
Conquista Tu Mundo
10 hábitos de las PAREJAS EXITOSAS que te ayudarán a Fortalecer tu Relación I Johnny Abraham
Conquista Tu Mundo

En este video, te comparto 10 estrategias clave para mejorar tu relación de pareja y construir vínculos más sólidos y saludables. Las relaciones requieren trabajo constante y compromiso tanto individual como en equipo. A menudo, esperamos que nuestra pareja trabaje más que nosotros, pero es esencial protagonizar activamente nuestra participación en la relación. Descubre cómo dejar de querer tener siempre la razón, manejar tu ego, admitir errores y disculparte, evitar quejas excesivas, y discutir temas importantes a tiempo. Aprende a aceptar a los familiares y amigos de tu pareja, estar dispuesto a cambiar, disculparte primero, y dejar de esperar que la relación sea siempre emocionante. 🗓️ Foro Conquista Tu Mundo, un evento transformador en la Ciudad de México. Este foro, que tendrá lugar el 5 de octubre, contará con expertos altamente reconocidos como Schulamit Graber, Manuela Escobar, Andrés Vernazza, Pamela Cassis, Carla Cardona y conmigo. …

20 min 20 Ago, 2024
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The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
Employ the [LBE] Principle for Corporate Leadership
The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

Monumental leaders are constantly mentoring their people and championing the vision and values so that their teams constantly live the mission and exemplify the values.Leadership isn’t only for those with formal authority. It’s distributed. And everyone needs to think, perform and operate from this frame of reference.This makes the organization undefeatable in its marketplace....because each person is thinking like a leader rather than like an employee....because every teammate is behaving like an entrepreneur rather than as a passive bystander....because with everyone leading regardless of whether they have a title or not, the firm becomes a widespread victim-free zone.My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

2 min 20 Ago, 2024
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Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships
493 - But What if I Want the Relationship Escalator?
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships

Today, we're discussing the relationship escalator, which is often criticized in non-monogamous spaces. However, some non-monogamous folks may want the same milestones and journey that the relationship escalator provides, so today we're talking about what can happen if you're someone who wants to move up the escalator with a partner or partners. We'll be going over some pros and cons of the relationship escalator, some research about how quickly people tend to escalate in relationships, and how to navigate your journey if the relationship escalator is something you want in your life. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community.This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/multi and get 10% off your first month.Get 20% off your first …

1 hr 11 min 20 Ago, 2024
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I problemi sono altri
perché troviamo difficile rilassarci?
I problemi sono altri

Mi capita ogni weekend (e naturalmente durante le vacanze estive) di notare come un momento di relax che attendevo da così tanto tempo si trasformi in un accumulo di ansia e ulteriore stress. Nonostante io lo desideri davvero, trovo complesso godermi attimi di riposo senza sentirmi in colpa perchè penso di non essere produttiva come dovrei e di restare inevitabilmente indietro.. ma rispetto a chi? Sono davvero quei due giorni di respiro a farci restare 'indietro' o forse servono a dare lo slancio necessario per raggiungere i nostri obiettivi? Come mai così tante persone associano al relax non una sensazione di benessere ma di angoscia? Non vedevo l'ora di poter dare voce a tutti questi pensieri che mi accompagnano da qualche mese a questa parte e non vedo l'ora di sapere se anche a voi capita di sentirvi in questo modo. Learn more about your …

22 min 20 Ago, 2024
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La Terapia cognitivo conductual en menos de 5 minutos

En este episodio cortito y al grano, te explico de manera detallada qué es la terapia cognitivo conductual y porque es útil en el tratamiento del sufrimiento humano. Aprender a gestionar nuestra forma de pensar tiene una repercusión directa sobre nuestra forma de sentir. Si bien la TCC es el modelo de terapia con mayor reconocimiento, también tiene sus limitaciones. En este video sobre la terapia de esquemas, te explico cómo surge este nuevo modelo de terapia para cubrirlas: https://youtu.be/0bLgAwM7lcM

6 min 20 Ago, 2024
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L' Arte Della Crescita Personale - Podcast
20 Tipologie di PERSONE STUPIDE Che Troverete Sui Social Media
L' Arte Della Crescita Personale - Podcast

Esplora il selvaggio mondo dei social media con il nostro ultimo Podcast: "20 Tipologie di PERSONE STUPIDE Che Troverete Sui Social Media". Dall'ignoranza travolgente all'assurdità incredibile, ti guideremo attraverso le varie forme di comportamenti scioccanti che popolano le piattaforme online. Scopri le situazioni più divertenti e frustranti che affrontiamo quotidianamente mentre esploriamo l'incrocio tra la tecnologia e la stupidità umana.

