Have you ever gotten together with friends for a good time, only to spend most of the time complaining about the challenges of dealing with significant others? This sort of activity may seem innocuous, but these interactions play a surprisingly big role in why marriages and relationships fail. In the third episode of a series on how to ruin your marriage, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen discuss the social aspects that play the biggest role in your relationships, and how you can use proper communication to maintain a healthy perspective.
An athlete as a kid, a devastating sports injury would change James Clear's life forever. While a sophomore in high school, a baseball bat struck Clear in the face, resulting in massive head trauma. He would need to relearn very basic skills to function as himself again. Bit by bit, he started forming small habits which over time resulted in big changes. Today, he is the author of Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones. Plug Zone About: https://jamesclear.com/ Book: https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits ***VOICEMAILS*** Have a question for Dan? Leave us a voicemail: 646-883-8326 See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
HFSS Season 2 builds on the transformational instruction of how to move your feelings through you to help you enhance your healing. Learn about intuitive intelligence with Rick Snyder author of Decisive Intuition and international business coach. For more information visit https://invisible-edgellc.com. Take the quiz to find out the emotional tone of your core wound at yourcorewound.com. To get into a guided group journey through the Sh*t Show, go to healingfeelingshitshow.com
LIFE IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL. All of us are trying to do too many things at once. We’re on the phone while doing something else. We’re on a date but we’re distracted. We’re responding to text messages at red lights. When we live like this, we never fully experience anything. We’re half-living. It’s hard to build relationships, be joyful, and be open to opportunities when you’re not present. You may even be putting your life in danger. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about the power of presence with a coach and mentor who has grounded me throughout my adult life: Chris Lee. Chris Lee has spent the last 27 years leading powerful Leadership Seminars around the world. A pioneer in emotional intelligence, Chris Lee has trained and developed people at the top of their game such as Olympic athletes, …
Make your own art, a lesson about managing transitions from Mr. Rogers, and dealing with the relationship challenge of “excessive reassurance-seeking.”Get in touch on Instagram: @GretchenRubin & @LizCraftGet the podcast show notes by email every week here: http://gretchenrubin.com/#newsletterOrder a copy of Gretchen’s new book OUTER ORDER, INNER CALM here: http://outerorderinnercalmbook.comGet the resources and all links related to this episode here:http://happiercast.com/228Leave a voicemail message on: 774-277-9336 To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
This week, we discuss the differences between rules, agreements, and boundaries, and how sometimes they can hurt a relationship more than help one. We explore how to make informed, healthy decisions with your partner or partners regarding what everyone involved needs in the relationship. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community. Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know I Did by Josh and Anand.Follow us on Instagram @Multiamory_Podcast and visit our website Multiamory.com. We are a proud member of the Pleasure Podcasts network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen continue their discussion on how to ruin a marriage. This episode focuses on the psychological aspects that tend to permeate bad relationships. Daniel and Tana help you to recognize certain destructive patterns and make the psychological adjustments that will improve the health of any relationship.
