
🏳️‍🌈 Comment devenir (sexuellement) épanoui ? | sexe gay
❣️Pourquoi je suis sensible des tétons et pas mon copain ?
🏳️‍🌈 Comment devenir (sexuellement) épanoui ? | sexe gay

Pourquoi certaines personnes sont-elles sensibles des tétons et d'autres ne le sont pas ?Dr Thomas Grunemwald, médecin spécialisé en santé sexuelle répond**Va sur le site du podcast en tapant bit.ly/commentdevenir dans ton navigateur pour :· devenir un soutien financier du podcast : je travaille à 100% sur le podcast et dépends des contributions des auditeurices· venir à une rencontre entre auditeurs dans ta ville ou un enregistrement en live· voir ma tête et suivre les coulisses du podcast sur Instagram, Tiktok ou WhatsApp· discuter entre auditeurs sur le Discord du podcast Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

3 min 01 Ago, 2024
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Camille Parle Sexe
#108 : Lecture de mes notes de lectures : Réenchanter son couple
Camille Parle Sexe

#31 La sexualité après 50ans : thérapie Imago avec Claude Parisot https://open.spotify.com/episode/6NNYu9ZONbFawC1QizwtAV?si=-LepFCkwQlC36APSlLubtQMon compte instagram : @camilleparlesexe -/- mon site internet : www.camillebataillon.com-------------------------🧡-----------------------------------🧡 Vous souhaitez me partager votre avis ? Dîtes-moi ce que vous avez pensé de cet épisode sur mon compte instagram camilleparlesexe :)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Laissez dès à présent des étoiles, des cœurs sur votre plateforme d’écoute pour que d’autres personnes puissent bénéficier de l’écoute !Visuel by Laforet Designer -/- 🎶 Jingle by Josselin et Guard de Team Creativ Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

13 min 01 Ago, 2024
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A Zen Mind Guided Meditations
Release & Receive | Let Go & Create Space Within - Guided Meditation
A Zen Mind Guided Meditations

This meditation is a journey into the art of letting go, and the beauty of welcoming in new opportunities & receiving all that life has to offer. Releasing what no longer serves you and creating space for new blessings to pour in. This meditation focuses on the balance between releasing blockages and limiting beliefs, and creating the divine space within, where abundance and blessings can flourish. 🌼A Zen Mind Instagram ⭐ Join My Email List✨www.azenmindpodcast.com💖Get more meditations from A Zen Mind ☁️ Shop my favorite Meditation Cushions & Supplies 🙏Say Thanks & Support A Zen Mind ✨A Zen Mind Instagram💌Join My Email List🌸www.azenmindpodcast.com🎙️Get more meditations from A Zen Mind💖 Say Thanks & Support A Zen Mind

9 min 01 Ago, 2024
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Healing Anxious Attachment
The 3 Steps of Inner Child Work
Healing Anxious Attachment

Exploring the concept of Inner Child work and what it means to heal your inner child. Resources Mentioned: Guided Practice - Inner Child Healing: Instantly accessible within the Becoming Secure library. Month-to-month access, cancel anytime.Anxious Attachment Quiz: Which Anxious Attachment Archetype are You? ✨ UNTIL FEB 1, 205 Join the Becoming Secure Membership and save 40% off annual enrolment. When you join this women-only membership, you’ll discover how to calm your anxiety, heal from the past, stop self-sabotaging patterns, and become the Secure, confident, empowered version of you who receives from life, is magnetic to what you want, and feels whole within herself. 🎇Live calls, community + library space with teachings, prompts, and somatic practices for healing anxious attachment. Learn more about the membership!Mentioned in this episode:February in the Membership Next live call, Feb 5th/Feb 19th - replays available x https://elevatewithjo.my.canva.site/skool-about-page-becoming-secure SHIFT FROM SUBTLE CODEPENDENCE …

26 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano

En este episodio vamos a hablar del maravilloso poder de sonreír y el impacto que tiene para tus pensamientos. ¡Sonríe, aunque no tengas motivos y después busca por qué!Es tiempo de agradecer y disfrutar Por el Placer de Vivir. Un contenido pensado para ti y tu bienestar. Comparte los episodios para escuchar los mejores expertos y consejos.Disponible en la App de Uforia, nuestro canal de YouTube: Uforia Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde prefieras escucharnos.¿Cómo te sentiste al escuchar este Episodio? Déjanos tus comentarios, suscríbete y cuéntanos ¿Cuáles otros temas te gustaría oír en #PorElPlacerdeVivir?

20 min 31 Jul, 2024
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¿Cómo construir una microbiota saludable desde el día a día?

