
Healing Feeling Sh*t Show
Yoga as a Path of Healing with Pete Guinosso
Healing Feeling Sh*t Show

HFSS Season 2 builds on the transformational instruction of how to move your feelings through you to help you enhance your healing. Rachel connects with Pete Guinosso, yoga teacher, retreat leader, and teacher trainer. To learn more about Pete, visit Petegyoga.com. Take the quiz to find out the emotional tone of your core wound at yourcorewound.com. To get into a guided group journey through the Sh*t Show, go to healingfeelingshitshow.com

1 hr 3 min 23 Oct, 2019
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 244: Go Out in the Early Morning Sunlight and Brush Your Teeth After Dinner
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Why it’s important to go outside into the sunlight, how brushing your teeth after dinner can help with night snacking, and a dentist demerit from Elizabeth.Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; [email protected]; happiercast.com/238; 774-277-9336.Get in touch on Instagram: @GretchenRubin & @LizCraftGet the podcast show notes by email every week here: http://gretchenrubin.com/#newsletterOrder a copy of Gretchen’s new book OUTER ORDER, INNER CALM here: http://outerorderinnercalmbook.comGet the resources and all links related to this episode here: http://happiercast.com/244 Leave a voicemail message on: 774-277-9336For information about advertisers and promo codes, go to happiercast.com/sponsors.Get tickets for our live podcast events in Seattle, Portland, San Fransisco, Chicago, Kansas City, Providence, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Charlotte and Brooklyn here: https://gretchenrubin.com/eventsHappier with Gretchen Rubin is part of ‘The Onward Project,’ a family of podcasts brought together by Gretchen Rubin—all about how to make your life better. Check out the other Onward Project podcasts—Do The …

27 min 23 Oct, 2019
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The School of Greatness
866 The Journey of Living through a Loss
The School of Greatness

DEATH WITH NO REGRETS Losing a loved one is always difficult. Loss is difficult. Sometimes we’re prepared for it. Often, we are not. Either way, we know that death is a part of life. Are there lessons we can learn from the experiences of others? Sometimes sharing your story will help. Other times, listening will help you learn. Someone else’s pain can help you on your journey. It’s a process that must be taken one day at a time. In today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I’ve combined key lessons on handling loss from Bronnie Ware, Grant Cardone, Lindsey Stirling, Chris Guillebeau, Whitney Cummings. Bronnie Ware, Grant Cardone, Lindsey Stirling, Chris Guillebeau, and Whitney Cummings share their stories on this episode and help us learn how to better deal with loss in our lives. Bronnie Ware is a teacher of courage and regret-free living. …

50 min 23 Oct, 2019
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Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships
243 - How Compatible Are You Really?
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships

What does compatibility mean for you? This week, we discuss compatibility in relationships: what it is, how important it is, and what it might mean if you're incompatible with one of your partners (hint: it might not be as bad as you think it is). We are a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts network. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community. Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know I Did by Josh and Anand.Follow us on Instagram @Multiamory_Podcast and visit our website Multiamory.com. We are a proud member of the Pleasure Podcasts network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

1 hr 7 min 22 Oct, 2019
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Change Your Brain Every Day
How to Thrive as a Sensitive Person with Dr. Judith Orloff
Change Your Brain Every Day

When a person is described as “sensitive”, the label usually carries with it negative connotations. But as Dr. Judith Orloff suggests, there are plenty of advantages to a sensitive nature, and this disposition should be encouraged and nurtured rather than suppressed. In the second episode of a series with the ‘Thriving as an Empath’ author, she and the Amens discuss tips for people to use their sensitive nature as an advantage.

13 min 22 Oct, 2019
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kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago
#32 Las mil caras del héroe: un modelo mental para contar historias
kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago

(NOTAS DEL CAPÍTULO AQUÍ: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/32-las-mil-caras-del-heroe-un-modelo-mental-para-contar-historias/)El de hoy es uno más de los muchos modelos mentales que te he contado, pero en este caso no viene ni de las matemáticas, ni de la biología, ni de la psicología… viene de la literatura. Y es tan importante que le voy a dedicar un capítulo a él solito.Y es que, no sé tú, pero yo me crié pegado una televisión. Y durante unos años de mi vida, había tres programas que no podía perderme: Oliver y Benji, Pressing Catch y Bola de Dragón. Y era bastante absurdo, porque una vez que habías visto un capítulo de cada de una de estas, más o menos sabías lo que iba a pasar en todos. Si era una pelea de Bola de Dragón: pues el malo iba a empezar ganando, luego Goku se repondría y parecía que lo tenía todo controlado …

15 min 22 Oct, 2019
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Medita Podcast
MDT091: ¿Cómo reinventarme y salir de una depresión de la mano de la gratitud? Entrevista con Esther Iturralde
Medita Podcast

