
The Rich Roll Podcast
Lisa Lange’s Vision For a Better World & Why It’s Cool To Be Compassionate
The Rich Roll Podcast

Confession time. I’m the first to admit that my initial reasons for adopting a plant-based lifestyle were selfish. I was overweight. I felt lousy. I looked lousy. I had a health scare. Basically, I just wanted to look and feel better. I wanted to enjoy my kids at their energy level. I wasn’t ready to succumb to middle age defeat. So I took the leap. A leap without much expectation I might add. Then the miracle. I dropped 50 pounds. My vitality returned. That long-gone youthful glow restored. I didn't just get my life back, I got an entirely new one. Today I am living the life beyond my wildest dreams. I could have never predicted the journey that would follow this simple decision. It has been long, at times hard, but ultimately extraordinary in every way imaginable. It's not an understatement that everything in …

2 hr 17 min 03 Nov, 2014
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
44- "Il testimone...interiore"
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Nella 44° puntata del podcast di psinel parliamo di un argomento ultra affascinante. Dalla saggezza orientale a quella occidentale ...fino ai più moderni studi scientifici... esiste un "comun denominatore".Oggi ti guiderò verso la scoperta di questo nostro "testimone interiore", un nome un po' strano per indicare qualcosa di semplice e realmente implementabile con l'esercizio.Per approfondire clicca sul link, nel post troverai molti altri riferimenti:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/11/il-testimone-una-chiave-per-i.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2

25 min 03 Nov, 2014
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The School of Greatness
103 The Power of Clarity – 5 Steps to Achieving Any Goal
The School of Greatness

"You've got to figure out what you want first or you'll be given whatever others didn't want that was left over." - Lewis Howes If you enjoyed the show and would like to know more, head over to www.lewishowes.com/103 for show notes and more. Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

42 min 03 Nov, 2014
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The School of Greatness
102 How We Learned to Think and Eat Is Killing Us (and THIS is the Solution) with Tim Ryan
The School of Greatness

"It's people on the outside that move the political process." - Rep. Tim Ryan If you enjoyed this episode, find show notes and more at www.lewishowes.com/102. Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

52 min 30 Oct, 2014
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Derecho a la Carta
Derecho a la Carta

33 min 28 Oct, 2014
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Inteligencia Sexual

Invitado especial: Johnny CarmonaSupport the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

1 hr 3 min 28 Oct, 2014
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Badwater – What It’s Like to Run 135 Miles Across The Desert
The Rich Roll Podcast

This show is about chasing dreams. Making stuff happen. Helping others. And sharing the journey. We can all use a little education. Some solid information. And a dose of experience-based inspiration to guide our own path towards self-betterment. My goal is to help you see and understand that we are generally our own self-limiter. That we are all capable of being better and doing more, irrespective of circumstances. That we all have a more authentic self lying dormant within yearning to be more self-expressed. We owe it to ourselves to fertilize that seed. Why? Because life is short. Trite? yes. Cheesy? definitely. But nonetheless oh so true. Right now I'm up in Palo Alto at Stanford University for my 25th Reunion. 25 years since I graduated from college. How is that possible? Translation: I am old. Old is a mindset. Another lame idiom I choose …

2 hr 20 min 27 Oct, 2014
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
43- Il "potere" della lettura...
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Proprio in questo momento stai svolgendo uno degli esercizi più potenti per allenare la tua mente...sto parlando della lettura.Leggere è un'abilità sottovalutata perché appresa molto in fretta e poi, soprattutto dopo il periodo scolastico, abbandonata.Oggi scoprirai come e perché risulta utilissimo alla tua mente allenare la tua lettura......in un mondo dove tutti ti insegnano a leggere velocemente oggi vedremo come leggere "consapevolmente":)Clicca qui per approfondire: http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/10/il-potere-della-lettura.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2

23 min 27 Oct, 2014
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The School of Greatness
101 How to Get the Maximum Performance Out of Your Body (When You Run, Eat, and Live) with Kelly Starrett
The School of Greatness

"It's a system designed to break you." - Kelly Starrett If you enjoyed the episode, find show notes and more at www.lewishowes.com/101. Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

1 hr 20 min 27 Oct, 2014
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Sintonía D: Abundancia / Cómo poner un condon con la boca

Tres conductoras diferentes y diversas comparten sus experiencias, reflexiones y conocimientos sobre pareja, moda, arte y entretenimiento, amor, sexualidad, música y temas de actualidad. Dinámico, interesante y muy ameno. Conducen: Dana de la Rosa, Alejandra Guinea y Paola Luarte.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

1 hr 7 min 24 Oct, 2014
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Derecho a la Carta
Derecho a la Carta

38 min 21 Oct, 2014
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The School of Greatness
100 The 3 Biggest Lessons in Finding Powerful Mentors That Will Change Your Life
The School of Greatness

"Mentors are people who have been in my life who I aspire to be." - Lewis Howes For show notes and to learn more about The School of Greatness, visit LewisHowes.com/100 Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

36 min 21 Oct, 2014
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Mandamientos Del Sexo

Cuando decidimos escribir los mandamientos del sexo, nunca imaginamos que tendríamos una lista tan larga que compartir. Y es que para vivir y convivir en paz con el sexo, hace falta toda la sabiduría de la que podamos echar mano. Invitados especiales: Ricardo Soria y Enrique Alcocer.Support the show¿Ya participaste en nuestro CENSO 2024? ¡Nos hace falta tu experiencia!

1 hr 2 min 20 Oct, 2014
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The Rich Roll Podcast
On Letting Go Of Perfectionism & Why We Should “Lean In” To Positive Change
The Rich Roll Podcast

I say it all the time. Change is not an overnight miracle, people. I know there's nothing like the neatly packaged narrative of the overnight success story, but honestly that’s just well, not that honest. The truth is that long-lasting, sustainable personal growth is never instantaneous. It’s messy. Non-linear. Two steps backwards for every step in the right direction. It’s forged out of self-experimentation, research, discomfort, failure, courage, and all too often a lot of stumbling around in the dark. The point? It’s not a clean line. We don’t have to hold on to this perfectionist ideal. In fact, it’s this ideal that generally hold us back. Paralyzes us. Or leads to self-defeatism when we fall short of idealized goals. When I began the process of repairing my health, I made a million mistakes. Slipped up countless times. And when I committed to getting fit, …

1 hr 53 min 20 Oct, 2014
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
42- Comunicazione efficace e... ;)
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Un esperimento fatto sullo "speed date" ci mostraun segreto fondamentale della comunicazioneefficace.In questa 42° puntata del podcast scoprirai "comegestire i vuoti nella comunicazione" un tema pocoaffrontato in questo mondo.Clicca qui per leggere il post che approfondisce notevolmente l'argomento: http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2014/10/comunicazione-efficace-speed-date.htmlIscriviti a Psinel, ricevi subito gratis 237audio in mp3 per la tua formazione:http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlClicca qui per seguirmi su iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/gennaro-romagnoli/id788141885?mt=2

19 min 19 Oct, 2014
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