47 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Love Life with Matthew Hussey
255: Bad Habits Don’t Have To Ruin Your Life. Do This Instead…
Love Life with Matthew Hussey

Do you often give into your worst impulses? Feel like you’ve lost control and don’t know how you’ll reach your goals if you keep failing like this? It’s ok. You’re human. There are ways we can work with our psychology to manage these impulses and not let our bad habits defeat us. In this episode, Matt talks about one of the single biggest keys to picking yourself back up and getting what you want when you feel like you keep letting yourself down. ►► Transform Your Relationship with Life in 6 Magical Days... Learn More About My Live Retreat at → http://www.MHRetreat.com ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

35 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Aurelie Leveau Youtube
#98 - Naturisme en Couple : L'idée Pour Plus de Sexe en Vacances ?
Aurelie Leveau Youtube

Les vacances ! C'est souvent l'opportunité, si on est en couple, de plus faire l'amour... mais aussi d'explorer plus si vous en avez envie ! Alors on me parle parfois de naturisme (attention à ne pas confondre avec du libertinage hein... je vous explique la différence au début de la vidéo). Et je suis tombée sur une stat dingue : 80% des couples qui font du naturisme déclarent que cela a améliorer leur vie intime. Donc ici on voie ensemble pourquoi... Mais aussi les risques ou dangers potentiels pour votre couple qui ferait que, dans votre cas, cela ne serait pas une bonne idée.

9 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Autoestima para tu vida
Una vida con satisfacción sexual
Autoestima para tu vida

¿Por qué a veces no quiero hacer nada con mi pareja? ¿Cómo hacer para tener más orgasmos? ¿Cuántas veces es normal hacerlo en pareja? Estas y muchas preguntas más las resolvemos en este episodio con el objetivo de que tengas una vida con satisfacción sexual. Inscríbete al newsletter semanal de este podcast: www.mariajosealvarezb.com/autoestimaparatuvida IG @mariajosealvarezb

28 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Daily Motivations

The Episode is Sponsored by McNICHOLS McNICHOLS is offering complimentary samples of their materials. You can request a sample today Visit mcnichols.com/samples This episode is a powerful reminder that every day is a new opportunity to start fresh. Speaker: By Eddie Pinero

37 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Cápsula Mental - 116: ¿Porqué somos racistas?

Seguramente no lo sabías, pero el racismo es algo natural en el ser humano. En esta cápsula mental, Rafa explica ¿qué tiene que ver la memoria con el racismo? Y por qué el hecho de que sea natural, no justifica que esté bien. Síguenos en todas las redes como @sonoropodcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

16 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano
Cómo gestionar las emociones que te enferman
Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano

Todas las emociones son importantes para nuestra mente y no se pueden calificar como buenas o malas. Lo primordial es que se encuentren equilibradas, para no sentir desbordes de tristeza o enojo. ¡Hoy vamos a aprender a equilibrar nuestras emociones!Es tiempo de agradecer y disfrutar Por el Placer de Vivir. Un contenido pensado para ti y tu bienestar. Comparte los episodios para escuchar los mejores expertos y consejos.Disponible en la App de Uforia, nuestro canal de YouTube: Uforia Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde prefieras escucharnos.¿Cómo te sentiste al escuchar este Episodio? Déjanos tus comentarios, suscríbete y cuéntanos ¿Cuáles otros temas te gustaría oír en #PorElPlacerdeVivir?

35 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Coffee Break: Breaking the Cycle of Bullying in Healthcare, One Cup at a Time
EP 44: Fostering a Healthy Work Culture with Radical Candor and Effective Feedback
Coffee Break: Breaking the Cycle of Bullying in Healthcare, One Cup at a Time

Radical Candor involves caring enough to tell the truth, even when it's uncomfortable and leads to a healthier work environment. In this episode, Renee Thompson emphasizes the importance of giving and receiving feedback to foster a healthier work culture, highlighting that avoiding feedback due to fear can lead to emotional reactions like defensiveness and anger. She highlights trust and credibility in delivering constructive feedback and advocates for a culture of continuous, peer-to-peer feedback and radical candor, urging leaders to set intentions, address unmet expectations, and create supportive environments with the tools and knowledge necessary for effective feedback. Tune in and learn how focusing on open communication and addressing the root causes of bullying can result in cultivating a respectful and productive workplace! Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources: https://healthyworkforceinstitute.com/podcast-episodes/

31 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Tu Desarrollo Personal
Tu Desarrollo Personal

https://www.youtube.com/@lecciones_de_estoicismo.La clave para la prosperidad reside en una mentalidad positiva; no podemos alcanzar el éxito si mantenemos una actitud mental negativa.

11 min 31 Jul, 2024
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Pediatric Meltdown
205. Social Media and Families: Creating Culturally Relevant Content
Pediatric Meltdown

What if you could revolutionize healthcare communication for diverse communities with just a 90-second video? That's exactly what Dr. Ripudaman Singh Minhas and his team are doing with their innovative approach to health education. Imagine a world where families can access vital health information in their native language, delivered by someone who looks like them and understands their cultural nuances. From TikTok-style snippets to in-depth Instagram lives, this initiative is breaking down barriers and building trust across various cultural and linguistic groups. With a focus on accessibility, hope, and cultural representation, they're transforming how health information is shared and received. By leveraging the power of "trusted messenger models" and collaborating with community advisory boards, they ensure that their content resonates deeply with their target audiences. From pediatricians to psychologists, a diverse team of over 60 clinicians volunteer their expertise to create content that's not just …

40 min 31 Jul, 2024
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