El día de hoy tengo una invitada super inspiradora Esther Iturralde, quien nos habla de cómo fue que tocó fondo y gracias a su fe y la gratitud pudo reinventarse. Conoce a Esther aquí: https://www.estheriturralde.com/historia Reinvéntate Summit: https://www.reinventatesummit.com/mardelcerro Notas de la Sesión: www.mardelcerro.com/mdt091 Nos vemos todos los miércoles a las 7 de la mañana Ciudad de México, 2 de la tarde España , para meditar juntos, te espero en Facebook live en Instagram live, para hacer una sesión en vivo y poder compartir un poco más de esta práctica que tanto me apasiona la meditación. Namaste, Mar Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

53 min 22 Oct, 2019
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The Grief Gang
How My Relationship & Grief Coexist (feat. Joe)
The Grief Gang

Hey guys, and welcome to episode 3!All about my relationship and how grief flipped it upside down and turned it all around...featuring my lovely lover Joe. I really love this episode, I won’t lie. I love the fact that myself and Joe have opened up about our relationship and shared the truths about how grief can really rock a young relationship. I hope you love it as much as we do, and for any couples that are feeling the wrath of grief on your relationship, trust me when I say, things do get better! Ya just gotta be honest baby♥️Subscribe, like and share this episode pretty please!Check out The Grief Gang Instagram page too🤗Big love as always, Amber xxxSupport this show http://supporter.acast.com/thegriefgang. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

51 min 21 Oct, 2019
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Meditación: la medicina del futuro [Ep.44]

El día de hoy hablamos sobre la meditación y sus múltiples beneficios, además de dar algunos tips para que comiences experimentar sus beneficios y hacerla parte de tu rutina. #psicología #meditar #cómomeditar #amorpropio

49 min 21 Oct, 2019
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El podcast de Jana Fernández
El papel del familiar del enfermo de cáncer, con Áurea Esparza
El podcast de Jana Fernández

Hola todos y bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio del podcast de Jana Fernández. Este episodio es para mi uno de los más especiales. Nunca se me había pasado por la cabeza hacer un podcast sobre cáncer, hasta que a finales de verano recibí un mensaje por Instagram de Ishoo Budhrani. Ishoo es un farmacéutico canario que tras vivir muy de cerca la enfermedad, decidió crear #juntosXElCáncer, un movimiento surgido en enero de este año 2019 y en el que ya participan más de 60 profesionales que aportan sus conocimientos en su área para mejorar en la medida de lo posible la calidad de vida del paciente y de sus familiares, y para actualizar a los profesionales sanitarios en este sentido. La iniciativa consiguió ser Trendic Topic en España durante el Día Mundial del Cáncer, y alcanzó el segundo puesto a nivel mundial en el ámbito …

1 hr 10 min 21 Oct, 2019
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Capital On Radio - Sex On Quinta temporada
¡No me quiero sentir privada en una universidad privada!
Capital On Radio - Sex On Quinta temporada

Las Pontificia Universidad Javeriana es una de las tres mejores universidades de Colombia, galardonada y reconocida por su excelencia académica y por el factor social y humano que caracteriza a sus estudiantes, pero no todo lo que brilla es oro. Al igual que en muchas instituciones de educación superior el acoso y la violencia sexual se vive en las aulas de clase. Esta es la historia de María, una joven y valiente estudiante Javeriana que toma valor para contar aquello que no muchos quieren escuchar.

10 min 21 Oct, 2019
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Una historia de vida llena de arte y magia

Una historia de vida llena de arte y magia

43 min 21 Oct, 2019
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JustMick - Dentro la Mente
L'episodio senza titolo (come affrontare il palco)
JustMick - Dentro la Mente

Questa volta ho voluto improvvisare l'episodio. Sono partito senza una meta, e ne è venuto fuori qualcosa di interessante!La seconda parte del video parla di una tecnica per affrontare il palco e il pubblico! Così, perché mi andava!

7 min 21 Oct, 2019
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Are You an Empath? With Dr. Judith Orloff
Change Your Brain Every Day

A small contingent of our population claims to be able to physically experience the emotional energy of other people. Sound crazy? Well there may be an actual science behind this. In the first episode of a series with Dr. Judith Orloff, the bestselling author of ‘Thriving as an Empath’, Dr. Daniel Amen, Tana Amen, and Orloff shed some light on this mysterious ability.

15 min 21 Oct, 2019
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Satisfied & Content
Why Some Sales Tactics are Simply Tacky and Insulting
Satisfied & Content

Boundary-setting pro and psychotherapist Alece Coleman joins me as we discuss how to communicate with sales staff who have no tact, play on your fears, and even attempt to guilt you into making purchases that you may not need. From MLM pitches from family and friends to auto sales hooks that hinge on desperation, we talk about how to recenter yourself, honor your earnings, and communicate directly about your needs.

1 hr 18 min 21 Oct, 2019
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