
Radio le digo
Ep. 08 Rutinas Rituales: Tener sexo
Radio le digo

¿Qué dicen nuestras rutinas sexuales de la relación que sostenemos con nuestro cuerpo, el cuerpo de otras personas y el deseo? Este episodio de Rutinas Rituales trae a la mesa a Alba Centauri, psicóloga, sexóloga y fundadora de Poliamor Bogotá (@poliactivismo), con quien estuvimos dialogando sobre la forma en que vivimos nuestra sexualidad en cuarentena. Entre otros temas, conversamos sobre la cultura de la pornografía como escuela del deseo, problematizamos los riesgos del falocentrismo y de reducir la experiencia erótica a los genitales, y nos preguntamos por las nuevas fantasías y formas de relacionamiento sexo-afectivo que surgen y surgirán a raíz de la pandemia. Pueden conocer más sobre el trabajo de Alba en http://poliamorbogota.weebly.com

1 hr 14 min 23 Ago, 2020
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Il Podcast di PsiNel
342- Anatomia della fortuna: fortunato o sfortunato? Il mindset delle persone fortunate!
Il Podcast di PsiNel

La fortuna viene studiata da diversi anni e su Psinel abbiamo trattato diverse volte questo tema, ma ultimamente mi avete chiesto a gran voce di ripetere alcuni di questi concetti magari con un nuovo punto di vista… eccolo!Oggi vedremo insieme perché in realtà la “fortuna” è un atteggiamento mentale che puoi coltivare intenzionalmente. Clicca sul link approfondire:https://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.net/2020/08/anatomia-della-fortuna-fortunato-o-sfortunato-il-mindset-della-fortuna.html“Facci caso”... il mio libro:https://www.amazon.it/Facci-distrarre-sciocchezze-attenzione-davvero/dp/8804728833Qui puoi trovare il mio corso "Emotional Freedom" con 100€ di sconto :-)https://online.sviluppopersonalescientifico.com/emotional-freedom-accesso-diretto/Iscriviti al corso "10 Giorni di meditazione scientifica" oggi in una APP bellissima e gratuita: https://jo.my/clarity-appDai un'occhiata a Clarity il mio percorso ad abbonamento mensile:https://clarityapp.it/Iscriviti alla Community di Psinel, ricevi subito 237 audio in mp3 per la tua formazione + un report completo sulla Meditazione Moderna (è gratis!): http://www.psicologianeurolinguistica.com/psinelform.htmlSeguimi su Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/gennaro_romagnoli/Credits (traccia audio) https://www.bensound.com/

21 min 23 Ago, 2020
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The Time Expert Anna Jelen

LAST SUMMER BREAK EPISODE https://youtu.be/g5IA99Gh_sQ LISTEN TO THE PODCAST IT'S TIME TO LET GO OF... ...my old business model. And you know what? I like this idea. This means: something NEW is coming. Something more digital, modern, creative. With a big focus on the PODCAST and of course on the MEMBER'S CLUB. How about you? Time to let go of what? Someone? Something? A lifestyle you used to live? A little outtake: "I want to present five examples and how letting go would be a very nice solution. The examples will be: number 1: LET GO OF STRESS Number 2 : LET GO THE WORRIES ABOUT YOUR FUTURE Number 3: LET GO of what others think about you Number 4:. EMBRACE CHANGE Number 5: if you start something new, than let go of something old." Can't wait to share my new episodes with you.My best …

18 min 23 Ago, 2020
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Autoconsciente Podcast
70. Jonny e Tequila | Sobre os nossos impulsos
Autoconsciente Podcast

Depois de uma sequência de temas profundos, vamos dar umas risadas. Eu volto com um daqueles meus “causos” e conto as peripécias do Jonny Walker e da Tequila, adoráveis cachorrinhos que minha família adotou. Mas não vamos ficar só na história... Sempre há o que aprender e refletir e, neste episódio, é sobre os nossos impulsos. Autoconsciente em livro: https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B08FZTF36L Por Regina Giannetti Eu sou a voz e o coração que falam através do Autoconsciente, um podcast sobre vida interior. Desde 2016, tenho ajudado pessoas a viverem mais em paz com elas mesmas. Meu trabalho se baseia na compreensão de como a mente funciona, práticas meditativas e o uso de atitudes mentais que derivam da meditação. Esses são os pilares do método que uso em minha vida e ensino para estarmos em contato com o nosso “eu” mais profundo. ENCONTRANDO O SEU CENTRO – Meu …

30 min 23 Ago, 2020
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Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia
Salud Mental✨ con Alan Disavia

Entrenamiento de una importante habilidad para tomar decisiones adecuadas basadas tanto en tus pensamientos racionales como en tus emociones: La Mente Sabia 🔮 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

24 min 22 Ago, 2020
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Hay Que Hablar
¿Quién es Regina?
Hay Que Hablar

En este capítulo Sergio y una invitada especial le hacen preguntas a Regina sobre su vida y lo que tiene planeado para el futuro. Regina responde preguntas sobre su pasado y cómo se ha convertido en la persona que es ahora. También habla sobre sus experiencias más graciosas y momentos fuertes en su vida.