29 min 20 Ago, 2024
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The Jefferson Fisher Podcast
What to Say When You Cry in an Argument
The Jefferson Fisher Podcast

You’re in a heated argument, and suddenly, tears start to well up. No matter how hard you try, you can’t stop them from falling. What do you do when you cry during an argument? In this episode, I’m revealing 3 simple rules you must follow when you cry in an argument. These strategies will help you maintain your composure, communicate effectively, and keep the conversation on track. Plus, I’ll talk about common mistakes people make when emotions run high and how you can avoid them to stay in control and get your point across. Like what you hear? Subscribe to this podcast and leave a 5-star review. ____________ Pre-Order my book The Next Conversation Want a FREE communication tip each week? Click here to join my newsletter. Watch my podcast on YouTube Follow me on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn Learn more about your ad …

14 min 20 Ago, 2024
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Tu Desarrollo Personal
Tu Desarrollo Personal

A lo largo del camino, la ayuda puede tomar muchas formas: desde apoyo financiero hasta consejos valiosos, conexiones, o simplemente alguien que te impulse emocionalmente en los momentos difíciles.

10 min 20 Ago, 2024
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Radio Headspace
Discover Peace in Life's Contradictions
Radio Headspace

Understand how finding peace with the paradoxical nature of life can lead to a more fulfilling existence. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

5 min 20 Ago, 2024
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Medita Podcast
MDT374: ROMPE EL hechizo del PERFECCIONISMO, reclama tu poder y crea la vida de tus sueños, entrevista con Mar Talanquer
Medita Podcast

En este episodio hablamos de: Los hechizos que nos mantienen estancadas.¿Qué hay detrás del perfeccionismo?¿Cómo conectar con la verdadera confianza?Y mucho más.Si te gustó está sesión te invito a escuchar:MDT330: Meditación guiada para AUMENTAR TU CONFIANZA, guiada por Mar del Cerro https://youtu.be/8_0KlZMhmBM?si=vixHntv8VdAdIbGmGracias a mí. Día #028https://youtu.be/d4Y9EpLD-mo?si=s7VvemO6JHqLjIjBMDT241: Meditación de conexión con tu yo más auténtica, versión extendida para Medita Conmigo Comunidad, guiada por Mar del Cerrohttps://youtu.be/55EJ_Wmoa2g?si=CvgZm25fsrVptRkDMás acerca de Mar Talanquer:Su página: https://www.martalanquer.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mar.talanquer.coach/Y si quieres seguir profundizando:SÚMATE A NUESTRO GRUPO DE WHASTAPP: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kf4mcNRJREY7vAm9w56MOrY síguenos en:IG: www.instagram.com/mardelcerroTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@mardelcerroIG: www.instagram.com/meditaconmigocastTK: https://www.tiktok.com/@meditaconmigocastRecuerda que cualquier duda, idea o propuesta estoy para ti.MEDITA PODCAST es un podcast de Medita Conmigo Cast Producción, guión y voz: Marimar del Cerro Coordinación general: Fernanda VargasEdición, diseño de sonido y música original: Silver Media StudioImágen y redes sociales: Zayuri Vargas, Valery Martinez, Mariana Torres y Daniela Calderón.¡Gracias equipo por hacer esto posible! Hosted on Acast. …

50 min 20 Ago, 2024
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Dear Headspace
Life After Leaving a Job, with Kessonga
Dear Headspace

