
KENSO, el origen de una nueva efectividad

En este episodio de bienvenida conocemos a Jeroen y a Quique. Nos presentan KENSO, el por qué de este podcast, las diferencias con los demás podcasts de productividad y cuáles son sus planes de futuro. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

12 min 16 Abr, 2018
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Little: Lead Us by the Hand to Those We Are Looking For
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

For years, Flannery O’Connor’s prayed to Saint Raphael, and her prayer led me to realize how much we want to be led “toward those we are waiting for.” To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

2 min 16 Abr, 2018
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The School of Greatness
628 Understand Your Body Through Somatic Intelligence with Chen Lizra
The School of Greatness

“MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE THINKING TOO MUCH AND FEELING ENOUGH.” There is a certain art that I feel had been lost over the years in this country, and you may have noticed it too. It’s the art of seduction. Let me make one thing clear, when I say seduction I don’t mean unwanted flirting. I don’t mean trying to manipulate someone. True seduction is a lore more than that. Seduction is about selflessly making other people feel good about themselves. Their bodies, their personalities, and everything about them. It’s also about being aware of your own body. Owning it, being proud of it, and listening to it. In America we spend so much time on our phones, we’ve lost that seduction between each other. This is a topic that my guest today, Chen Lizra, is an expert on. Chen Lizra had a wildly successful …

1 hr 19 min 16 Abr, 2018
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Tom Scott On Curiosity, The Power of Story & The Lost Art of Conversation
The Rich Roll Podcast

There is nothing more powerful than a story well told. Built into the very fabric of what makes us human, this ancient art holds the power to transform not just the individual but humanity at large. Nobody understands this better than Tom Scott – a man devoted to the idea that when curiosity, conversation and community converge, the world indeed becomes a better place. A graduate of Brown University with a Masters of Divinity from Yale, Tom is perhaps best known as the co-founder and original CEO of Nantucket Nectars. Founded in 1989 — long before it was cool to be a start-up founder — the fruit juice venture quickly grew to national prominence, making the “Inc. 500” list of fastest growing U.S. companies five years in a row and garnering Tom accolades, including the Mercury Award for Advertising and Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of …

2 hr 15 min 16 Abr, 2018
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
219- La “fallacia del talento”: Il nemico numero 1 di ogni performance
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Immagina di dover scegliere fra 2 nuovi collaboratori: il primo è pieno di talento, sembra nato per fare il tuo mestiere mentre il secondo è uno che ha imparato con fatica. Quale sceglieresti fra i due?La maggior parte di noi opterebbe “per il talento”... secondo recenti studi questa può essere vista come una vera e propria “fallacia”, come un “bias” che ci porta a preferire “il talento” all’impegno. Clicca qui per approfondire: (link valido dalle 5:00 am del 16/04/18) https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2018/04/la-fallacia-del-talento.htmlIscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlIscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica": http://sviluppopersonalescientifico.com/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=2&url=21

23 min 15 Abr, 2018
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El podcast de Cristina Mitre
Cómo afecta el ciclo mentrual al rendimiento deportivo de la mujer y el metabolismo del hierro. Proyecto IronFEMME.
El podcast de Cristina Mitre

Seas o no una mujer deportista, debes escuchar este décimo capítulo del podcast, una entrevista con las doctoras Ana Belén Peinado y Rocío Cupeiro, quienes abanderan un intresante proyecto de investigación en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (INEF), de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Un proyecto pionero, porque como explican las doctoras, hacen falta más datos para saber qué pasa en el cuerpo de la mujer cuando hace ejercicio, ya que no se ha estudiado lo suficiente. Gracias a su empeño podremos saber cuáles son los momentos óptimos de absorción del hierro teniendo en cuenta el ciclo menstrual. Y como bonus track: hablamos sobre mujer & ciencia, cómo planificar un entrenamiento de fuerza y prevenir la osteoporosis y otros datos sobre el ciclo mentsrual que quizá desconozcas. Y lo mejor de todo: tú puedes formar parte de la investigación, …

1 hr 12 min 15 Abr, 2018
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The School of Greatness
627 Let Passion Lead with Steve Cook
The School of Greatness

LOOK FOR SOMETHING TO BE GRATEFUL FOR EVERY DAY. Finding what makes you passionate is something a lot of people struggle with. We all want to find that thing in life that we are excited to do -- the drive that makes us want to wake up early because we can’t wait to get started. When you find the energy that your passion creates, it’s your duty to share it with everyone around you. That’s when you’ll make a real impact and people will remember you. Take care of them, and they’ll end up taking care of you one day. To go more in depth about the importance of living your passion, I wanted to bring back an episode with Steve Cook for this week’s 5 Minute Friday. Steve is one of the most recognizable faces in fitness today. He’s an IFBB Pro Men’s Physique …

4 min 13 Abr, 2018
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El Dr. Rafael López nos habla en esta ocasión sobre algo que es muy importante para nosotros como individuos, la comprensión. La tolerancia y aceptación que son importantísimas para el buen manejo de nuestras relaciones interpersonales; un proceso que involucra el desarrollo de la empatía. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

