
The School of Greatness
887 The 5 Second Rule To Change Your Life with Mel Robbins
The School of Greatness

OUR THOUGHTS ARE DREAM KILLERS. The bigger the dream, the more fear you’re going to have. But to grow, you have to take on new challenges. It’s a real catch-22. I’m very curious about fear and self-doubt. In fact, I’m writing a book about it. In this new year, I want to challenge you to change the way you think about the things that scare you. I want you to start embracing difficult situations and stop letting yourself get in your way. Once you do, nothing will stop you. So how can we harness our thoughts so they start to work for us and not against us? On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I’m re-sharing a previous episode about facing fears with the creator of the “Five Second Rule:” Mel Robbins. Mel Robbins is the most booked female speaker on the planet with …

1 hr 5 min 11 Dic, 2019
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Healing Feeling Sh*t Show
Comedy as Healing with Alicia Dattner
Healing Feeling Sh*t Show

HFSS Season 2 builds on the transformational instruction of how to move your feelings through you to help you enhance your healing. Rachel drops in with comic Alicia Dattner about how comedy is healing for her and others. To learn more, checkout aliciadattner.com. Take the quiz to find out the emotional tone of your core wound at yourcorewound.com. To get into a guided group journey through the Sh*t Show, go to healingfeelingshitshow.com

56 min 11 Dic, 2019
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 251: Try the Eight Stones Method; Are You on Team “You Do You” or Team “Let’s All Join In”; and the Fun of Holiday Movies
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Actor, singer, and writer Melissa Errico suggests the Eight Stones Method for creativity, the fun of choosing a family holiday movies, and we talk about the two philosophies of food encouragement (a/ka/ food pushing): “You Do You” and “Let’s All Join In.”Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; [email protected] in touch on Instagram: @GretchenRubin & @LizCraftGet the podcast show notes by email every week here: http://gretchenrubin.com/#newsletterInterested in my video course, The Happiness Project Experience? Early bird discount pricing ends on December 19. Register here.Order a copy of Gretchen’s new book OUTER ORDER, INNER CALM here: http://outerorderinnercalmbook.comGet the resources and all links related to this episode here: http://happiercast.com/251Leave a voicemail message on: 774-277-9336For information about advertisers and promo codes, go to happiercast.com/sponsors.Happier with Gretchen Rubin is part of ‘The Onward Project,’ a family of podcasts brought together by Gretchen Rubin—all about how to make your life better. Check …

35 min 11 Dic, 2019
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Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia
🦉 Estudiar mejor - Sesión 3
Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia

Aprendé la técnica de atención focalizada para crear un entorno tranquilo que te ayude a estudiar mejor. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

9 min 11 Dic, 2019
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¿Por qué es difícil divorciarse? [Ep.49]

¿Por qué es tan complicado el divorcio? en el episodio de hoy conversamos sobre este tema y les damos la perspectiva psicológica del por qué nos cuesta tanto terminar con una relación en la que ya no somos felices. #psicología #divorcio #relacióndepareja #terapiadepareja

51 min 10 Dic, 2019
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Prevención y cuidados del cáncer de próstata

Prevención y cuidados del cáncer de próstata

41 min 10 Dic, 2019
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Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships
250 - Mental Health with Ruby Bouie Johnson
Multiamory: Rethinking Modern Relationships

This week we're welcoming Ruby back to the show to talk about mental health, which can be a tough topic for a lot of people, and even more difficult to address with a professional if you're polyamorous. Ruby gives her insight on some questions that our listeners provided, and talks about her experience as a mental health professional for the community. We're a proud member of the Pleasure Podcast network. Join our amazing community of listeners at multiamory.supercast.com. We offer sliding scale subscriptions so everyone can also get access to ad-free episodes, group video discussions, and our amazing Discord community. Multiamory was created by Dedeker Winston, Jase Lindgren, and Emily Matlack.Our theme music is Forms I Know I Did by Josh and Anand.Follow us on Instagram @Multiamory_Podcast and visit our website Multiamory.com. We are a proud member of the Pleasure Podcasts network. Learn more about …

1 hr 7 min 10 Dic, 2019
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Change Your Brain Every Day
Can You Treat Mental Illness Without a Doctor? with Dr. James Gordon
Change Your Brain Every Day

If you suffer from a mental health condition and decide to seek treatment from a psychiatrist, you may have an underwhelming experience. The truth is that most psychiatrists don’t give their patients the proper time and attention needed to discover the best methods of treatment for a particular patient. Luckily, there are some things you can do to diagnose and treat these issues on your own. In the second episode of a series with Dr. James Gordon, the Amens and Dr. Gordon tell you how.