59 min 22 Ago, 2020
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070 podcasts
[DETRÁSDE] Prisiones y pandemia
070 podcasts

El 21 de marzo, cientos de internos de la cárcel La Modelo en Bogotá se amotinaron, reclamando atención ante la pandemia del Covid-19. Porque desde antes de la pandemia ya se sufría hacinamiento. En la penal, donde hay cupo para 3100 personas, hay casi 5000 internos. Y porque se sabía que el Estado no estaba tomando las prevenciones necesarias para enfrentar esta situación tan crítica. La reacción de la guardia frente al motín, apoyada por la policía y el ejercito, dejó a 24 reclusos muertos y 83 heridos. Esto es Detrás de, un podcast en el que hablamos sobre qué hay detrás de las historias publicadas en Cerosetenta. En este episodio hablamos con Natalia Arenas, editora de Cerosetenta, y Lorenzo Morales, periodista y profesor de la Universidad de los Andes, sobre qué hay detrás de la serie de investigaciones que han realizado sobre el efecto …

15 min 22 Ago, 2020
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El Sexo no es amor

¿Alguna ves has confundido el amor con la atracción sexual? ¿Qué es el amor? ¿Qué es la atracción sexual y cómo la puedo distinguir? Si no sabes distinguir entre tu sexualidad y el amor, tu vida se va a meter en serios problemas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

47 min 21 Ago, 2020
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Máximo Desempeño
Somos más fuertes de lo que pensamos
Máximo Desempeño

El invitado a Máximo Desempeño es el exitoso emprendedor, conferencista y consultor Nicolás Vergara. Su propósito de crear y transformar lo ha impulsado a diseñar marcas y productos innovadores, y su mentalidad de crecimiento lo llevó a ver las oportunidades en medio de los retos y la adversidad. Su historia nos muestra cómo una mentalidad positiva nos ayuda a descubrir nuestras mejores capacidades.

46 min 21 Ago, 2020
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Parque Explora
Delfines rosados: Explora en el Amazonas
Parque Explora

Voces de la gente del río y de la selva en Explora. Desde Amazonas, una lectura dramatizada del encuentro con un grupo de delfines rosados, omachas en dialecto ticuna, hecha por Elvis Cueva, gran cronista con ancestros en las etnias omagua y quechua. ¿Qué ocurrió aquella tarde con uno de los bufeos en los lagos de Tarapoto? Conozcamos más de las regiones de Colombia y la reflexión que hacen sus habitantes para que protejamos la vida del agua. Escucha esta historia narrada desde el resguardo indígena Ticoya (Ticuna, Cocama y Yagua), que forma parte de la lista de humedales de importancia internacional del tratado para la conservación Ramsar, un área de más de 40 mil hectáreas de enorme biodiversidad en riesgo.

15 min 21 Ago, 2020
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The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
An Uncommon Method to x100 Your Productivity
The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

Producers with drained batteries are highly unproductive. ⁣⁣The idea that working longer and harder makes you more productive and better is outdated.⁣⁣Legendary producers outfocus, outinvent and outwork everyone around them when it’s game time. And then, after they’ve expressed their mastery in a hot burst of flaming audacity, they go dark. Ghost. Silent.⁣⁣And recover. And read. And exercise. And daydream. And regenerate.⁣⁣This seasonal or cyclical way of running a day and then a week and then a month and then your years is unpopular. And counterintuitive, given the way we’ve been socially programmed to think about productivity.⁣⁣Yet if you really want to express your genius, lead your field and stay in your sport for the fullness of a career, it’s the best way to operate. ⁣⁣

2 min 21 Ago, 2020
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On Purpose with Jay Shetty
The 5 Step Process To Tap Into Peak Performance Anytime & The Tool That Creates A New You
On Purpose with Jay Shetty

This episode is based on the book "The Alter Ego Effect," by Todd Herman. Do you ever wish you were someone else? Someone richer, stronger, more beautiful or well-spoken - like a movie star? It’s tempting to want to be something you’re not, comparing yourself to the people you see in television and movies, but don’t wish away who you are! In exploring this book, Jay Shetty gives you a lighthearted view of how to tap into your inner alter ego. You'll learn five steps to becoming more like someone you admire just by modeling them. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

21 min 21 Ago, 2020
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Radio Headspace

The idea of thinking big is often relegated to external success. What if we changed this idea to mean something else? Perhaps we can use it to challenge ourselves to move beyond our comfort zone. This week, Radio Headspace is sponsored by Indeed. Get a free $75 credit when you go to Indeed.com/Headspace. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

7 min 21 Ago, 2020
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The School of Greatness
996 This Evening Routine Will Transform Your Life
The School of Greatness

On today's 5-minute Friday, Lewis details a simple evening routine that will help you wake up feeling refreshed and hit the ground running the next day. Follow these four steps to build a more successful, productive life.Kobe Bryant on Mamba Mentality, NBA Titles, and Oscars: https://link.chtbl.com/691-podKevin Hart Breaks Down His Secrets to Success: https://link.chtbl.com/956-podKatherine Schwarzenegger Pratt on the Power of Forgiveness: https://link.chtbl.com/925-pod Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

5 min 21 Ago, 2020
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10% Happier with Dan Harris
How Not To Be Yanked Around By Your Emotions | Bonus Meditation with Joseph Goldstein
10% Happier with Dan Harris

Joseph Goldstein is one of the most respected meditation teachers in the world -- a key architect of the rise of mindfulness in our modern society -- with a sense of humor to boot. In the 1970's, he co-founded the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) alongside Sharon Salzberg and Jack Kornfield. Since its founding, thousands of people from around the world have come to IMS to learn mindfulness from leaders in the field. Joseph has been a teacher there since its founding and continues as the resident guiding teacher. In the Ten Percent Happier app, you'll find this same meditation in different lengths to suit your practice. Your subscription directly supports our wonderful teachers and allows them to dedicate their time to teaching the life-changing skill of mindfulness. As an added incentive, we've got a special discount for anyone new to the app. To claim your …

6 min 21 Ago, 2020
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