Kessonga, Robin, and Headspace coach Corey answer questions about how to deal with having trouble taking compliments, putting intention into practice, and thinking about the next phase in your life after quitting a job. Follow Robin here or at Well…Adjusting and follow Kessonga here. To send us your question go to sayhi.chat/dearheadpace Try the Headspace app free for 30 days here. Mental health coaching is now available in the Headspace app. Connect with a trained expert for live, one-on-one care and support for everyday anxiety, stress, and big life challenges — on your time, from anywhere. Whatever you’re going through, your coach is here every step of the way. Click here to learn more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

36 min 20 Ago, 2024
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🏳️‍🌈 Comment devenir (sexuellement) épanoui ? | sexe gay
Marre des plans Grindr : je cherche l'amour ♥️ - Tom 1/2
🏳️‍🌈 Comment devenir (sexuellement) épanoui ? | sexe gay

Rediffusion - Tom n'a plus envie d'enchaîner les plans culs : la mode est aux couples ouverts ? Lui rêve d'amour exclusif et de monogamie. Il raconte son cheminement.Cet épisode est une rediffusion : pour ce mois d'août je te fais une sélection des anciens épisodes les plus écoutés et qui m'ont le plus touchés, des pépites au milieu des 200+ épisodes de ce podcast 🤗✍️ PS - je réfléchis à la suite du podcast et j'ai besoin de ton aide : si tu aimes ce podcast, dis-moi pourquoi, tes épisodes préférés et partage-moi tes retours. Ça m'aidera à orienter la suite et le choix des futurs épisodes : [email protected] - merci !Sur le site du podcast en tapant bit.ly/commentdevenir dans ton navigateur tu pourras :· devenir un soutien financier du podcast : je travaille à 100% sur le podcast et dépends des contributions des …

39 min 20 Ago, 2024
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Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast
Replay 5 Great Gifts We Can Give To Others and To Ourselves
Healthcare Provider Happy Hour Podcast

Originally aired Nov 23rd 2021; What are the greatest gifts you can give to show someone you care? To show someone you’re there for them? To make them feel supported? In this week’s solo episode of the Healthcare Provider Happy Hour, I will be discussing ways in which you can make your patients, or anyone in your life, feel more comfortable, through 5 intangible, yet incredibly impactful gifts. I share 5 gifts that we can be giving to others to build a trusting relationship, but also that we should be giving ourselves as well. Listen to the full episode to learn: What are the 5 greatest, intangible gifts we can give someone How to create a trusted, therapeutic relationship with clients Gestures that don’t require a lot of action, but go a long way in building connections Why we can’t aim to please everyone and …

12 min 20 Ago, 2024
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The Psychology of your 20s
223. Why are female friendships so hard?
The Psychology of your 20s

In today's episode we break down the controversy but also the beauty of female friendship - why exactly are they so difficult? Or is that all a myth? It turns out what makes female friendships sometimes so difficult is also what makes them so rewarding - the intensity, the level of disclosure, the expectations, the bond! We also discuss how society tries to undermine the sacred nature of female friendship through competition, comparison and the cursed role of male attention, but also how to ensure healthy, long lasting connections with your girlfriends. A big thank you to the listeners who contributed to this episode! Listen now. Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business enquiries: [email protected] See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

43 min 20 Ago, 2024
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Suelta el control y entrégalo al Ser Superior | Claudia Rodríguez

#155 En este episodio en especial, para mí es un honor tener a mi hermana Claudia Rodríguez, fundadora de Concreta Legal, en su nueva faceta como mamá. Nos acompaña con Baby Arian, mi sobrino (el ahora rey del hogar jajaj) y en este episodio nos platica cómo ha sido el cambiar de ser una persona más "realista" a comenzar a confiar, soltar el control y entregarle cada situación en las diferentes etapas de su vida a Dios, el Ser superior, al Universo... Espero que lo disfrutes tanto como yo y que a partir de ahora te permitas confiar para dejarte sorprender por el creador. Síguela en sus redes como @concretalegal.mx y en su canal de Youtube como @concretalegal3216 Síguenos en instagram y tik tok como @atodo_si Los Planners de A TODO SI están disponibles en Amazon, Librerías Gandhi, Envíaflores.com, Gant y OUM. Los Mantras y …

48 min 20 Ago, 2024
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