49 min 12 Abr, 2018
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Les Couilles sur la table
En regardant du porno
Les Couilles sur la table

On apprend tant de choses en regardant du porno. La manière dont il est pensé, tourné, consommé, les scénarios fréquemment utilisés ou encore les chorégraphies des acteurs nous renseignent sur les normes des masculinités hétérosexuelles et homosexuelles.Dans cet épisode, il est question du fantasme de “masculinité brute”, du rôle que joue le porno dans les sociabilités gays, mais aussi du passé colonial français, à travers les stéréotypes raciaux fréquents. Car nos fantasmes sont à la fois intimes… et politiques.Florian Vörös est enseignant-chercheur en études culturelles, il a soutenu en 2015 sa thèse sur les usages sociaux de la pornographie en ligne et les constructions de la masculinité.RÉFÉRENCES CITÉES DANS L'ÉMISSIONRetrouvez toutes les références et recommandations citées dans l'épisode à l'adresse https://www.binge.audio/podcast/les-couilles-sur-la-table/en-regardant-du-pornoCRÉDITS Les couilles sur la table est un podcast de Victoire Tuaillon, produit par Binge Audio. Production : Joël Ronez. Rédaction en chef : David …

31 min 12 Abr, 2018
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Entiende Tu Mente
La depresión #01 - Podcast 45
Entiende Tu Mente

Teníamos muchas ganas de abordar este tema: la depresión. Luis Eduardo, un oyente habitual del podcast, nos lo propuso. La sufren más de 350 millones de personas, según datos de la OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud). Es ya la principal causa mundial de discapacidad. ¿Cómo podemos darnos cuenta de que la estamos sufriendo? ¿Qué hacer para superarla?Estamos a punto de lanzar oficialmente nuestro CLUB, el CLUB ETM. Un espacio de nuestra web, donde compartiremos contenidos extra de valor. El lanzamiento oficial será el 18 de mayo (en la semana que cumplimos nuestro primer año).Dale al PLAY y compártelo si crees que a alguien le puede venir bien escucharlo.Gracias por apoyarnos con tus valoraciones de "5 estrellas" en Apple Podcast (iTunes) y/o "Me Gustas" en tu plataforma de podcasting favorita; ya que así nos ayudas a crecer. Desde YA, también puedes escuchar nuestros contenidos en …

24 min 11 Abr, 2018
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Is Social Media to Blame for Teens’ Depression?
Change Your Brain Every Day

A recent study revealed that children who begin social media at age 10 are more likely to suffer from depression by the time they turn 15. So what exactly is it about social media that causes this depression? In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen describe what the effects social media has on a child’s psyche.

10 min 11 Abr, 2018
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Three Rules
On Going Viral
Three Rules

Hope Leigh is on the podcast today to talk about creating content, preparing for virality (it’s kinda like preparing for a good earthquake), and the exact kind of consistency that’s going to help you grow your audience. Her mantra: capture joy & build community. Hope’s danced with a few viral campaigns that we’ll get to in this podcast. These days she’s a branding strategist & content creator that works with dozens of brands to help make their shit look dope online. More from Hope: hopeleigh.com More from the podcast: groundupshow.com

1 hr 21 min 11 Abr, 2018
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 164: Don’t Assign or Accept Homework
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Don’t assign or accept homework, write an “unhappy list,” and a fun way to deal with a big milestone birthday.Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; podcast@gretchenrubin; happiercast.com/164; 774-277-9336. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

32 min 11 Abr, 2018
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The School of Greatness
626 Marriage Secrets from a Divorce Lawyer with James Sexton
The School of Greatness

“THIS IS THE MOST LEGALLY SIGNIFICANT THING YOU WILL DO, OTHER THAN DYING.” Marriage is something that is so important to people. In fact, you probably thought about what your wedding would be like as a child. When people go into a marriage they think so much about their venue, their cake, their guest list -- but they never really think about what they are signing up for. Marriage is, legally, one of the most important things you can do. You are signing away half of your life. And there’s nothing wrong with that - if it’s the right person. On this episode of The School of Greatness, I brought on someone who knows so much about people being with the wrong person and how to set yourself up for a great marriage: NYC divorce attorney James Sexton. James has intentionally focused his practice on …

1 hr 21 min 11 Abr, 2018
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10% Happier with Dan Harris
Janice Marturano, How to Be a Better Boss
10% Happier with Dan Harris

Janice Marturano was a vice president at General Mills working on the Pillsbury merger deal in 2000 when she lost both her parents, and began a regular meditation practice as a way to soothe stress at work and in her personal life. Noticing the relief a daily practice brought her, and wanting to lead by example, she sought out a way to introduce mindfulness to her coworkers, and by the time she left General Mills to start the Institute for Mindful Leadership, she said more than 700 employees had completed mindfulness leadership training. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

1 hr 14 min 11 Abr, 2018
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