunicarnos, menos profundidad tienen nuestras palabras, menos calidad tienen nuestros vínculos. . La huelga afectiva surge como posible salida a esta paradoja del mundo moderno. . Cuando terminamos atravesamos una ruptura amorosa, a veces necesitamos tiempo para dedicarnos únicamente a nosotr@s. Se trata de un lapso de tiempo en el cual eligmos conscientemente no relacionarnos sexualmente o afectivamente con otras personas. Hacer una pausa, parar para pensar, para reflexionar y sobre todo priorizarnos. . En este episodio te cuento un poco más de que se trata, buscá tus auriculares y dale play. . ❤️‍🩹 Si te cuesta soltar relaciones del pasado, haz este curso: ⁠El arte de soltar: Técnicas de desapego para una vida más plena. . Te …

20 min 18 Jul, 2024
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Rico y bonito
E64: ¿Por qué nos atrae gente horrible? Y otras preguntas | Chismecito Rico
Rico y bonito

¡Inauguramos una nueva sección! En Chismecito Rico estaremos respondiendo las preguntas que nos envíen a nuestro Instagram (@ricoybonitopod). Algunas de las que respondimos hoy: ¿qué pasa si mi pareja es más conservadora sexualmente? ¿qué hacer si mi novio no quiere tratar sus problemas de erección?¿se puede ligar en el super sin acosar? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

53 min 18 Jul, 2024
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Conquista Tu Mundo
Evita que tus emociones te compliquen la vida I Análisis Intensamente 2 I Johnny Abraham
Conquista Tu Mundo

En esta sesión, te llevamos a un fascinante análisis psicológico de la película Intensamente 2, explorando la complejidad y la importancia de nuestras emociones. Descubre cómo los personajes representan aspectos clave de la psicología emocional y aprende cómo estas representaciones pueden ayudarte a comprender mejor tus propias emociones. Analizaremos temas como la inteligencia emocional, el manejo de sentimientos y la forma en que nuestras emociones influyen en nuestras decisiones y relaciones. Este video es una guía esencial para cualquier fan de Intensa-Mente y para aquellos interesados en la psicología emocional. ¡No olvides suscribirte para más contenido profundo y revelador! Boletos presenciales o digitales para FORO CONQUISTA TU MUNDO https://linktr.ee/johnnyabraham._ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

41 min 18 Jul, 2024
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Once Upon A Gene
Rare Connections in NMOSD (Neuromyelitis Optics) - Finding Strength in Community and the Power in Asking for Help with Craig Klein
Once Upon A Gene

ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 235 Rare Connections in NMOSD (Neuromyelitis Optics) - Finding Strength in Community and the Power in Asking for Help with Craig Klein My guest, Craig Klein, has been living with Neuromyelitis Optics Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD) for 8 years. He shares his challenges, strengths and about his journey of resilience. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS What has your diagnostic journey been like? The first few years were difficult. In 2015, I began a transition from working at a gym, running marathons and burning the candle at both ends. I developed sensitivity to food, I was fatigued and had an ongoing migraine. I went to an urgent care facility for what I thought was just a headache, but the doctor took a lot of time trying to uncover details about my health. After a routine exam, he referred me to a specialist, who referred …

37 min 18 Jul, 2024
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Tu Desarrollo Personal
Tu Desarrollo Personal

La tecnología es todo aquello que nos permite vivir mejor, que supone un mayor bienestar en la vida de las personas. Esto no lo pueden hacer otras especies.

11 min 18 Jul, 2024
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The Science of Happiness
The Healing Effects of Experiencing Wildlife
The Science of Happiness

Safe encounters with wildlife can deepen our appreciation for nature, and for other people. Craig Foster of “My Octopus Teacher” shares his transformational experiences with the animals of the ocean.Link to episode transcript: https://tinyurl.com/murmd98bEpisode SummaryVenturing into nature and experiencing wildlife can be transformative. Safe interactions with wildlife encourage us to be more in relation with nature, and each other. In this episode, we hear from Craig Foster of “My Octopus Teacher” and how his interactions with sea creatures have changed his life. We also hear from environmental researcher Liz Lev about the effect on our well-being that being in wild spaces provides.How To Do This Practice:The next time you want to explore the outdoors, find the “wildest” space you can think of. Explore the “wild spaces” in your neighborhood or city, and reflect on your experiences with wildlife. Today’s guests: Craig Foster is the director …