12 min 10 Dic, 2019
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Medita Podcast
MDT098: Una Navidad en paz con la comida, entrevista con Diana Castellanos
Medita Podcast

En esta sesión hablamos mitos, drama, miedos y todo lo que se genera alrededor de la comida en un mes como diciembre, te traigo a mi nutrióloga de cabecera Diana Castellanos a hablar de un tema que me encanta ¡Una Navidad en paz con la comida!Diana Castellanos, creadora de Nut and Food, es Chef, Nutrióloga, mamá, es creadora de los recetarios más creativos y deliciosos, da consulta presencial y en línea.Conecta con Diana aquí https://nutandfood.com/Recuerda que para comenzar a soltar, es importante agradecer, descarga tu Diario de Gratitud, a un sólo click, completamente gratis: https://bit.ly/DiarioGratitud21Más acerca de está sesión, da click aquí y ve directo a las notas de la sesión: www.mardelcerro.com/mdt098¡Gracias por escuchar!Namaste, Mar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

45 min 10 Dic, 2019
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kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago
#39 Modelos Mentales 6: Castillos medievales, Pantomima Full y griegos con túnicas
kaizen con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago

(NOTAS DEL CAPÍTULO AQUÍ: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/39-modelos-mentales-6-castillos-medievales-pantomima-full-y-griegos-con-tunicas/)Hacía mucho, mucho tiempo que no dedicábamos un capítulo a modelos mentales. Más concretamente, hace casi 9 meses y unos 30 capítulos. Así que ya iba tocando, ¿no?Y hoy se me juntan los castillos medievales, los chicos de Pantomima Full y griegos vestidos con túnicas, para hablarte de modelos mentales que son aplicables al mundo de las inversiones, pero que muchas veces también podemos usarlos en otros ámbitos de nuestras vidas.Si a mí hace unos años me hablan de “Modelos Mentales para inversores”, habría pensado que me iban a soltar una turra de cuidado. Y que, además, no era para mí. Primero, porque muchas veces oímos la palabra inversor y pensamos en un engominado de Wall Street que apuesta millones de euros al día. Y rara vez eso coincide con la imagen que tenemos de nosotros mismos. Pero, además, porque eso …

14 min 10 Dic, 2019
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The Grief Gang
Meet Liam Sullivan.
The Grief Gang

Hey guys and welcome back to another episode.This week I was joined by a guest, Liam Sullivan.Liam lost his dad when he was at the young age of 14 to a cardiac arrest. Tune in to hear Liam recount his mental health battles before and after the loss of his dad, his struggle with substance misuse and his gratitude for the life he lives now. Happy listening!The Grief Gang Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/thegriefgang. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

46 min 09 Dic, 2019
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Change Your Brain Every Day
How to Make Yourself Sick, with Dr. James Gordon
Change Your Brain Every Day

Longtime followers of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast will know that Dr. Daniel Amen believes the traditional psychiatric model for care is dysfunctional and in need of a revolution. Psychiatrists who do 15-minute checks and then prescribe potentially harmful medication are often hurting more than helping. In this first episode with “The Transformation” author Dr. James Gordon, the Amens and Gordon discuss how you can take your health matters into your own hands.

12 min 09 Dic, 2019
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Una historia de vida que nos cuenta como superar una crisis

Una historia de vida que nos cuenta como superar una crisis

41 min 09 Dic, 2019
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PsicoGuías por Helena Echeverría
Relájate en Cualquier Situación para Sentirte Con Calma y Seguridad | Episodio 113
PsicoGuías por Helena Echeverría

Aprende cómo relajarte en cualquier situación para sentirte con calma y seguridad. En este episodio veremos 7 claves prácticas que te ayudarán en tu día a día. Espero que te guste. Te leo en los comentarios :) MEDITACIÓN GUIADA https://youtu.be/G1aeILKM9no TERAPIA ONLINE https://psicoguias.com/sesiones [email protected] MANUAL VIVIR SIN ANSIEDAD https://psicoguias.com/manualansiedad CURSO ONLINE ELIMINA LA ANSIEDAD, RECUPERA TU VIDA https://psicoguias.com/sinansiedad ¿HABLAMOS? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/psicoguiasweb/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helenapsicoguias ivoox: https://psicoguias.com/ivoox Twitter: https://twitter.com/psicoguiasweb itunes: https://psicoguias.com/itunes Pinterest: https://es.pinterest.com/psicoguias/ Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/+HelenaEM Sitio web: https://psicoguias.com Si te ha gustado el audio, por favor, dale ME GUSTA, haz una reseña / comentario, suscríbete y compártelo. ¡Muchas Gracias! Escucha el episodio completo en la app de iVoox, o descubre todo el catálogo de iVoox Originals

25 min 09 Dic, 2019
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Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia
🦊 Pánico - Ayuda rápida
Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia

En los momentos más complicados, anclá tu mente y tu cuerpo en el presente con este ejercicio rápido. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

3 min 09 Dic, 2019
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