
Parque Explora
Amazonia, futuro en fuego | Amazonas | Ciencia en Bicicleta
Parque Explora

Conoce las delicadas interacciones entre el bosque amazónico, la atmósfera, el río más caudaloso de la Tierra y el océano, y las posibles consecuencias de su acelerada la deforestación y los incendios descontrolados. Invitado: Germán Poveda Jaramillo, Ph.D. en Ingeniería de Recursos Hídricos Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Universidad de Colorado- Boulder, Integrante IPCC - Premio Nobel de Alternativo 2007. Director del Capítulo Antioquia de la ACCEFYN.

50 min 10 Oct, 2019
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Capital On Radio - Sex On Quinta temporada
¡Comienza la cuarta temporada de Capital On Radio!
Capital On Radio - Sex On Quinta temporada

Capital On se renueva… ¡esta temporada, historias lejanas que son parte de la capital! Serán nueve historias todos los jueves a partir de octubre. Recuerden seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales y escucharnos en todas las plataformas de audio, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, Spotify.

6 min 10 Oct, 2019
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El yoga, una herramienta para nuestro bienestar.

El yoga, una herramienta para nuestro bienestar

43 min 10 Oct, 2019
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Q&A: Should You be Consuming Dairy?
Change Your Brain Every Day

Q&A time! This episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast features Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen answering some of your questions. Topics covered in this episode include the health benefits and risks of drinking milk, and what you can do to avoid a midday crash. If you’d like your own question answered on the show, please visit brainwarriorswaypodcast.com for instructions on how to submit.

14 min 10 Oct, 2019
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The Science of Happiness
Finding Beauty in the Everyday
The Science of Happiness

A tree next to a bus stop, a flower poking through the sidewalk. Our guest, a veteran of the Iraq War, discovers how awe and wonder can be found anywhere — if you just pay attention. Link to Episode Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/2w2ht55h

19 min 10 Oct, 2019
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JustMick - Dentro la Mente
C'era una volta una storia 8il potere dello storytelling)
JustMick - Dentro la Mente

Siamo fatti di storie. Il nostro modo di comunicare, di dare significato alle cose, di creare struttura, avviene attraverso una struttura narrativa. In questo video racconto cosa avviene nel corpo umano mentre si racconta una storia. È piuttosto incredibile.

6 min 10 Oct, 2019
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Aprende a decir «No» sin sentirte culpable

¿Te cuesta decir «No» en el trabajo, a un amigo o en tu vida diaria? Saber utilizar el «No» de manera efectiva es una habilidad que puedes desarrollar para generar un impacto positivo en tu vida. Ese es el tema principal de la píldora de esta semana, donde aprenderás a decir un «No» efectivo utilizando tu asertividad y el método PACTA. Y lo mejor, sin sentirte culpable.Notas de programa(Las notas del programa están disponibles en https://kenso.es/episodio/63-decir-no-asertividad)Índice del programa[0:00] Bienvenid@ a KENSO[1:15] ¿Por qué es importante aprender a decir «No»?[5:21] ¿Por qué nos cuesta decir «No»?[7:05] La asertividad como punto de partida[10:22] Paso 1: Propósito[12:49] Paso 2: Alternativa[14:24] Paso 3: Comprensión[15:23] Paso 4: Táctica[17:26] Paso 5: Afirmar[20:26] Si digo «No» a todo, a qué digo «Sí»?[21:45] ¡Hasta dentro de muy pronto!Recursos mencionadosEpisodio 16: Potencia tus habilidades sociales con Pau FornerTaller: Efectividad personal de KENSOPersona: Peter F. …

23 min 10 Oct, 2019
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kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago

Resulta que lo último que grabé para el podcast decía así:"Yo me despido hasta dentro de unas semanas, no sé aún cuántas, pero espero que no sean demasiadas. Me voy a dedicar principalmente a descansar, pero también a preparar nuevos temas para el podcast. Así que si tienes sugerencias o ideas de temas que te gustaría que tratara, puedes escribirme a través de twitter: @jaime_rdes o de mi web: jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com"Y oye, a lo tonto, han llegado unas cuantas ideas. Eso.. y que a lo tonto también, han pasado casi tres meses. Y, ya lo siento, es que a veces a uno no le da el tiempo para todo.Pero la semana que viene, por fin, vuelve kaizen. Eso sí, antes de empezar de nuevo quería aprovechar esta especie de teaser para darte las gracias. A ti y a todos los que habéis escuchado la primera temporada.Estoy …

3 min 10 Oct, 2019
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The Rich Roll Podcast
Chase Jarvis: Creativity Is Our Birthright
The Rich Roll Podcast

Conventional wisdom frames creativity as the purview of a certain select few — a rare gift that eludes us mere mortals. This is a lie. We are all born creative. More birthright than blessing, creativity is a practice. A habit not unlike any other skill or discipline. A muscle that can be built and flexed. This week's guest takes the notion one step further, asserting creativity as a biological necessity — a transformative force that resides within us all that when unleashed delivers vitality to everything we do. Chase Jarvis is many things. One of the most influential and award-winning photographers of the last decade, he is the recipient of numerous awards and accolades. Dubbed by Forbes as ‘the photographer everyone wants to work with', Chase has created hundreds of campaigns and commercials for the likes of Nike, Apple, Samsung, Google, and Red Bull. As …

2 hr 18 min 10 Oct, 2019
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Cuidados paliativos y sus beneficios

Cuidados paliativos y sus beneficios

39 min 09 Oct, 2019
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Derecho a la Carta
Derecho a la Carta

24 min 09 Oct, 2019
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The School of Greatness
860 Age Backwards, Biohack Your Life and Be Super Human with Dave Asprey
The School of Greatness

We all want to maintain our youth. Our goal is to be attractive, healthy, and energetic as we age. What if there were ways beyond basic diet and exercise regimens that could literally reverse aging? But what if we could defy our own biology? There are many ways to stay young and live a healthy, productive life. But maybe those methods aren’t enough. Maybe if we lived at the intersection of technology and health we could actually live forever. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about the things you can do to maintain your health with a master biohacker: Dave Aspery. Dave Asprey is the creator of the widely popular Bulletproof Coffee, host of the podcast Bulletproof Radio, and author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Bulletproof Diet. Dave was described by Men’s Health as a "lifestyle guru” and …

1 hr 15 min 09 Oct, 2019
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Healing Feeling Sh*t Show
Happy Birthday Mom & Dad/Guided Course is almost Full
Healing Feeling Sh*t Show

It's my Mom's birthdays and tomorrow's my Dad's birthday! Here is their podcast birthday card. Also, the Guided Journey through the Sh*t Show Course is almost full. We are looking for the last three people to join in the work, healing, and empowerment. For more information, go to healingfeelingshitshow.com/services for more info or email me at [email protected]. Reach out if you are interested.

9 min 09 Oct, 2019
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
Live XXIV: La PNL… perché l’ho abbandonata?
Il Podcast di PsiNel

Parliamo di PNL... e rispondo alle vostre domande...

46 min 09 Oct, 2019
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JustMick - Dentro la Mente
Sei quello che sogni (come il sonno influenza la nostra vita)
JustMick - Dentro la Mente

Come il sonno influenza la nostra vita!Ci sono molte ricerche che trattano l'importanza del sonno. Ultimamente l'argomento è diventato di estrema importanza per la nostra salute. Ma quanto influisce il sonno nella nostra vita?Quanto i sogni rivelano il futuro e quanto sono invece condizionati da quello che abbiamo recentemente vissuto? Quante ore è consigliato dormire? Quanto fa male, dormire poco?

6 min 09 Oct, 2019
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