24 min 18 Jul, 2024
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The Science of Happiness
The Healing Effects of Biophila
The Science of Happiness

Safe encounters with wildlife can deepen our appreciation for nature, and for other people. Craig Foster of “My Octopus Teacher” shares his transformational experiences with the animals of the ocean.Link to episode transcript: https://tinyurl.com/murmd98bEpisode SummaryVenturing into nature and experiencing wildlife can be transformative. Safe interactions with wildlife encourage us to be more in relation with nature, and each other. In this episode, we hear from Craig Foster of “My Octopus Teacher” and how his interactions with sea creatures have changed his life. We also hear from environmental researcher Liz Lev about the effect on our well-being that being in wild spaces provides.How To Do This Practice:The next time you want to explore the outdoors, find the “wildest” space you can think of. Explore the “wild spaces” in your neighborhood or city, and reflect on your experiences with wildlife. Today’s guests: Craig Foster is the director …

24 min 18 Jul, 2024
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The Time Expert Anna Jelen
The power of taking a break
The Time Expert Anna Jelen

Discover the transformative power of taking breaks in this episode with Anna, The Time Expert. Explore various simple yet effective ways to rejuvenate your mind and body, from short walks to sabbaticals. Learn how disconnecting from technology and engaging in creative activities can enhance your well-being. Join Anna as she shares personal insights and practical tips on incorporating breaks into your daily routine for a balanced and fulfilling life. Tune in and start making the most of your time today!Duration: 11 minutesEnjoy!PATREON(EN) Become a Member and get articles, videos or specialities that only my Members get. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=19537605(DE) Werde ein Member und erhalte Artikel, Videos und Einsichten zum Thema Zeit, die nur meine Patreon Members erhalten. https://www.patreon.com/heschZiitPlease leave a review for my podcast. Thank you!https://go.opinstar.com/anna-jelen---the-time-expertWant to reach out?@ www.annajelen.comInstagram @ https://www.instagram.com/annathetimeexpert/ LinkedIn @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-jelen-a7a65756/Ein Kartenset für jede Woche des Jahres mit Mottos, Fakten oder Zitaten zum …

10 min 18 Jul, 2024
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Sexe Oral
Comment gérer son argent en relation? Avec Audrey Turgeon
Sexe Oral

Les propos exprimés dans ce podcast relèvent d’expériences et d’opinions personnelles dans un but de divertissement et ne substituent pas les conseils d’un.e sexologue ou autre professionnel de la santé. Cette semaine sur le podcast, on reçoit Audrey Turgeon, CPA qui vient nous donner ses conseils sur la gestion de l'argent dans le couple.Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/financeconsciente/?hl=frFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/financeconscienteSite web: https://www.audreyturgeon.com/Portrait Financier: https://www.audreyturgeon.com/portrait-financierPour venir nous voir en spectacle le 26 juillet prochain: https://placedesarts.com/fr/evenement/sexe-oral ----- Le podcast est présenté par Éros et Compagnie Utiliser le code promo : SexeOral pour 15% de rabais https://www.erosetcompagnie.com/ Les jouets dont les filles parlent: https://www.erosetcompagnie.com/page/podcast ---- Pour collaborations: [email protected] Pour toutes questions: [email protected] Pour suivre les filles sur Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sexeoralpodcast Pour contacter les filles directement, écrivez-nous sur Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sexeoral.podcast/

1 hr 30 min 18 Jul, 2024
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Elijo ser feliz. El Podcast
¿Es posible perdonar la infidelidad?
Elijo ser feliz. El Podcast

No te pierdas este episodio con Alberto Barradas mejor conocido por “Psicovivir”, en donde exploramos la infidelidad, las relaciones de pareja, la posibilidad de perdonar y la importancia del autoestima.#elijoserfeliz #podcast ✅ Gracias por escuchar el podcast de Mariale, hoy decido cuidar de mi salud emocional. Recibe atención personalizada de parte de “Opción Yo” desde este enlace. https://opciónyonueva.trb.ai/wa/18zyR0Q ✅ SUBSCRIBETE: https://youtube.com/@RequenaOficial?si=NScj0MzLPHnISkzYInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/requenaoficial?igsh=czIzZGJ6aTZudDhoFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/marialerequenaoficialEdicion: Colmena FilmsProduccion: Rebeca Herrera Benarroch

54 min 18 Jul, 2024
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
ANSIA: Terapie Digitali (DTx)
Il Podcast di PsiNel

57 min 18 Jul, 2024
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