Ser uno mismo puede convertirse en un acto de valentía y determinación. Justo por eso veremos cómo dar el paso y los beneficios que encontrarás al hacerlo :) GUÍA EN VÍDEO AUTOESTIMA https://psicoguias.com/clavesautoestima CURSO ONLINE MEJORA TU AUTOESTIMA https://psicoguias.com/cursoautoestima TERAPIA ONLINE https://psicoguias.com/sesiones [email protected] ¿HABLAMOS? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/psicoguiasweb/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helenapsicoguias ivoox: https://psicoguias.com/ivoox Twitter: https://twitter.com/psicoguiasweb itunes: https://psicoguias.com/itunes Pinterest: https://es.pinterest.com/psicoguias/ Sitio web: https://psicoguias.com Si te ha gustado el audio, por favor, dale ME GUSTA, haz una reseña / comentario, suscríbete y compártelo. ¡Muchas Gracias! Escucha el episodio completo en la app de iVoox, o descubre todo el catálogo de iVoox Originals
(NOTAS DEL CAPÍTULO: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/27-finanzas-personales-lo-unico-que-necesitas-saber-i/)Una de las cosas que más me ha sorprendido de kaizen es cómo, a veces, los capítulos que hablan de temas que a mí me interesan, pero que creía que estaban muy vistos y que todo el mundo conoce, sin embargo parecen despertar más interés y comentarios que otros que yo, humildemente, considero más originales. Éste es desde luego el caso del capítulo 19, en el que te hablaba del movimiento FIRE y de algunos de mis libros favoritos sobre finanzas personales.Y es que hay miles de libros, de podcasts y de vídeos en youtube sobre estos temas y yo tenía serias dudas de que fuera a parecer interesante. Sin embargo, es uno de los capítulos sobre el que más comentarios y mensajes me han llegado. Y casi todos ellos decían lo mismo: que querían más capítulos para profundizar en el tema. …
En la sesión de meditación de hoy haremos un ejercicio de profundización, visualización y un poco de focusing, con el fin de escuchar a nuestra ansiedad.La semana pasada platicamos con Alma Consciente de cómo la ansiedad es una herramienta que nos quiere decir algo, nos protege y nos cuida. En está meditación trataremos de indagar un poco más el para qué sentimos ansiedad.Recuerda que están abiertas las inscripciones al curso de Mindfulness, encontrando el placer en lo cotidiano, para más información visita: https://mardelcerro.teachable.com/p/mindfulnessSuscríbete al Newsletter aquí: https://bit.ly/DiarioGratitud21 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hola a todos y bienvenidos a este nuevo episodio. Dice mi admirado Mario Alonso Puig que si quieres reinventarte, tienes que centrarte en lo que quieres, y no en lo que temes. Imagínate si, como en el caso de mi invitada de hoy, te has reinventado ya varias veces, y no descartas volver a hacerlo. Noe Gil Loef (@noe_gil_loef) es publicista y emprendedora, creó y estuvo al frente del proyecto Made with Lof, tanto en la tienda online como en la tienda física, y ahora es mentora de emprendedores y asesora de comunicación y marketing digital en Melon Blanc. Tengo la suerte de esta trabajando con ella en su programa de mentoría para ver si todo esto que tengo puesto en marcha en torno al bienestar puedo convertirlo en mi modo de vida. Noe es de esas personas capaces de hacerte salir fuera de la …
Do you want to know how you can ruin your marriage? Didn’t think so. But if you know what NOT to do, you’ll know what TO do in avoid in order to have better relationships. In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen tell you some surefire ways to wreak havoc on your close relationships, this first installment dealing with some physical issues you or your partner may experience.
Lo que empezó siendo un problema propio de jóvenes y adolescentes, se ha trasladado a los adultos. Cada vez dependemos más del móvil y de las redes sociales, ¿estamos ante un problema generalizado?Con la ayuda de Francesca Román, psicóloga clínica y directora de Centrum Psicólogos, analizamos qué hay detrás de esta adicción y cómo podemos ponerle remedio aplicando unas pautas de uso más saludables.
Dr. Oz: On How To Create Healthier Habits and Change Your Relationship With Food
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
In this episode of On Purpose, I sat down with Dr. Oz to discuss how to automate your life and create an environment that feeds what you’re good at and protects you from what you’re not good at. If you struggle with self-control, Dr. Oz shares practical tips you can apply to improve your relationship with food long term. We also dove into relationships and how important it is to love someone for who they already are instead of who you want them to be. This is a great episode with so many practical tips to help you achieve a happier and healthier lifestyle.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Bacterias, virus, hongos... Estos bichos, como muchas personas los llaman, podrán ser microscópicos, pero sus efectos son gigantes. Súbale el volumen a este Shot y parele oreja a lo que tienen que decir a nuestros inquilinos de la vida: la microbiota. Nos fuimos a hablar con los microbiólogos computacionales Alejandro Reyes y Laura Avellandeda. Ellos hacen maravillas con la bioinformática para entender la vida. Y visitamos a la gastroenteróloga Carolina Salinas para saber más de estos bichitos... ¡perdón!, de la microbiota.